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Barret: There's no gettin' off this train we on 'till we reach the end of the line.
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The following is a list of Black Magic spells found in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.

List of Black Magic abilities[]

Level 1[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Fire Ability
3 1 Yes Buy: Industrial City Dilmagia, Village of Ambel, Town of Kolts, Magi Nation Mysidia Wizard's Staff RainTronnViviShantottoTerraFarisArcIngusHeltichNyxVerun
Espers: Ifrit, Phoenix
Effect Fire magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy.
Awakening -
FFBE Blizzard Ability
3 1 Yes Buy: Industrial City Dilmagia, Village of Ambel, Town of Kolts, Magi Nation Mysidia - LasswellTronnViviShantottoCelesSnowArcNicholRydiaErwin
Espers: Shiva, Fenrir
Effect Ice magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy.
Awakening -
FFBE Thunder Ability
3 1 Yes Buy: Industrial City Dilmagia, Village of Ambel, Town of Kolts, Magi Nation Mysidia Shock Whip TronnViviKrileShantottoRydiaArcHeltichSiceSakuraNyxLibertusBrotherScarmiglione
Espers: Ramuh, Alexander
Effect Lightning magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy.
Awakening -

Level 2[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Water Ability
3 1 Yes Buy: Aquapolis Olderion, Magi Nation Mysidia, Kappa Village - ViviPeneloShantottoAnzelmPaulaLaniSnowNicholMercedesElle
Espers: Siren, Leviathan, Anima
Effect Water magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy.
Awakening -
FFBE Stone Ability
3 1 Yes Buy: Magi Nation Mysidia - RainShantottoAnzelmPaulaHeltichVerun
Espers: Golem, Titan, Phoenix
Effect Earth magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy.
Awakening -
FFBE Aero Ability
3 1 Yes Buy: Magi Nation Mysidia Cherry Staff LasswellKrilePeneloShantottoAnzelmVaanPaulaSkahaIngusHeltichSara
Espers: Tetra Sylphid, Leviathan
Effect Wind magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy.
Awakening -
FFBE Bio Ability
5 1 Yes - - ViviFranShantottoRydiaGolbezAshterozeLulu
Espers: Ramuh
Effect Dark magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy, and has a 15% chance to inflict Poison.
Awakening -
FFBE Dark Ability
3 1 No - - Victoria
Espers: Fenrir, Anima
Effect Dark magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy.
Awakening -

Level 3[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Fire Ability
9 1 No Trust: Tronn Fire Rod RainViviShantottoGarlandTerraGolbezGalufTellahLaniLudmilleAceSevenArcIngusFarisSozheHeltichTrance TerraKelsusPapalymoSeymourRubicanteDemon RainPopstar Katy
Espers: Ifrit, Phoenix
Effect Fire magic damage (1.4x) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Blizzard Ability
9 1 Yes - Ice Rod LasswellTronnViviPeneloShantottoRydiaGalufCelesKefkaTellahLaniSnowNicholArcTrance TerraKelsusSeymourErwinCaterTheobaldDracu LasswellWhite Knight NoelChic Ariana
Espers: Shiva, Fenrir
Effect Ice magic damage (1.4x) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Thunder Ability
9 1 Yes - Rod of Lightning TronnViviKrileShantottoRydiaCloud of DarknessGalufKefkaTellahLaniLudmilleArcQueenHeltichSiceSakuraTrance TerraAsheBranDeschLibertusDangerous ArianaPapalymoBlack Waltz 3SeymourMagnaScarmiglioneGrim Lord Sakura
Espers: Ramuh, Alexander
Effect Lightning magic damage (1.4x) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Boom Ability
5 1 No - - Papalymo
Espers: -
Effect Magic damage (1x) to one enemy.
Awakening -
Fire I
FFBE Fire Ability
18 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Fire magic damage (3.3x) with consecutive increase (5 times, 1x each, 8.3x max) to one enemy.
Awakening -
Blizzard I
FFBE Blizzard Ability
20 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Ice magic damage (3.4x) with consecutive increase (5 times, 1x each, 8.4x max) to one enemy.
Awakening -
Thunder I
FFBE Thunder Ability
22 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Lightning magic damage (3.5x) with consecutive increase (5 times, 1x each, 8.5x max) to one enemy.
Awakening -
Water I
FFBE Water Ability
14 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Water magic damage (3.1x) with consecutive increase (5 times, 1x each, 8.1x max) to one enemy.
Awakening -
Stone I
FFBE Stone Ability
12 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Earth magic damage (3x) with consecutive increase (5 times, 1x each, 8x max) to one enemy.
Awakening -
Aero I
FFBE Aero Ability
16 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Wind magic damage (3.2x) with consecutive increase (5 times, 1x each, 8.2x max) to one enemy.
Awakening -
FFBE Debuff Ability
8 1 No - - Doga
Espers: -
Effect Has a 30% chance to inflict Petrify on one enemy.
Awakening -

