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The Brothers are a pair of minotaurs from Final Fantasy VIII, named Minotaur and Sacred, whom the player can obtain as a Guardian Force. They reside in the Tomb of the Unknown King and must be defeated to join the party. After their defeat, the player receives their cards for Triple Triad.

Brothers is an optional Earth-elemental Guardian Force whose ability pool focuses on defense. They learn HP-J, Spr-J, Str-J and basic elemental attack and defense junctions, as well as HP-boosting support abilities. They are the only Guardian Force to learn Cover that lets a party member take hits in place of their adjacent comrade(s). They also learn Defend, which nullifies physical damage until the user chooses another command. Their unique ability is HP Bonus that permanently boosts HP upon level up. Unlike most Guardian Forces, Brothers learn no refine abilities.


The Brothers allude to Sekhmet and Minotaur from Final Fantasy V. They are two purple minotaurs, bipedal bovines that have human hands. The kanji on their shields means "older brother" (, ani?) for Minotaur and "younger brother" (, otōto?) for Sacred. Combining both kanji spells the Japanese word for "brother" (兄弟, kyōdai?). During dialogue sequences, Sacred speaks in capitals, while Minotaur speaks in lower-case letters. While Sacred is the younger brother and Minotaur is the older brother, Sacred is bigger than Minotaur. Sacred has red horns whereas Minotaur's are yellow. The tip of Sacred's tail is yellow, whereas Minotaur's is red.


Brothers VIII

The Brothers appear in the Tomb of the Unknown King.

The Brothers reside in the Tomb of the Unknown King. The party must visit the tomb to be allowed entry to General Caraway's mansion in Deling City, but they don't need to venture further than the first indoor area where they recover the student ID they need. Going in deeper and fighting Sacred and Minotaur is optional.

Most of the areas are tunnels, making the tomb appear straight-forward, but if the player backtracks, the viewpoint will change, potentially confusing the player. The player will drop a SeeD rank if they press the Triangle to automatically leave the tomb.

The easiest way to complete the tomb is to always turn right from every screen where it is possible, thus going round in a counter-clockwise manner, visiting all the areas in the correct order. It is useful to equip Siren's Move-Find to find all the hidden draw and save points; the Float spell found in the Watergate room is especially useful.

The party will at first face Sacred alone. After defeating him, and proceeding to the center of the tomb, the party will fight both Sacred and Minotaur in a boss battle. Defeating the duo earns the Brothers Guardian Force. Obtaining Brothers in the Steam/Remastered version earns the player the achievement Brothers.



Brothers "Brotherly Love" from FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered

The Brothers use an Earth-elemental attack against all opponents called Brotherly Love when summoned. Brothers' summon time is 19.3s, which, according to the Final Fantasy VIII Ultimania, allows the player to boost the damage to around 220% of normal damage using a regular PlayStation controller.

Its damage is calculated as follows:[1]

Elemental Defense starts at 800 (0%), 900 nullifies damage, and 1000 absorbs it. If an enemy is shown to be weak against an element, its Elemental Defense is below 800. If damage becomes negative (due to high Elemental Defense), the target is healed by that amount.


The charge time for summoning depends on the compatibility between the summoner and the GF and the Battle Speed. The greater the compatibility, the less time it takes to summon. Compatibility can be boosted with compatibility boosting items, by casting magic that is the same element as the Guardian Force—or otherwise compatible as with Brothers' case whose compatibility is boosted by using "forbidden" spells—and by summoning the GF during battle. Compatibility drops by using "opposing" magic to the GF's element and other summons.

Compatibility Chart
Summon Effect Brothers +20, Pandemona -10, Every other GF -1.6
Compatibility Items Dino Bone +3.2, LuvLuvG +20.2
Casting Magic Quake +2, Apocalypse +0.2, Flare +0.2, Meteor +0.2, Ultima +0.2, Aero -0.2, Float -0.4, Tornado -0.8

The below values are the base compatibility values with all playable characters at the start of the game. Seifer cannot junction Brothers in a normal playthrough, but a default value for his compatibility still exists.

Party member Compatibility
Squall 576
Quistis 580
Zell 610
Selphie 590
Rinoa 610
Irvine 540
Seifer 400
Edea 730


The following table represents the base stats.

