A gallery of various locations from Final Fantasy X.
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All items (365)
- File:Al Bhed Home Inside.png
- File:Al Bhed Home.png
- File:Al Bhed Primer 10.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 11.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 12.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 13.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 14.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 15.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 16.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 17.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 18.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 19.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 2.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 20.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 21.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 22.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 23.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 24.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 25.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 26.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 5.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 6.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 7.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 8.jpg
- File:Al Bhed Primer 9.jpg
- File:Ancient Machina City Ruins Under the Moonflow.jpg
- File:Aurochs vs Goers Kilika Temple.png
- File:Baaj Revisit.png
- File:Baaj ruins.jpg
- File:Baaj Temple Inside.jpg
- File:Baaj Temple Underwater.jpg
- File:Baaj Underwater.png
- File:Behemoth in Zanarkand Ruins.jpg
- File:Besaid beach.png
- File:Besaid Fall.jpg
- File:Besaid temple - great hall - final fantasy x-2 remaster.png
- File:Besaid temple.jpg
- File:Besaid-Beach-FFX.jpg
- File:Besaid-Temple-Chamber-of-the-Fayth-FFX-HD.png
- File:Bevelle FMV.jpg
- File:Bevelle highbridge2.jpg
- File:Bevelle prison cells.jpg
- File:Bevelle temple inside.jpg
- File:Bevelle wedding.jpg
- File:Bevelle-Chamber-of-the-Fayth.jpg
- File:Bevelle1.jpg
- File:Bevelle3.jpg
- File:Bikanel desert.jpg
- File:Bikanel desert2.jpg
- File:Bikanel oasis.jpg
- File:Bikanel ruins.jpg
- File:Blitz Ace FFX.jpg
- File:Blitzball stadium.png
- File:Braska Mt Gagazet.png
- File:Braska's Final Aeon's Sword.png
- File:Braskas sphere location.jpg
- File:Calm lands bridge.jpg
- File:Calm lands ffx.jpg
- File:Calm Lands Gorge Bottom.png
- File:Calm Lands.png
- File:Calm lands2 ffx.jpg
- File:Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.png
- File:ChamberoftheFayth.jpg
- File:Chocobo Racing Remiem Temple.png
- File:Cloister of Trials in Zanarkand Dome.jpg
- File:CoT Besaid 2.png
- File:CoT Besaid.png
- File:CoT Bevelle.png
- File:CoT Djose.png
- File:CoT Kilika.png
- File:CoT Macalania.png
- File:Crusaders Lodge - Final Fantasy X Remaster.png
- File:Djose bridge.jpg
- File:Djose highroad.jpg
- File:Djose Temple Inn.png
- File:Djose temple inside.jpg
- File:Djose temple.jpg
- File:Djose temple3.jpg
- File:Djose-Chamber-of-the-Fayth-FFX-HD.png
- File:Dona Fahrenheit.png
- File:Dream Zanarkand in-game 1.jpg
- File:Dream Zanarkand in-game 2.jpg
- File:Dream's End FFX.png
- File:Dreams-end-ffx.jpg
- File:Fahrenheit bridge.jpg
- File:Fahrenheit Bridge.png
- File:Fahrenheit Corridor.png
- File:Fahrenheit elevator.jpg
- File:Fahrenheit Inside Sin.png
- File:Fahrenheit interior.jpg
- File:Fahrenheit Kilika.png
- File:Fahrenheit Landed Inside Sin.png
- File:Fahrenheit rin.jpg
- File:Fahrenheit texts deciphered.png
- File:Farplane entrance.jpg
- File:Farplane FMV.png
- File:Farplane.png
- File:Fayth scar3.jpg
- File:FF10 Shop Miihen.png
- File:FFX Baaj Temple.png
- File:FFX Besaid Lake.png
- File:FFX Besaid Wild.png
- File:FFX Besaid.png
- File:FFX Bikanel Desert.jpg
- File:FFX Blitzball Stadium Luca.jpg
- File:FFX Calm Lands Desert Valley.png
- File:FFX Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.jpg
- File:FFX Fahrenheit.png
- File:FFX Gagazet Cave.png
- File:FFX HD Aurochs fixing Kilika.png
- File:FFX HD Baaj Second Floor.png
- File:FFX HD Baaj Stairway.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Beach.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Crossroads.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Hut.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Inn.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Item Shop.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Promontory.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Shrine.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Temple Entrance to Chamber of the Fayth.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Temple Entrance.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Temple Inside.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Temple Monks' Chamber.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Temple Nuns' Chamber.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Underwater.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Village Slope.png
- File:FFX HD Besaid Wakka's House.png
- File:FFX HD Bikanel Ruins.jpg
- File:FFX HD Blitzball Stadium Luca.png
- File:FFX HD Blitzball Stadium.jpg
- File:FFX HD CoT Kilika.png
- File:FFX HD Dream's End.png
- File:FFX HD Fahrenheit Interior.png
- File:FFX HD Gandof & Ohalland Statues.png
- File:FFX HD Guadosalam.jpg
- File:FFX HD Kilika Dock.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika House.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Last Moment.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Port Arriving.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Sunset.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Tavern.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Temple Courtyard.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Temple Entrance.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Temple Front Faith Chamber.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Temple Front.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Temple Monks' Chamber Left.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Temple Monks' Chamber Right.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Temple Stone Steps.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Temple Trial Entrance.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Temple.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Villagers Sin Attack.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Woods Bridge.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Woods Central.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Woods East.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Woods First Area.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Woods Stairway.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika Woods West.png
- File:FFX HD Kilika.png
- File:FFX HD Luca Bridge.png
- File:FFX HD Luca Number 2 Dock.png
- File:FFX HD Luca Number 3 Dock.png
- File:FFX HD Luca Sphere Theater Inside.png
- File:FFX HD Luca Stadium B-A.png
- File:FFX HD Luca Stadium B-B.png
- File:FFX HD Luca Stadium Front.png
- File:FFX HD Luca.png
- File:FFX HD Mt. Gagazet.jpg
- File:FFX HD SS Liki Besaid.png
- File:FFX HD SS Liki Cabin.png
- File:FFX HD SS Liki Corridor.png
- File:FFX HD SS Liki Front.png
- File:FFX HD SS Winno Luca Dock.png
- File:FFX HD SS Winno Luca.png
- File:FFX HD Submerged Ruins Main Hall.png
- File:FFX HD Submerged Ruins.png
- File:FFX HD Thunder Plains.jpg
- File:FFX HD Tidus Besaid Beach.png
- File:FFX HD Tidus Submerged Ruins.png
- File:FFX HD Tidus Washes in Baaj.png
- File:FFX HD Underwater Ruins Power Restored.png
- File:FFX HD Yocun Statue.png
- File:FFX HD Yuna Leaving Besaid.png
- File:FFX HD Zanarkand Camp Site.png
- File:FFX Inside Sin City of Dying Dreams.jpg
- File:FFX Kilika.png
- File:FFX Luca Plaza.png
- File:FFX Luca.png
- File:FFX Macalania Wood.jpg
- File:FFX Macalania Woods.png
- File:FFX Omega Ruins.png
- File:FFX Omega's Chamber.png
- File:FFX Registan.jpg
- File:FFX Thunder Plains Inn.png
- File:FFX Thunder Plains Yuna's Room.png
- File:FFX Thunder Plains.jpg
- File:FFX Thunder Plains.png
- File:FFX Treasure Chest.png