Level 4[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Water Ability
9 1 Yes - - PeneloShantottoAnzelmPaulaLaniSnowNicholMercedesElleGrinfieldSeymourTheobald
Espers: Siren, Leviathan, Anima
Effect Water magic damage (1.4x) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Stone Ability
9 1 No Trust: Paula - RainShantottoAnzelmGarlandLudmilleCinqueHeltichY'shtolaVeritas of the EarthShinjuDemon RainChic Ariana
Espers: Golem, Titan, Phoenix
Effect Earth magic damage (1.4x) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Aero Ability
9 1 Yes - Gale Rod LasswellKrileShantottoAnzelmVaanPaulaLaniIngusHeltichY'shtolaLuneraSaraCedonaBarbaricciaDracu LasswellWhite Knight Noel
Espers: Tetra Sylphid, Leviathan
Effect Wind magic damage (1.4x) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Drain Ability
5 1 Yes Trust: Anzelm Lilith Rod ViviKrileRydiaTerraDuaneGolbezKefkaWakkaVeritas of the WatersPure Summoner RydiaDogaZyrusChic Ariana
Espers: Ramuh, Diabolos, Leviathan, Anima
Effect Magic damage (0.8x) as HP drain (30%) to one enemy.
Awakening -
FFBE Dark Ability
12 1 Yes - Rod of Gravity ViviAnzelmExdeathKujaGolbezGaffgarionSiceOrranVeritas of the Dark
Espers: Diabolos
Effect 50% HP damage to one enemy.
Awakening -
FFBE Dark Ability
9 1 Yes - Bone Rod VictoriaSeymour
Espers: Fenrir, Anima
Effect Dark magic damage (1.4x) to all enemies.
Awakening -

Level 5[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Bio Ability
12 1 Yes - - FranShantottoRydiaAnzelmGolbezKefkaTellahVictoriaAshterozeDangerous Ariana
Espers: Diabolos
Effect Dark magic damage (1.25x) to all enemies, and has a 15% chance to inflict Poison.
Awakening -
FFBE Drain Ability
10 1 No - - ViviRydiaExdeathGolbezTellahArcDark FinaHeltichSeabreeze Dark FinaDeschWakkaVeritas of the WatersWilliamLotus Mage FinaPure Summoner RydiaLexaLivid ShantottoTheobaldRubicanteDangerous ArianaZyrusIllusionist NicholMaiden Sakura
Espers: Ramuh, Diabolos, Leviathan, Anima
Effect Magic damage (0.3x) as MP drain (30%) to one enemy.
Awakening -
FFBE Meteor Ability
15 1 No Trust: Galuf - ViviZyrus
Espers: -
Effect Magic damage (1.7x) with consecutive increase (2 times, 0.1x each, 1.9x max) to one enemy.
Awakening -
Bluff (Comet)
FFBE Meteor Ability
15 1 No - - Krile
Espers: -
Effect Magic damage (2.1x) with consecutive increase (2 times, 0.1x each, 2.3x max) to one enemy. Unlocked by Bluff+2.
Awakening -