Level HP Attack Power
7 670 529
10 824 632
20 1,406 977
30 1,996 1,322
40 2,594 1,667
50 3,200 2,012
60 3,814 2,357
70 4,436 2,702
80 5,066 3,047
90 5,704 3,392
100 6,350 3,737


Abilities learned naturally by Brothers are listed below:

Ability AP Prerequisite
FFVIII Junction ability icon HP-J (Already learned)
FFVIII Junction ability icon Str-J 50 None
FFVIII Junction ability icon Spr-J 50 None
FFVIII Junction ability icon Elem-Atk-J 160 Str-J
FFVIII Junction ability icon Elem-Def-J 100 Spr-J
FFVIII Command ability icon Magic (Already learned)
FFVIII Command ability icon GF (Already learned)
FFVIII Command ability icon Draw (Already learned)
FFVIII Command ability icon Item (Already learned)
FFVIII Command ability icon Defend 100 None
Ability AP Prerequisite
FFVIII Character ability icon HP+20% (Already learned)
FFVIII Character ability icon HP+40% 120 None
FFVIII Character ability icon HP+80% 240 HP+40%
FFVIII Character ability icon Cover 100 None
FFVIII Character ability icon HP Bonus 100 HP+80%
FFVIII GF ability icon SumMag+10% 40 None
FFVIII GF ability icon SumMag+20% 70 SumMag+10%
FFVIII GF ability icon SumMag+30% 140 SumMag+20%
FFVIII GF ability icon GFHP+10% 40 None
FFVIII GF ability icon GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+10%
FFVIII GF ability icon GFHP+30% 140 GFHP+20%
FFVIII GF ability icon Boost 10 None


The duo is fought in the center of the Tomb of the Unknown King. The pair is constantly healed by Earth Regeneration as long as their feet are touching the ground. The player can cast the Float spell on them to prevent their healing. The duo's special hit, Mad Cow Special, is an Earth-elemental attack against all party members used when both are alive.

Triple Triad[]

Sacred Card
Minotaur Card

Sacred and Minotaur are earth-elemental Level 8 GF Cards in Triple Triad card used for playing the minigame and for turning into items with Quezacotl's Card Mod. Sacred's card becomes 100 Dino Bones and Minotaur's card becomes 10 Adamantines. The cards are obtained by defeating the bovine brothers at the Tomb of the Unknown King. Sacred's card is also used for the Queen of Cards sidequest; after the queen requests and gains the Sacred card the player can win Irvine from Flo in Fishermans Horizon. After the Irvine card has been made the player can win back the Sacred card from the boy in the artist's house in Dollet.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood[]

In The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos, the Brothers appear as a notorious monster FATE consisting of Mindertaur and Eldertaur.

The description reads, "Any sensible adventurer is prepared for the fearsome eventuality of turning a corner only to come face-to-face with a minotaur. Alas, few consider the possibility of coming face-to-faces with two minotaurs. Beware these bullish brothers' unbreakable bond."

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

Dffoo brothers

The Brothers appear as both an obtainable summon and bosses.

As bosses, they can be battled in the World of Illusions at various levels. When either brother's HP falls below 50%, the pair will combine into a single enemy.

As a summon, they become available after clearing Chapter 8 of Season 1. As the Earth-elemental summon, their effect causes Melee BRV damage and grants or boosts all Earth attacks for its duration. Their passive grants a boost to MAX BRV while party HP is above 80%.

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

The Brothers appear as bosses in the Record of the Tomb of the Unknown King, although Sacred is known as Sekhret.

The player can prepare by attaching Wind and Poison-based abilities, as the Brothers are vulnerable to both elements. The strategy is nearly identical to the source game: the player should focus on one of them while buffing the party with Protect and Shell to curb damage and halt their hit-all Mad Cow Special. To earn the Target Scores, the player should direct the Wind attacks at Minotaur and the Poison attacks at Sekhret.

The Brothers is one of Rinoa's Soul Breaks, learned from the Party Dress relic. The attack name "Brotherly Love" is announced, instead of the Soul Break's name. The animation is adapted from the animation used in Final Fantasy VIII for the attack. The Soul Break deals 3 Earth-elemental Summon Magic attacks to all targets, and infuses the user with the power of Earth.

The Brothers is also a 6-star Summon Magic ability unlocked for creation from the Royal Crucible. Its attack is "Brotherly Love", and its animation is a quicker version of the concept used for Rinoa's Soul Break. It deals 4 Earth-elemental Summon Magic attacks to all targets. It starts with 2 uses at rank 1, and has 6 uses at rank 6. Honing the ability requires Summoning Crystals, Fire Crystals, and Earth Crystals.

Behind the scenes[]

Each of the playable characters (except Squall) can comment on Minotaur's size:

  • Zell: The puny one's the Elder brother?
  • Quistis: ...Surprisingly small.
  • Irvine: Hah? This shorty? That's a surprise!
  • Rinoa: Wow, so the Elder is smaller...
  • Selphie: Tee-hee! The older brother's so cute!



The Minotaur was a creature from Greek mythology with the head of a bull and the body of a man. He is descended from the union of the Queen of Crete and a white bull. He roamed the Labyrinth, where he hunted and killed a tribute of young men and women until he was slain by Theseus.

In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet was a blood-thirsty goddess with the head of a lion and the body of a woman in Upper Egypt.

They are called Taurus in the French version. Taurus is one of the constellations of the zodiac, and its also a zodiac sign used in astrology.

