Calco (カルコ, Karuko?), also known as Calca or Cal, and Brina (ブリーナ, Burīna?), also known as Brena, are recurring creatures in the Final Fantasy series, debuting in Final Fantasy IV. They are a animated humanoid dolls that, while individually weak, and capable of combining into the monstrous Calcobrena (カルコブリーナ, Karukoburīna?), also known as Calcabrina or Calbrena. Even when separated, the dolls tend to refer to themselves as the singular Calcobrena.
Final Fantasy IV[]
Calco, also known as Cal or Calca, and Brina, also known as Brena, are the dolls of the dwarven princess Luca. They are encountered as bosses in the Dwarven Castle, where three pairs attack the party. When all three of one type of doll are defeated, the remaining dolls will combine into Calcobrena, also known as Calcabrina or Calbrina.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
Calca and Brina are promoted to playable party members capable of transforming into Calcabrina when using their Band abilities, all of which require both dolls to be in the party to use. They have the worst base stats of all playable characters, but compensate for it via a large amount of exclusive equipment that provide major stat boosts and allow them to be customized into different roles. They are also fought in a scripted boss battle.
Final Fantasy XI[]
Calcabrina is a notorious monster in the Doll family that can be found in Beaucedine Glacier. It is the only source of the Malebolge Mandrel needed to craft the Reaver Grip.
Final Fantasy XIV[]
Calca, Brina, and their combined form, Calcabrina, appear as a boss fight in The Antitower in Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. Calca and Brina also appear as obtainable minions. In Lord of Verminion, Calca and Brina's actions respectively buff their allies' DEF or ATK, and have an increased effect if the receiving ally is the paired doll, giving them unique synergy on the battlefield.
Final Fantasy Tactics[]
Calcobrena is an Artefact. First popular in regions where other forms of amusement were few, the dolls are now many a young girl's treasure. It is said their lifeless eyes harbor the souls of lost owners.
Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]
Calcabrina appears as a summon. It uses Glare when summoned, that removing the Break status from the opponent when they are suffering from Break. If summoned when the opponent's Brave is recently broken and has not yet begun to regenerate, the opponent will be left at 0 Bravery. If the opponent has begun to regenerate their Bravery when Calcabrina is called, their Bravery will be whatever it had regenerated to and will stop regenerating. If used correctly, it can allow the summoner to quickly Break their opponent again while their Brave is low.
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Calcabrina from Final Fantasy IV appears as a boss.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]
Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]
Calbrena from Final Fantasy IV appears as an Earth-elemental Monster card.
Malebranche demons in Dante's Divine Comedy. His name means "he who can walk on brine".
Calcabrina is one of the