Final Fantasy Wiki

Boundfat is an enemy from Final Fantasy VII found in Corel Valley past Sleeping Forest and in the fourth round of the Battle Square after the player has acquired the Highwind and Cloud Strife has rejoined the party. When fought on the Battle Square its stats are enhanced with double the normal HP and its Attack and Magic Attack are increased by 25%.



# Formation
656 Row 1: Boundfat
Row 2: Malldancer A, Malldancer B, Malldancer C
658 Row 1: Malldancer A, Malldancer B
Row 2: Boundfat A, Boundfat B, Boundfat C
660 Row 1: Boundfat A, Boundfat B
Row 2: Boundfat C
661 Row 1: Trickplay,
Row 2: Boundfat A, Boundfat B
663 Boundfat A, Boundfat B, Boundfat C (Back Attack)
665 Row 1: Boundfat A, Boundfat B, Boundfat C
Row 2: Hungry[note 1]
666 Row 1: Boundfat A
Row 2: Boundfat B, Boundfat C
Row 3: Boundfat D
667 Boundfat A, Hungry, Boundfat B (Back Attack)
  1. Covered by Boundfat B


Corel Valley
Forest Exit 656, 658
Forgotten Capital
Giant Conch Shell 660, 661, 663 (Back Attack)
Corel Valley Cave
Climb 665, 666, 667 (Back Attack)
Snow Fields Exit 665, 666, 667 (Back Attack)
Battle Square (with Highwind available)
Group A - Battle 4 656
Group B - Battle 4 661


FFVII Dark Needle

Boundfat in battle.

Boundfat will cast Ice2 on the character that has the lowest MDefense stat. It will use Bodyblow on the character with the lowest current HP. Its Dark Needle attack targets the character with the lowest Defense stat and inflicts Darkness. They often attack in groups, in which case Beta or Aqualung can make quick work of them.

Boundfat will cast Death Sentence as its final attack if defeated by a magic attack or summon. This does not include Enemy Skills. This ability can be learned as an Enemy Skill.

Boundfat is a reliable source of Dazers. Farming these can pay off in the fight against Ruby Weapon, as the item's paralysis effect works on the superboss.

AI script[]

AI: Setup {

TempVar:BodyblowUses = 5

} AI: Main {

If (TempVar:MagicAtt == 0) Then
If (TempVar:BodyblowUses == 0) Then
Choose Random Opponent with Lowest Def
Use Dark Needle on Target
TempVar:BodyblowUses = 5
} Else {
Choose Random Opponent with Lowest HP
Use <Bodyblow> on Target
TempVar:BodyblowUses = TempVar:BodyblowUses - 1
} Else {
TempVar:BodyblowUses = 3
If (Boundfat's MP >= 22) Then
Choose Random Opponent with Lowest MDf
Use Ice2 on Target
} Else {
Choose Random Opponent with Lowest Def
Use Dark Needle on Target

} AI: Counter - Death {

If (Last Command was Summon, W-Summon, Magic or W-Magic) Then
Choose Boundfat's Last Attacker (General)
Use Death Sentence on Target

} AI: Counter - Physical {

TempVar:MagicAtt = 0

} AI: Counter - Magical {

TempVar:MagicAtt = 1


Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Baknamy FFTA2This section about an enemy in Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Related enemies[]
