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Cecil is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV. He is a physically-geared knight who wields a sword and wears heavy armor. He starts as a Dark Knight, able to equip dark swords and consume his own health to damage his opponents, but becomes a Paladin, able to equip holy swords and cast some basic White Magic.


As the protagonist, Cecil is the only party member to be permanent throughout the entire game. He is also the only party member to undergo a class change. Cecil starts the game as a Dark Knight, and becomes a Paladin upon reaching the grave at the top of Mount Ordeals.


As a Dark Knight, Cecil's stats are weighted physically, and he has barely any Magic Defense. As a Dark Knight he has no MP and low Spirit. In the 3D remakes, he can boost his attack power with the Darkness ability at the cost of his own HP.

Once Cecil becomes a Paladin, his stats increase, especially in Magic Defense and Spirit. Though Cecil loses all his levels when he becomes a Paladin, a Level 1 Paladin Cecil has 600 HP, more than even a Level 20 Dark Knight Cecil. Cecil can use White Magic as a Paladin, but his magic stats are not high, making him a mediocre support healer or someone to take damage for the team. He is good for soaking damage because of his physical stats remaining strong. Despite the limited move pool, he still has some support spells like Esuna and Teleport, which can be useful.

2D stats -Dark Knight-[]

Cecil -Dark Knight- (2D)(data extracted from the PSP version)
Level HP MP Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
10 200 0 13 10 11 6 3
20 406 0 21 16 16 9 1
30 721 0 29 21 21 12 1
40 1159 0 37 26 26 15 1
50 1686 0 45 31 31 18 1
60 2308 0 53 36 36 21 1
70*(At random between 8 possibilities afterward) 3034 0 61 41 41 24 1
80 3771 0 rdm rdm rdm rdm 1
90 4521 0 rdm rdm rdm rdm 1
99*(9998916 exp) 5187 0 rdm rdm rdm rdm 1
FFIV PSP Dark Knight Cecil Level Up Possibilities

Dark Knight Cecil's level up possibilities.

Level up possibilities -Cecil (Dark Knight)-(Data extracted from the PSP version)
Possibility Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
1 -1 0 -1 -1 0
2 0 -1 -1 -1 0
3 0 0 -1 0 0
4 +1 +1 +1 0 0
5 +1 +1 +1 +1 0
6 +2 +2 +2 0 0
7 +3 0 0 0 0
Pixel Remaster level up possibilities -Cecil (Dark Knight)-(Data extracted from the Pixel Remaster version)
Possibility Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0
4 +1 +1 +1 +1 0
5 +1 +1 +1 +1 0
6 +1 +1 +1 0 0
7 +2 +2 +2 0 0
8 +3 0 0 0 0

2D stats -Paladin-[]

Cecil -Paladin- (2D)(data extracted from the PSP version)
Level HP MP Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
1 600 10 10 13 10 5 8
10 763 46 13 15 13 9 13
20 1022 86 20 16 20 12 17
30 1362 126 32 21 30 17 21
40 2085 166 45 26 39 22 26
50 3151 206 60 31 49 27 31
60 4262 246 75 36 60 32 36
70*(At random between 8 possibilities afterward.) 5475 290 85 41 70 36 41
80 6847 374 rdm rdm rdm rdm rdm
90 8185 459 rdm rdm rdm rdm rdm
99*( 7751530 exp) 9423 534 rdm rdm rdm rdm rdm
FFIV PSP Paladin Cecil Level Up Possibilities

Cecil's level up possibilities.

Level up possibilities -Cecil (Paladin)-( Data extracted from the PSP version)
Possibility Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1
2 0 0 +1 +1 0
3 +1 0 +1 0 +1
4 0 +1 +1 +1 +1
5 +1 +1 +1 +1 0
6 +1 +1 +1 0 +1
7 +2 +2 +2 0 +2
8 +3 0 0 0 0
Pixel Remaster level up possibilities -Cecil (Paladin)-( Data extracted from the PR version)
Possibility Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 +1 +1 +1 +1
3 +1 +1 +1 +1 0
4 +1 +1 +1 0 +1
5 0 0 +1 +1 0
6 +1 0 +1 0 +1
7 +2 +2 +2 0 +2
8 +3 0 0 0 0

3D stats -Dark Knight-[]

Cecil -Dark Knight- (3D)
Level HP MP Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
10 226 27 13 10 11 6 3
20 520 55 21 15 16 9 3
30 920 82 29 20 21 12 3
40 1430 109 37 26 26 15 3
50 2033 136 45 31 31 18 3
60 2732 163 53 36 36 21 3
70*(Depend on the augments in the character's battle menu afterward) 3529 190 61 41 41 24 3

3D stats -Paladin-[]

Cecil -Paladin- (3D)
Level HP MP Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
1 600 10 10 13 10 5 8
10 860 47 18 17 18 9 12
20 1241 87 27 21 27 14 17
30 1722 128 36 25 35 18 22
40 2912 168 45 29 44 23 27
50 2991 209 55 33 53 27 31
60 3780 249 64 37 61 32 36
70*(Depend on the augments in the character's battle menu afterward) 4671 290 73 41 70 36 41

To max out his stats at 99, Cecil needs 26 points in Strength, 58 in Speed, 29 in Stamina, 63 in Intellect, and 58 in Spirit.


As a Dark Knight, Cecil uses the Darkness ability, which has two effects. In the 2D releases, it damages all opponents with a wave of dark energy fired from his blade, dealing non-elemental damage, and consuming 1/8 of Cecil's maximum HP whenever he uses it. In the 3D versions, Darkness envelopes its user in an aura that doubles the amount of damage caused by regular attacks at the cost of a small amount of HP being lost every round.

Once Cecil becomes a Paladin, he can use Cover, which allows him to intercept physical attacks against the ally Cover is targeting. Cecil automatically uses it to protect any ally whose HP is low. Cecil will stop covering, active or passive, when his own HP is critical. He can use some basic White Magic and in the 3D releases learns several more spells as well as fighting techniques using augments. Cecil loses his ability to use Darkness, but he can relearn it with the Darkness Augment stolen from Odin. His intellect stats decrease his effectiveness with some of those skills.

Spell Level Learned
2D (SNES, PS, GBA, PSP, PR) 3D (DS, iOS, Android)
Cure Known Known
Sight 3 3
Libra 8 8
Protect 10
Cura 15 20
Teleport 19 29
Shell 33
Esuna 24 35
Raise 40


Equipment -Dark Knight-[]


As a Dark Knight Cecil can only equip special swords, shields, and armor designed specifically for Dark Knights. His weapons are ineffective against undead enemies. His most powerful Dark Sword, the Deathbringer, may inflict instant death on hit.

He starts with a Dark Sword, a Dark Shield, a Dark Helm, a Dark Armor and Dark Gloves.

Weapons 2D & 3D
Dark Swords
Armor 2D & 3D
Shields Head Body Arms

Equipment -Paladin-[]


As a Paladin, Cecil's equipment changes based on the version.

In the 2D versions, Cecil may equip swords, holy swords, axes, some staves, bows and arrows, daggers, shields, hats, helms, clothes, robes, armors, gloves and rings. His original ultimate weapon is the Ragnarok, and—if he proves himself worthy in his Lunar Trial—he can obtain the almighty Lightbringer. When he becomes a Paladin, he joins with the Mythgraven Blade and Clothing.

In the 3D versions, he may equip swords, holy swords, axes, daggers, shields, hats, helms, clothes, robes, armors, gloves and rings. He may also equip the Adamant Armor and all the onion equipment, including the Onion Sword, which has an attack power equal to twice the level of the character using it. His ultimate weapon is the Ragnarok, though it is weaker than in the 2D release. When he becomes a Paladin, he joins with the Mythgraven Blade only.

Weapons 2D & 3D
Axes Bows Arrows Daggers
Staves Swords Holy Swords
Armor 2D & 3D
Shields Head Body Arms



Cecil's dark side is battled at the chamber in Mount Ordeals.
