Cagnazzo, originally known as Kainazzo, is a storyline boss in Final Fantasy IV fought in Baron Castle. A wicked being known as The Drowned King, he appears as one of Golbez's Archfiends.
Easy Type
First encounter[]

Tsunami (PSP).
I'll save a briny pit for you in hell!
Cagnazzo, The Drowned King
In the first fight, Cagnazzo's water shield can be destroyed by casting Lightning-elemental spells. Tellah can cast Blizzaga and Palom can cast Blizzara as Cagnazzo is weak to Ice. However, if too much damage is inflicted, he will withdraw into his shell and will begin to heal himself, so use the best attacks available to finish him quickly. Cecil should keep a Zeus's Wrath in case Cagnazzo starts to use Tsunami.
Second encounter[]
Divine Comedy. He is one of the 12 Malebranche ("Evil Claws") who guard Bolgia Five of the eighth circle of Hell, Malebolge. Vulgar and quarrelsome, their duty is to force the corrupt politicians to stay under the surface of a boiling lake of pitch.
Cagnazzo is a demon in the Inferno of Dante'sHis name means "nasty dog".