Final Fantasy Wiki

The CPU is a boss from Final Fantasy IV. It is the penultimate non-optional boss the party encounters in the main storyline. The controlling unit of the Giant of Babil, CPU directs the giant's actions. Cecil and company realize CPU is the giant's only weak point, and fly the Enterprise inside to stop the war machine.



Easy Type


The CPU is protected by the Defense Node and Attack Node. The CPU will cast Reflect on itself. If the player takes out both nodes, the CPU will use Globe199 (which deals 9999 damage to a single target) twice, killing two party members. In the SNES version, the CPU uses Globe199 to counter a physical attack.


The player should have everyone attack the Defender until it is out. Most magic will bounce back. The player should let the Attacker attack the party, and have Rosa group-cast Curaga while the others attack CPU. After the CPU loses all its health, the player can finish off the Attacker.

The fight becomes easy if Fusoya uses Meteor and Rydia uses Quake (or Bahamut).

AI script[]

Phase 1:

Turn 1 - Reflect - Any magic targeting the CPU for the duration of this spell's effect will have no effect, and will target the spell caster instead. The CPU will only ever cast this on itself.
When reflect wears off - Reflect
If both the Attack Node and the Defense Node are destroyed - Reset ATB gauge, enter phase 2:

When in Phase 2: Turn 1 -

  • Globe199 - Obscene Damage on one random party member.
  • Globe199 - Obscene Damage on one random party member.
  • Regenerate - Revives Attack Node and Defense Node at full Hp.
Enter Phase 1

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy XIV[]

FFXIV Logistics System

Logistics System mount.

The CPU appears as a recurring boss called "ADS" (Allagan Defense System). They appear as a mini-boss in the Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1, and as a boss of Turn 2.

In Frontline (Slaughter), they appear as Assault Systems α, Assault System β, and Assault System γ.

Winning 200 Frontline campaigns will award the player a Logistics System mount.

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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The CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is the portion of a computer system that processes the arithmetical and logical operations of the computer, making it analogous to the computer's brain.

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
