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Blizzard is a Thaumaturge Thaumaturge and Black Mage Black Mage spell from Final Fantasy XIV that deals damage to a single target and grants Umbral Ice.


PvE version
Blizzard from Final Fantasy XIV icon Blizzard
ThaumaturgeBlack Mage Thaumaturge/Black Mage 1
Class action
  • Astral Fire and Umbral Ice variably affect the MP costs, potencies, and cast times of Fire- and Ice-elemental spells; see below for more information
  • Enochian Enochian increased damage by 15%; can only be used under the effect of Umbral Ice or Astral Fire, and ends if neither effect is active
  • Blizzard IV Blizzard IV and Umbral Soul Umbral Soul can only be used under the effect of both Umbral Ice and Enochian
  • Triplecast Triplecast reduces the cast time of the next three spells to instant for 15 seconds
  • Swiftcast Swiftcast reduces the next spell's cast time to instant for 10 seconds
  • Surecast Surecast allows spells to be cast without interruption for 6 seconds
Base direct damage formula:

Where Trait can be 1.1 with Maim and Mend, 1.3 with Maim and Mend II, or 1 otherwise.
Cast time formula:

Where Astral Fire Mod is 0.5 for during Astral Fire III or 1 otherwise.
Recast time formula:
PvP version
Blizzard PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon Blizzard
PvPBlack Mage Black Mage 30
Job action
  • Umbral Ice reduces the cast and recast time of all spells by 20%
  • Enochian Enochian activates automatically when under the effect of Umbral Ice or Astral Fire, and ends if neither effect is active
  • Enochian becomes Blizzard IV Blizzard IV under the effect of Umbral Ice
  • Swiftcast Swiftcast reduces the next spell's cast time to instant for 5 seconds
  • Phantom Dart Phantom Dart causes target to take 20% increased damage from all sources for 6 seconds
Umbral Ice and Astral Fire effects
Effect MP regen Ice spells Fire spells All spells
MP cost Potency Cast time MP cost Potency Cast time Cast/recast time
Umbral Ice x16 x0.75 x0.5 x0.9
Umbral Ice II x23.5 x0.75 x0.25 x0.8
Umbral Ice III x31 x0 x0.25
(Aspect Mastery x0)
x0.7 x0.5
PvP Umbral Ice x0.8
Astral Fire x0 x0.5 x0.9 x2 x1.4
Astral Fire II x0 x0.25 x0.8 x2 x1.6
Astral Fire III x0 x0.25
(Aspect Mastery x0)
x0.7 x0.5 x2 x1.8
PvP Astral Fire x1.2


Blizzard deals light damage to a single target. At low levels it is the only single-target spell that grants and maintains Umbral Ice, which significantly increases MP regeneration. Use of Blizzard is thus essential at these levels to recover MP after expending it in the Astral Fire phase. Blizzard II Blizzard II is an area of effect (AoE) alternative to Blizzard, but requires four or more targets to deal more damage.

While under the effect of Astral Fire, Blizzard will remove all stacks of that effect instead of applying Umbral Ice, thus requiring two casts to enter Umbral Ice. Transpose Transpose can be used to more quickly switch phases.

Once Blizzard III Blizzard III becomes available it mostly replaces Blizzard and Transpose, as it can bring the Black Mage to Umbral Ice III in a single cast. Blizzard can still be used to get an extra MP tick out of Umbral Ice before switching to Astral Fire as it has superior DPS and MP efficiency to Blizzard III, but even this niche will be outweighed by Blizzard IV Blizzard IV once that becomes available.


In PvP Blizzard is instant cast with no MP cost, and now switches to Umbral Ice in a single cast even if the user is in Astral Fire. Umbral Ice functions differently in PvP as it now lowers cast and recast times by 20% and no longer regenerates MP. To compensate, Blizzard itself now grants 2000 MP when used.

As an instant cast spell that activates the global cooldown (GCD), Blizzard can be used to weave abilities that are off the global cooldown (oGCD), such as Night Wing Night Wing, in between spellcasts.

Patch history[]

Version Changes
A Realm Reborn Added at 150 potency and 4% base MP cost.
Inflicted Heavy Heavy for 20s, reducing movement speed by 40%.
Granted the Umbral Ice Umbral Ice status for 10s, or removed the Astral Fire Astral Fire status.
Patch 2.3 Potency increased to 170.
Heavensward Potency increased to 180.
Heavy duration lowered to 12s in PvP.
Patch 3.2 Umbral Ice duration increased to 12s.
Patch 3.4 Heavy duration lowered to 8s in PvP.
Stormblood Umbral Ice and Astral Fire are now part of the Elemental Gauge and are no longer represented by status effects.
Umbral Ice duration increased to 13s.
No longer inflicts Heavy.
No longer available in PvP. New PvP exclusive version added. See below for its patch history.
Shadowbringers MP cost set at 400 with MP system overhaul.
Umbral Ice duration increased to 15s.
PvP version
Version Changes
Stormblood Added with 750 potency, 1.8s cast time, and 2.3s recast.
Restored 1000 MP.
Umbral Ice reduced cast and recast times by 10%.
Cast time was reduced to instant while under the effect of Astral Fire.
Shadowbringers Potency increased to 800.
Cast time reduced to instant.
Recast time increased to 2.4s.
Patch 5.1 Potency reduced to 600.
MP restored increased to 2000.
Patch 5.2 Potency increased to 800.
Patch 5.3 Umbral Ice cast and recast time reduction increased to 20%.

Behind the scenes[]

Final Fantasy XIV (version 1.0)[]

Blizzard hotkey (original).

At the launch of the original Final Fantasy XIV, Blizzard was a Conjurer spell that dealt ice-elemental damage to all enemies within an area of effect. The spell was available at rank 1, cost 3 action points to set, and had a MP cost of 10.

When the spell was transferred to the Thaumaturge class in Patch 1.20, Blizzard had its area of effect removed and became a single target spell instead. When used the spell would inflict ice damage to the target and also inflicted the Heavy status.
