Final Fantasy Wiki

A mysterious warrior loyal to the emperor of Palamecia. He exposes those disloyal to the empire and hunts them to the corners of the earth. Innocent and guilty alike fall before him and his unflinching faith.

The Black Knight is a boss and enemy in Final Fantasy II. Four of them pursue the party at the start of the game and engage them in a battle that cannot be won. If the player wins through a cheat device, the NES version allows the player to progress as normal, but in the Dawn of Souls and subsequent versions, the player is sent back to the title screen. More are later fought in Castle Palamecia, where they can be defeated as normal without a cheat device.

Minwu assists Scott in battle against a Black Knight and two Sergeants upon his arrival in Raqia. It is not as much of a threat as it was in the original scenario.



Soul of Rebirth

Other appearances[]

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]

The Black Knight.

The Black Knight appears as an enemy, mostly in Final Fantasy II tracks. Its CollectaCard number is 42.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]

Black Knight appears as an enemy in Battle Music Sequences.

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

PFF Black Knight FFII

Black Knight appears as an enemy.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Black Knight FFII
Baknamy FFTA2This section about an enemy in Final Fantasy Record Keeper is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Black Knight FFII from FFBE enemy sprite
Baknamy FFTA2This section about an enemy in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

The Black Knight appears in Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as Lightning-elemental Monster cards.

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin[]

The Black Knight is the boss of the third story mission of the game, "Audience with the Dark Elf", and guards the throneroom of the Western Keep.


A knight is a mounted soldier in armor who served his sovereign or lord in the Middle Ages. The word comes from Old English cniht ("boy" or "servant"), a cognate of the German word Knecht ("servant, bondsman, vassal"). In most European languages (with the notable exception of English), the word for "knight" comes from "horse", thus implying that a knight is a "noble horseman" or a "horse-mounted nobleman". The English noun cavalier, an archaic term for a mounted soldier, traces its roots to Latin, and is closer in meaning to the "horseman" of Romance languages.

In European history, dark knights, also known as black knights, were a minority group of knights who refused to serve lords or kings. Instead they either looted and raided, hunted bounties, or lived off the charity from the more humble folk, in much the same manner as a Japanese ronin. As they had no master, and thus no squire, they would paint their armor a signature black color to prevent rust and damage. Dark knights were considered by many a necessary evil, as they would protect villages and lesser people from invaders and bandits, but would also cause problems in the regions they dwelt in to sustain themselves. In some legends, black knights were reputed to be nigh-invincible in combat.

Related enemies[]
