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Bio is a Scholar Scholar spell from Final Fantasy XIV that deals damage over time to a single target. It is upgraded to Bio II Bio II at level 26.


Bio from Final Fantasy XIV icon Bio
Scholar Scholar 2
Job action
  • Inflicts Bio Bio on a single target for 30 seconds, dealing unaspected magic damage every 3 seconds
  • Activates the global cooldown
Base damage over time formula:

Where trait can be 1.1 with Maim and Mend or 1 otherwise.
Recast time formula:

Damage over time effects deal damage every server tick, or 3 seconds, independent of the effect's duration. This means that the effect may deal damage anywhere between 0 and 3 seconds after it is applied, and in 3 second intervals afterwards.


Bio is used to deal damage over time to the target. It should always be applied as soon as possible against a target to maximize its effects. Against weak enemies expected to die in less time than its duration it may be safely skipped.

As an instant cast spell that activates the global cooldown (GCD), Bio can be used to weave abilities that are off the global cooldown (oGCD) in between spell casts, such as Whispering Dawn Whispering Dawn.

In order to maximize efficiency on Bio's damage over time, it is recommended to reapply it with under 3 three seconds remaining, as the final tick of damage from the effect can occur anywhere in that window. This may result in the loss of a tick, but waiting for the effect to drop off before reapplying can result in the loss of two or more ticks and greater DPS loss.

Patch history[]

Arcanist/Summoner version
Version Changes
A Realm Reborn Added as a level 2 Arcanist Arcanist, Summoner Summoner, and Scholar spell.
Had 40 DoT potency, 18s duration, 4% base MP cost, 25y range, and 2.5s cast time.
Bio and Bio II Bio II were distinct spells, and their effects could be stacked.
Heavensward Cast time reduced to instant.
Patch 3.22 PvP duration lowered to 12s.
Stormblood No longer available in PvP.
Bio II now replaced Bio via the Corruption Mastery Corruption Mastery trait. It was no longer possible to stack their effects.
Shadowbringers DoT potency reduced to 20.
Duration increased to 30s.
MP cost set at 400 with MP system overhaul.
No longer available to Scholars. New Scholar exclusive version added. See below for its patch history.
Patch 5.05 Delay before status was applied reduced.
Endwalker Removed.
Scholar version
Version Changes
Shadowbringers Added.

