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The following is a list of quests shared for Blacksmith and Armorer in Final Fantasy XIV version 1.0. For the quests from A Realm Reborn, see: Blacksmith Quests or Armorer Quests.

An Ear for Quality[]


  • Now that he has provided you with insight on what the guild has to offer, Bodenolf has suggested that you speak with veteran forgehand Mimidoa and have him instruct you on the basics of metallurgy.
  • A queer conversation with the tiny forgehand leads to Mimidoa asking you to create him a seemingly random item. Procure the ingredients and follow the recipe provided to test your mettle.
  • You have successfully crafted the item requested by Mimidoa. Take it to the master blacksmith for inspection.
  • After judging your handiwork, Mimidoa presents you with another, more difficult task. Speak with the craftsman indicated by the forgehand for more information.
  • Once you have completed crafting the new item, speak with Mimidoa again for a final evaluation. If you require assistance with the recipe, you may try inquiring with your fellow forgemates at Naldiq & Vymelli's.

Song of the Sirens[]


  • According to Bodenolf, Mimidoa has requested you to assist him on another project having to do with matters most suspicious. Speak with the senior smith to learn how you can help.
  • Rumors of mythical beasts known as sirens in the waters of Limsa Lominsa have the city-state's sailors refusing to leave port for fear that they may fall victim to the seductresses' song. To create whistling windwheels capable of nullifying the effects of the malefic melodies, Mimidoa requires you to travel to Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern in Ul'dah and pick up a crate of special ore.
  • Linette has refused to sell you the items requested by Mimidoa. Contact the smithy via the Naldiq & Vymelli's linkpearl for further instructions.
  • Mimidoa has suggested that you go directly to the source—the Nanawa Mines—to procure the ore that he needs.
  • Z'ssapa informs you that there has been a terrible cave-in within the Nanawa Mines and asks you help rescue those who are still trapped inside.
  • However, upon entering the caverns, you notice some of the miners have begun to act frantic. Play the parley tiles with the injured to keep their spirits up until they can all be rescued.
  • It sounds as if there may still be a survivor trapped behind the wall of rocks blocking the main shaft. Try speaking with the miner to learn his condition.
  • You were able to aid in the rescue of the miners trapped behind the detritus, and to show you their gratitude, Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern has presented you with the ore you desired. Return with the materials to Naldiq & Vymelli's so work on the windwheels can begin.
  • After handing over the supplies, Mimidoa asks you to deliver a previously crafted whistling windwheels to a ferry captain down at the docks, while he works on creating more of the siren silencers.
  • The captain is overjoyed with the delivery of the whistling windwheels, but is still wary of its effectiveness, so he asks you to join him on his next trip to Vesper Bay...which happens to be forthwith.
  • While the siren song was heard by one and all, not a single man jumped overboard, "proving" that the whistling windwheels provided the protection needed to keep the captain's crew and his customers safe. Return to Naldiq & Vymelli's and tell Mimidoa of his triumph.

The Sound of Silence[]


  • Limsa Lominsa's siren crisis has cooled, but tempers at Naldiq & Vymelli's have grown hotter than the flames in their forges. A battle is brewing over which half of the guild, the blacksmiths or the armorers, has the right to use the remaining supplies of ore, with the blacksmiths claiming they require it to complete a colossal order from the Knights of the Barracuda for a shipment of cannons. Speak with Mimidoa to learn his thoughts on the situation.
  • After hearing that the Knights of the Barracuda are ordering cannons for the sole purpose of leveling the island of the sirens, Mimidoa insists that you help him deal with the vixens before the Knights can carry out their plans.
  • Present to Mimidoa the item he had you create for your war against the sirens.
  • You have arrived on Hope's Bourn with Mimidoa. According to the smith, there may be people who have been captured by the sirens. Find them and help the poor souls escape their bonds.
  • You have located the captives, but something seems amiss. See if you cannot uncover the mystery of the island before it is too late!
  • You were able to save several of the captives and direct them back to your skiff. Join them at the edge of the island.
  • You awake to find yourself safe at Naldiq & Vymelli's. Mimidoa tells you that he has "dealt" with the sirens, and that action from the Knights of the Barracuda is no longer necessary. Just to make sure, you might want to speak with some of the other smiths and armorers to hear their take on the previous day's events.
