Final Fantasy Wiki

Bomb King is a special enemy in Final Fantasy X, created in the Species Conquest at the Monster Arena when at least five of each Bomb-type fiend has been captured. The cost to fight the Bomb King is 8,000 gil. It has the same model as the Bomb.



Bomb King uses Grow after every third attack incurred, but does not Self-Destruct. Each stage of growth is accompanied by a change in attack.

At the start of the battle, Bomb King will use a physical attack against one party member for moderate physical damage and Fire against aeons. After the first growth, it only uses Fira; after the second, Firaga; and when it has peaked, it begins to cast Ultima. Counterattacks do not cause Bomb King to grow.

Bomb King drops weapons with Strength +% abilities and armor with Defense +% abilities, with Strength +20% and Defense +20% being fixed abilities.


Celestial Weapons are good for defeating Bomb King, as they ignore its high Defense and can break the damage limit.

A good strategy is to equip party members with Magic Counter weapons (of the Celestial Weapons, only Tidus's Caladbolg has Magic Counter) and Fire Eater armor. Once the Bomb King has grown once and begun casting Fira, its attacks will heal party members, but their counterattacks will not cause the King to grow any further. Using Haste on the Bomb King will speed up the battle using this strategy.

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy X-2[]

Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission[]

  • Bomb
  • Detonator
  • Volcano