Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Rebel curs!


The Captain is an enemy from Final Fantasy II. An advanced soldier of Palamecia, Captains prowl the streets of Fynn and decks of the Dreadnought in NPC form. They can be spoken to initiate a battle, but doing this in the early stages of the game is not recommended due to the Captains' high power.

If the player does manage to defeat a Captain while at lower levels, they may obtain a Flame Bow or a suit of Golden Armor, two advanced pieces of equipment that help in several of the game's early dungeons.

The Curse Tome provides a nice debuff spell to have early should the player opt not to use the Ancient Sword found in the Snow Cave. Even if the player does defeat the Captains, they will not be removed from the field, and, as such, the areas they block off remain inaccessible. The only exception is the guard in the Dreadnought where he will disappear from the field if the player chooses to fight him by selecting Wild Rose instead of showing him the Pass. Captains only flee from battle in the Pixel Remaster version.

Captains can use the Bow 3 attack to strike while out of range of the party's physical attacks.


Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

FFBE Captain FFII Sprite
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Captain and chief officer are overlapping terms, formal or informal, for the commander of a military unit, the commander of a ship, airplane, spacecraft, or other vessel, or the commander of a port, fire department or police department, election precinct, etc. Captain is a military rank in armies, navies, coast guards, etc., typically at the level of an officer commanding a company of infantry, a ship, or a battery of artillery, or similar distinct unit.

Related enemies[]
