Final Fantasy Wiki

The Catoblepas is an enemy in encountered in the Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary releases of Final Fantasy, encountered in the Earthgift Shrine, Hellfire Chasm, and Whisperwind Cove. It resists most magic, and it uses a Gaze ability that can petrify a character. Additionally, its attacks have a chance of causing instant death, making for a dangerous enemy.



Number Enemies Maximum Can flee? Ambush% Musical theme Location Rate/64
284 Catoblepas x1-2 4 large Y 27 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Overworld 3
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B1-9 15
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B1-9 9
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B11-19 12
285 Catoblepas x1-3 4 large Y 27 Battle Earthgift Shrine - Desert 6
Hellfire Chasm - Fire Shrine 12
Hellfire Chasm - Mount Gulg 19
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B1-9 19
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B11-19 12
329 Black Goblin x0-5, Dark Wolf x1-3, Elm Gigas x0-2, Catoblepas x0-2 2 large 6 small Y 33 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B21-29 15
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B21-29 12

AI script[]

Action Probability
Attack 50%
Gaze 50%
Flee Morale check
Morale check
# Fear Morale Min flee level 100% flee level % at max level
0 200 0%
1 160 81 37.25%
2 120 41 91 100%
3 80 1 51 100%
4 40 1 11 100%
5 0 1 1 100%


Catoblepas (from the Greek expression καταβλέπω katablépō meaning "to look downwards") is a legendary creature from Ethiopia, described first by Pliny the Elder and later by Claudius Aelianus. It is said to have the body of a buffalo and the head of a wild boar. Its back has scales that protect the beast, and its head is always pointing downwards due to its head being heavy. Its stare or breath could either turn people into stone, or kill them.

Related enemies[]
