Bone Dragon, also known as Skelesaur, is an undead enemy in Final Fantasy V. It can be found at Drakenvale on the special fight for acquiring the Golem summon, and again as a random encounter in the cave. It is also encountered as one of the toad enemies fought alongside Alchymia in Istory Falls; this version doesn't count in the bestiary.
v Golem

In all instances it is fought, the Bone Dragon will either use a physical attack or its special attack, Bone, which reduces a target's HP to single digits. Even though it is an undead enemy, it cannot be instantly killed using Phoenix Downs or Raise, but non-resurrective curatives still harm it. It is weak to Apollo's Harp and is susceptible to Level 2 Old. They appear either in pairs or with other enemies.
An ideal way of dealing with the Bone Dragons is to use Bards and the Requiem song to inflict heavy damage quickly. Alternatively, one can use the Healing Staff or Cura, as well as Hi-Potions and physical attacks. Break with Spellblade kills it outright.
Other appearances[]
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, which is featured in the myths of many cultures.