Final Fantasy Wiki


Buscarron Stacks, also known as Buscarron Strongarm, is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy XIV. He runs a rest-stop and tavern in South Shroud called Buscarron Druthers.



Buscarron is a male midlander Hyur with greying hair and an eyepatch. He wears a red hempen undershirt and grey pants.


Buscarron is a retired lancer of the Wood Wailers who has set up a tavern and hamlet near Quarrymill. He met during the Main Scenario quests for aid in tracking down the missing sylph elder Frixio. While he looks into the matter, he has the Adventurer perform some errands on his behalf, such as suppressing a potential bar fight and tracking down his old friend Teteroon. After bringing Qiqirn Firewater as a gift from the latter, Buscarron informs the adventurer that sylphs have been sighted nearby.

He is shocked when he hears that Garleans were encountered at the place of the sighting, and concludes they were tracking the sylphs. As this is too deep in Gridanian territory for Garlean patrols to reach, he suspects an insider is helping them. He recalls a patron of his within the Wood Wailers, Laurentius, who suddenly has been spending an unusually high amount of money - above that of a normal Wood Wailer salary. After the Adventurer caught him in the act and compelling him to give up, Buscarron mentions Laurentius had turned himself in to the Twin Adders. He then mentions that Frixio was recently seen, having fled into the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak.

Buscarron is also met during the level 25 Lancer quest "Questions and Lancers," being one of three master lancers that Ywain wished the Adventurer to speak to. Buscarron asks that the adventurer bring a bottle of Fullflower mead to a nearby monument called Mistalle's Lance. Upon doing so, the tavernkeeper tells about Mistalle, who codified the art of the Lancer and convinced the Gridanians to allow foreign lancers to share their military techniques with the guild, including foreign students (such as the Adventurer).


Triple Triad

Buscarron can be challenged to a game of Triple Triad. The fee is 25 MGP with a reward of 59 MGP for winning, and he always uses the Order rule. Players can potentially earn a Raya-O-Senna & A-Ruhn-Senna Card or a Papalymo & Yda Card by winning a match against him.

His tavern is also among the places where player vs. player Triple Triad matches can be held.