Level 6[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Fire Ability
20 1 No Trust: Vivi Arc Arcana, Flame Whip - Replica RainShantottoGarlandExdeathTerraGolbezGalufTellahHopeAceArcFarisEmperorSozheHeltichRemTrance TerraVeritas of the FlameVictoriaNyxCrowePapalymoSeymourVayneDraceRaegenVagrant Knight RainAwakened RainHyohUkiyoDeuceDogaIgnacioRubicanteSoraDemon RainPopstar Katy
Espers: Ifrit, Phoenix
Effect Fire magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Blizzard Ability
20 1 No Trust: Rydia Arc Arcana LasswellViviPeneloShantottoExdeathGolbezGalufCelesKefkaTellahHopeNicholSevenArcEmperorRemCroweElfreedaDukePapalymoPyro Glacial LasswellSeymourDracePure Summoner RydiaMaritime Strategist NicholLexaRaegenUkiyoKurasameTheobaldUneiRubicanteSoraDracu LasswellWhite Knight NoelChic ArianaIllusionist NicholChristineAloha LasswellSeaside NicholMalphasie
Espers: Shiva
Effect Ice magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Thunder Ability
20 1 No Trust: Krile Arc Arcana ViviShantottoRydiaExdeathKujaCloud of DarknessGolbezGalufKefkaTellahLightningHopeAceArcQueenDark FinaEmperorHeltichRemSiceSakuraSeabreeze Dark FinaAsheBranDeschNyxCroweLibertusDangerous ArianaKelsusPapalymoBlack Waltz 3LuluSeymourVayneDracePure Summoner RydiaLexaUkiyoMagnaMachinaScarmiglioneSoraGrim Lord Sakura
Espers: Ramuh
Effect Lightning magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies.
Awakening Kuja
  • Thundaga+1 - Boosts modifier to (2.5x).
    • It requires Black Alcryst x15, Black Milcryst x8, Black Heavicryst x5, Black Giancryst x1, 250,000 Gil
  • Thundaga+2 - Boosts modifier to (2.75x) and adds consecutive increase effect (4 times, 1.25x each, 7.75x max).
    • It requires Black Alcryst x23, Black Milcryst x12, Black Heavicryst x8, Black Giancryst x1, 250,000 Gil
FFBE Water Ability
20 1 No - Arc Arcana PeneloShantottoHopeNicholMercedesDark FinaSeabreeze Dark FinaVeritas of the WatersLuluSeymourMaritime Strategist NicholTheobaldFolkaZyrusIllusionist NicholSeaside Nichol
Espers: Leviathan
Effect Water magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies.
Awakening Hope
  • Waterga+1 - Boosts modifier to (2.5x).
    • It requires Black Alcryst x15, Black Milcryst x8, Black Heavicryst x5, 250,000 Gil
  • Waterga+2 - Adds consecutive increase effect (4 times, 1x each, 6.5x max).
    • It requires Black Alcryst x23, Black Milcryst x12, Black Heavicryst x8, Black Giancryst x1, 250,000 Gil
FFBE Stone Ability
20 1 No - - RainShantottoGarlandLudmilleDark FinaHeltichY'shtolaSeabreeze Dark FinaVeritas of the EarthWilliamGrinfieldVagrant Knight RainAwakened RainSieghardYuraishaDemon RainZyrusChic Ariana
Espers: Golem, Titan
Effect Earth magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Aero Ability
20 1 No - LasswellKrileShantottoVaanHopeDark FinaEmperorHeltichY'shtolaSeabreeze Dark FinaLuneraSaraVeritas of the HeavensCroweGrinfieldPyro Glacial LasswellLexaUkiyoYuraishaCidBarbaricciaSoraDracu LasswellWhite Knight NoelAloha LasswellMalphasie
Espers: Tetra Sylphid
Effect Wind magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies.
Awakening Hope
  • Aeroga+1 - Boosts modifier to (2.5x).
    • It requires Black Alcryst x15, Black Milcryst x8, Black Heavicryst x5, 250,000 Gil
  • Aeroga+2 - Adds consecutive increase effect (4 times, 1x each, 6.5x max).
    • It requires Black Alcryst x23, Black Milcryst x12, Black Heavicryst x8, Black Giancryst x1, 250,000 Gil
FFBE Dark Ability
20 1 No Reward: Scorn of the Surging Menace - ExdeathKujaTerraGaffgarionDark FinaSeabreeze Dark FinaTrance TerraOrranVeritas of the DarkVictoriaLexaSoraZyrus
Espers: Diabolos
Effect 75% HP damage to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Death Ability
14 1 Yes - Tailor's Scissors DuaneArcLuluPure Summoner Rydia
Espers: Diabolos
Effect Has a 30% chance to inflict Instant Death to one enemy.
Awakening -
FFBE Bio Ability
20 1 No - - RydiaGolbezKefkaDark FinaSeabreeze Dark FinaAshterozeDangerous ArianaPure Summoner RydiaMalphasie
Espers: Diabolos
Effect Dark magic damage (1.4x) to all enemies, and has a 20% chance to inflict Poison.
Awakening -
FFBE Dark Ability
20 1 No - - VictoriaKelsusSeymourLexaRavus
Espers: -
Effect Dark magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Bio Ability
27 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Dark magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy and reduces its ATK by 50% for five turns.
Awakening -
FFBE Debuff Ability
25 1 No - - Doga
Espers: -
Effect Has a 20% chance to inflict Petrify to all enemies.
Awakening -

Level 7[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Flare Ability
35 1 No Trust: Kuja - TerraEmperorPapalymoLuluPure Summoner RydiaRinoaDogaRubicanteZyrus
Espers: -
Effect Fire magic damage (2.3x) to one enemy, and reduce Water resistance by 30% for three turns.
Awakening Papalymo
  • Flare+1 - Boosts modifier to (2.8x). Adds effect of reducing Fire resistance.
    • It requires Black Alcryst x15, Black Milcryst x10, Black Heavicryst x8, Black Giancryst x2, Black Purecryst x1, 500,000 Gil
  • Flare+2 - Boosts modifier to (3.5x). Boosts Fire and Water resistance reduction to 50%.
    • It requires Black Alcryst x23, Black Milcryst x15, Black Heavicryst x12, Black Giancryst x4, Black Purecryst x2, 500,000 Gil
FFBE Fire Ability
28 1 No - Flame Whip ShantottoVeritas of the FlameVictoriaLuluMedienaRaegenHyohDogaIgnacioHigh Seraph UltimaKarletteRubicante
Espers: -
Effect Fire magic damage (2x) with consecutive increase (4 times, 1x each, 6x max) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Blizzard Ability
28 1 No - - ShantottoEmperorTrance TerraLuluMedienaMaritime Strategist NicholRaegenKurasameTheobaldHigh Seraph UltimaWhite Knight NoelChristineSeaside Nichol
Espers: -
Effect Ice magic damage (2x) with consecutive increase (4 times, 1x each, 6x max) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Thunder Ability
28 1 No - - ShantottoQueenSakuraTrance TerraAsheLuluMedienaMagnaHigh Seraph UltimaKarletteGrim Lord Sakura
Espers: -
Effect Lightning magic damage (2x) with consecutive increase (4 times, 1x each, 6x max) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Water Ability
28 1 No - - ShantottoVeritas of the WatersLuluMaritime Strategist NicholTheobaldFolkaKarletteSeaside Nichol
Espers: -
Effect Water magic damage (2x) with consecutive increase (4 times, 1x each, 6x max) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Stone Ability
28 1 No - - ShantottoVeritas of the EarthWilliamSieghardYuraisha
Espers: -
Effect Earth magic damage (2x) with consecutive increase (4 times, 1x each, 6x max) to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Aero Ability
28 1 No - - ShantottoVeritas of the HeavensMedienaLexaYuraishaCidKarletteBarbaricciaWhite Knight NoelMalphasie
Espers: -
Effect Wind magic damage (2x) with consecutive increase (4 times, 1x each, 6x max) to all enemies.
Awakening -
Astral Fire
FFBE Fire Ability
10 1 No - - Papalymo
Espers: -
Effect Fire magic damage (0.8x) to one enemy, and boost MAG by 50% for three turns to self.
  • Astral Fire+1 - Increases MAG boost to 70%.
    • It requires Support Alcryst x10, Support Milcryst x5, Support Heavicryst x1, 60,000 Gil
  • Astral Fire+2 - Increases turn duration to 5 turns.
    • It requires Support Alcryst x15, Support Milcryst x8, Support Heavicryst x2, Support Giancryst x1, 60,000 Gil
Astral Blizzard
FFBE Blizzard Ability
10 1 No - - Papalymo
Espers: -
Effect Ice magic damage (0.8x) to one enemy and refreshes 60 MP split over three turns to self.
  • Astral Blizzard+1 - Boosts base refresh to 90 MP.
    • It requires Healing Alcryst x10, Healing Milcryst x5, Healing Heavicryst x1, 60,000 Gil
  • Astral Blizzard+2 - Boosts base refresh to 150 MP. Increases turn duration to 5 turns.
    • It requires Healing Alcryst x15, Healing Milcryst x8, Healing Heavicryst x2, Healing Giancryst x1, 60,000 Gil
FFBE Death Ability
30 1 No - Ring of the Lucii No units.
Espers: -
Effect Has a 30% chance to inflict Instant Death to one enemy, and deals Dark magic damage (0.8x) as 30% HP drain.
Awakening -
Raging Ice
FFBE Blizzard Ability
28 1 No - - Mediena
Espers: -
Effect Ice magic damage (1.2x) with consecutive increase (9 times, 1.2x each, 12x max) to one enemy.
Awakening -
Raging Water
FFBE Water Ability
28 1 No - - LuluMaritime Strategist Nichol
Espers: -
Effect Water magic damage (1.2x) with consecutive increase (9 times, 1.2x each, 12x max) to one enemy.
Awakening -
Raging Wind
FFBE Aero Ability
28 1 No - - Barbariccia
Espers: -
Effect Wind magic damage (1.2x) with consecutive damage increase (9 times, 1.2x each, 12x max) to one enemy.
Awakening -

Level 8[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Ultima Ability
45 (Enhanced)
7 (Enhanced)
No Trust: Terra - KujaRamzaAlmaDark FinaSeabreeze Dark FinaTrance TerraMercenary RamzaVeritas of the LightLotus Mage FinaCitraMagnaHigh Seraph UltimaChic Ariana
Espers: -
Effect Magic damage (2.8x) that ignores SPR by 25% to all enemies. Unlocked by Angel of Death (Kuja only).
Awakening Dark FinaSeabreeze Dark FinaTrance TerraVeritas of the Light
  • Ultima+1 - Reduces MP cost from 60 to 45.
    • It requires Black Alcryst x20, Black Milcryst x15, Black Heavicryst x10, Black Giancryst x4, Black Purecryst x1, 1,000,000 Gil
  • Ultima+2 - Boost SPR ignore to 50%. Changes number of hits to 7 (new frame delay: 140-37-38-37-38-38-37; new attack frames: 140-177-215-252-290-328-365).
    • It requires Black Alcryst x30, Black Milcryst x23, Black Heavicryst x15, Black Giancryst x8, Black Purecryst x2, 1,000,000 Gil
FFBE Meteor Ability
50 1
3 (Enhanced)
No Trust: Golbez - ViviRydiaExdeathTerraHeltichOrranVictoriaPure Summoner RydiaRinoaIllusionist Nichol
Espers: -
Effect Magic damage (2.5x) that ignores SPR by 25% to all enemies. Unlocked by Unlock Magic (Terra only).
Awakening ExdeathVictoria
  • Meteor+1 - Changes number of hits to 3 (new frame delay: 310-20-20; new attack frames: 310-330-350).
    • It requires Black Alcryst x20, Black Milcryst x15, Black Heavicryst x10, Black Giancryst x4, Black Purecryst x1, 1,000,000 Gil
  • Meteor+2 - Boosts modifier to (3x).
    • It requires Black Alcryst x30, Black Milcryst x23, Black Heavicryst x15, Black Giancryst x8, Black Purecryst x2, 1,000,000 Gil

Note: Enhancing Unlock Magic will affect Terra's Meteor as above.

FFBE Tornado Ability
48 12 (Tornado chaining family) No - - ShantottoDark FinaRemSeabreeze Dark FinaLuluPure Summoner RydiaMedienaLexaRinoaUneiBarbaricciaWhite Knight Noel
Espers: -
Effect Wind magic damage (2.5x) to all enemies and reduce Wind resistance by 50% for three turns.
Awakening -
FFBE Quake Ability
40 (Enhanced (William-only))
8 (Quake chaining family) No - - RemDark FinaWilliamPure Summoner RydiaYuraishaDoga
Espers: -
Effect Earth magic damage (2.75x) to all enemies and reduce Earth resistance by 50% for three turns.
Awakening William
  • Quake+1 - Boosts modifier to (2.95x).
    • It requires Black Alcryst x15, Black Milcryst x10, Black Heavicryst x8, Black Giancryst x2, Black Purecryst x1, 500,000 Gil
  • Quake+2 - Boosts modifier to (3.2x). Boosts Earth resistance reduction to 65%. Reduces MP cost from 48 to 40.
    • It requires Black Alcryst x23, Black Milcryst x15, Black Heavicryst x12, Black Giancryst x4, Black Purecryst x1, 500,000 Gil
FFBE Flood Ability
48 12 (Flood chaining family) No - - Seabreeze Dark FinaLuluMaritime Strategist NicholTheobaldSeaside Nichol
Espers: -
Effect Water magic damage (2.5x) to all enemies and reduce Lightning resistance by 50% for three turns.
Awakening -
FFBE Freeze Ability
48 8 (Freeze chaining family) No - - MedienaWhite Knight NoelChristine
Espers: -
Effect Ice magic damage (2.75x) to all enemies and reduce Ice resistance by 50% for three turns.
Awakening -
FFBE Deprotect Ability
72 (Enhanced)
1 No - - Veritas of the Dark
Espers: -
Effect Dark magic damage (2.1x) to all enemies and reduces ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR by 45% for three turns.
  • Impact+1 - Boosts modifier to (4.2x).
    • It requires Black Alcryst x20, Black Milcryst x15, Black Heavicryst x10, Black Giancryst x4, 500,000 Gil
  • Impact+2 - Increases turn duration to 4 turns. Reduces MP cost to 72. Adds effect of reducing resistance to all elements by 30% for four turns to all enemies.
    • It requires Black Alcryst x30, Black Milcryst x23, Black Heavicryst x15, Black Giancryst x8, Black Purecryst x2, 500,000 Gil
FFBE Alterna Ability
80 1 No - Ring of the Lucii No units.
Espers: -
Effect Magic damage (5.1x) that ignores SPR by 25% to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Dark Ability
56 1 No - - Vivi
Espers: -
Effect Dark magic damage (3x) that ignores SPR by 25% to all enemies and allies.
  • Doomsday+1 - Boosts modifier to (4x).
    • It requires Black Alcryst x20, Black Milcryst x15, Black Heavicryst x10, Black Giancryst x4, Black Purecryst x1, 1,000,000 Gil
  • Doomsday+2 - Boosts modifier to (4.5x). No longer targets allies.
    • It requires Black Alcryst x30, Black Milcryst x23, Black Heavicryst x15, Black Giancryst x8, Black Purecryst x2, 1,000,000 Gil
FFBE Ultima Ability
75 1 No - - Rinoa
Espers: -
Effect Magic damage (10x) to all enemies.
Awakening -
Firaga V
FFBE Fire Ability
68 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Fire magic damage (2.65x) with consecutive increase (3 times, 2.5x each, 10.15x max) to all enemies. Unlocked by Elemental Seal, Manafont and Play Rough.
Awakening -
Blizzaga V
FFBE Blizzard Ability
70 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Ice magic damage (2.7x) with consecutive increase (3 times, 2.5x each, 10.2x max) to all enemies. Unlocked by Elemental Seal, Manafont and Play Rough.
Awakening -
Thundaga V
FFBE Thunder Ability
72 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Lightning magic damage (2.75x) with consecutive increase (3 times, 2.5x each, 10.25x max) to all enemies. Unlocked by Elemental Seal, Manafont and Play Rough.
Awakening -
Waterga V
FFBE Water Ability
64 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Water magic damage (2.55x) with consecutive increase (3 times, 2.5x each, 10.05x max) to all enemies. Unlocked by Elemental Seal, Manafont and Play Rough.
Awakening -
Stonega V
FFBE Stone Ability
62 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Earth magic damage (2.5x) with consecutive increase (3 times, 2.5x each, 10x max) to all enemies. Unlocked by Elemental Seal, Manafont and Play Rough.
Awakening -
Aeroga V
FFBE Aero Ability
66 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Wind magic damage (2.6x) with consecutive increase (3 times, 2.5x each, 10.1x max) to all enemies. Unlocked by Elemental Seal, Manafont and Play Rough.
Awakening -
Flare II
FFBE Flare Ability
110 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Fire magic damage (7x) to one enemy and reduces Fire resistance by 50% for three turns.
Awakening -
Flood II
FFBE Flood Ability
110 1 No - - Livid Shantotto
Espers: -
Effect Water magic damage (7x) to one enemy, and reduces Water resistance by 50% for three turns.
Awakening -



Black magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes. With respect to the philosophy of left-hand path and right-hand path, black magic is the malicious counterpart of benevolent white magic.
