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Louisoix Leveilleur: Eorzea was destroyed by a force of unimaginable power raining down from the sky. It is the dawn of a new age!
The following article covers a subject from a previous version of Black Mage Quests that has since been removed.

The following is a list of Black Mage Quests from Final Fantasy XIV version 1.0.

Hearing Voices[]

  • Yayake of Arrzaneth Ossuary has asked you to ascertain the truth of a prophecy being spoken by one Ququruka, a prisoner who claims to hear the voice of Nald'thal. The prophecy tells that an adventurer bearing the name of "player name" will slay the guano gnats of western Thanalan, and thereby obtain the legendary Gem of Shatotto. Travel north of Nophica's Wells in western Thanalan, and there kill guano gnats near the entrance to the Copperbell Mines to see if there truly is such a gem to be had.

※ Up to three party members may accompany you. (Recommended)

  • After slaying several guano gnats, an Amalj'aa named Kazagg Chah appeared and presented you with the Gem of Shatotto. Return to Arrzaneth Ossuary and speak to Yayake.

※ The next black mage quest will be available from Lalai upon reaching level 35.

A Time to Kill[]

  • At Milvaneth Sacrarium, Lalai has imparted to you the next prophecy foretold by Ququruka. When a new light shines from the black mage's testimony that you carry, you are to obtain the key to reseal the Voidgate. To fulfill this prophecy, you must travel west of Nophica's Wells in western Thanalan. Once there, find and slay the beast known as Daddy Longlegs.

※ It is recommended that three party members accompany you.

※ The next black mage quest will be available from Lalai upon reaching level 40.

International Relations[]

  • Lalai has handed down yet another prophecy from her Master. You are to travel west of Camp Horizon in western Thanalan, to a cave not found on any map. In its depths, you must locate an Amalj'aa named Kazagg Chah. Show him the testimony you carry, and gain his allegiance.
  • West of Camp Horizon, you find the same Amalj'aa who presented you with the Gem of Shatotto. Known as Kazagg Chah, he claims that a prophecy spoken by his great-grandfather led him to this land to see you undertake a trial that would lead to your awakening. As part of this trial, you are to travel south of Camp Bald Knoll in western La Noscea and there slay the beast known as Whitetalon. Kazagg Chah warns that she is a cautious foe, and will first set her minions upon you. Prepare yourself for a memorable battle.

※ Up to three party members may accompany you. (Recommended)

  • You have succeeded in defeating Whitetalon. Return to Kazagg Chah in western Thanalan and tell him of your accomplishment.

※ The next black mage quest will be available from Dozol Meloc upon reaching level 45.

The Voidgate Breathes Gloomy[]

  • The Ixal Dozol Meloc tells you that the Gloom emanating from the Voidgate is reacting to the power that has awoken within you. According to him, an ancient black magic that will aid you lies hidden in the Black Shroud, where mages of old sealed it within a stela. Travel to the West Shroud and search for this stela to the northwest of Turning Leaf.

※ The next black mage quest is now available from Da Za.

Gearing Up[]

  • Da Za tells you that he set out from his kobold homeland of O'Ghomoro to pursue the same legend recounted by Kazagg Chah and Dozol Meloc. He holds a stone tablet passed down to him from his ancestor, Da Gu. Upon showing it to you, the light from your Gem of Shatotto reveals writing carved into its surface indicating that closing the Voidgate requires certain garb. To complete your next task as a mage of the black, travel to the first four locations named and seek out this garb.
    • The Aurum Vale, west of Camp Ever Lakes in the Coerthas central lowlands.
    • Dusk Vigil, north of Camp Riversmeet in the Coerthas western highlands.
    • A cave west of Camp Brittlebark in Mor Dhona.
    • A cave south of Camp Broken Water in southern Thanalan.

※ The next black mage quest will be available from Da Za upon reaching level 50.

Always Bet on Black[]

  • The kobold Da Za returned to his home to inquire after the mysterious Solace of the Gods. Though he was unable to learn its location, he did learn that his ancestor Da Gu set out in search of it one hundred years ago. Could he too have been searching for the artifacts of the black mage? Go and speak to Dozol Meloc to see if he has uncovered anything new.
  • Dozol Meloc tells you that his great-grandmother left her home at the same time as Da Za's ancestor, one hundred years ago. Is it possible that some connection exists between the two? Speak with Kazagg Chah to see if he is able to shed light on any of this.
  • Kazagg Chah too had an ancestor who was never heard from again after disappearing one hundred years ago. Among his last writings, the following message was found. "The true power of destruction will be awoken in that most sacred of places." After speaking with Kazagg Chah, you receive a timely linkpearl call from Ququruka. Contact him via linkpearl, and hear what he has to say.
  • The linkpearl message was not from Ququruka, but from Lalai. With an air of urgency, she demands that you return to Ul'dah at once. Hurry to the Milvaneth Sacrarium to learn what has caused her distress.
  • At the Milvaneth Sacrarium, Lalai debunks her former Master, telling you of a heinous crime he committed one hundred years ago. It seems Ququruka conspired with the beast tribes to create a monster, known as Barbatos, to destroy all of Eorzea. The black magic spoken of in the Ququruka's "prophecy" is not the key to sealing the Voidgate, but rather the key to opening it, unleashing Barbatos upon the realm. Hurry to Nald's Reflection, west of Camp Broken Water in southern Thanalan, and put an end to Ququruka's evil scheme.

※ Up to seven party members may accompany you. (Recommended)
