Catastrophe, also known as Catastroph, is a boss and one of the Demons of the Rift in Final Fantasy V. It is blocking the exit of the dungeon in the Interdimensional Castle, and must be fought to proceed. In the Finest Fantasy for Advance and the 2013 versions, it is also fought in the Sealed Temple's Cloister of the Dead.

100 Gs.
Catastrophe's most common attack is Earth Shaker, which deals heavy Earth-element damage to the party. Its other attacks include Demon Eye, which tries to Petrify one target, its normal physical attack, and Critical Attack, its specialty move (but is identical to its normal physical attack).
If any party member has float status, it will cast 100 Gs on the whole party for its next turn.
Catastrophe is vulnerable to darkness, old, paralyze, and stop. It is of a fairly high level, so status ailments may have poor accuracy.
Casting Float and equipping Reflect Ring before the battle on at least one character forces Catastrophe to be stuck using 100 Gs, ensuring victory. The Time Magic Reflect or summoning Carbuncle after starting the battle can be done instead of wearing the Reflect Ring, but the effect will be temporary.
For a strategy without reflect, Float can be periodically recast by a hasted party member. The player can also use a hasted character with the Jump command to dodge one cast of 100 Gs, buying a second turn for the Time Magic caster to refresh Float.
To counter Catastrophe's petrifying Demon Eye, the party can equip Aegis Shield or Ribbon. Otherwise, they can use Esuna, Recover, or Gold Needles to restore each other.
While Catastrophe has some status vulnerabilities, due to its relatively low HP, higher level, and powerful Earth Shaker, it is better to focus on damaging attacks rather than ailments. Any of the party's usual attacks should be enough to end the fight quickly.
It is possible to win the battle nearly instantly by using Dark Spark into Level 5 Death.
Other appearances[]
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood[]
Catastrophe appears as the second encounter in the expansion’s first raid tier, Omega: Deltascape V2.0. He maintains some of his original appearance’s attacks, such as Evil Sphere, a tank buster. His 100 Gs brings any party members who are currently floating to the ground. This version also has the opposite attack called -100 Gs which will launch the party into the air.
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

A catastrophe is "an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering."