Better Axe Around script
Curious Gorge
[Player Name], I scarce recognized you! The flames of battle have tempered you like fine steel.
Curious Gorge
Since last we spoke, I've resolved to start upon the path of the warrior anew. I swore that I would not succumb to the beast within again, as I did when I faced my brother in Wineport.
Curious Gorge
Speaking of which, Broken Mountain has regained much of his strength...though when I speak to him of taking up the axe once more, he changes the subject and returns to his studies of arcanima and other scholarly pursuits.
Curious Gorge
Nevertheless, his desire to spread the teachings of our ancestors to every corner of Eorzea remains unchanged.
Curious Gorge
And you couldn't have come at a better time! I've just received a letter from Broken Mountain stating that he's uncovered information regarding ancient martial techniques!
Curious Gorge
If you're interested─and I'm sure you are─why not accompany me to Camp Bronze Lake so that we might hear what he has to say together?
Curious Gorge
I knew my brother would uncover something of value before long. He awaits at Camp Bronze Lake. Let us not keep him idle for long.
Curious Gorge
Ah, I knew a true warrior like you would never pass up an opportunity like this.
Broken Mountain
Well do I remember you, [Player Name]─the sole warrior to tame her/his inner beast. I shudder to think what might have happened had you not been there to save us from ourselves.
Broken Mountain
You know the precipitous nature of the forces we wield─as well as the consequences of losing control for even a moment. The beast does not scruple to discriminate between friend or foe, and if given free rein, will lash out at both.
Broken Mountain
I have pored over countless tomes in search of knowledge of how to tame the beast within, as you did, but my efforts have thus far proven fruitless. All I have found are ridiculous tales of techniques that─if the author could be believed─would make Rhalgr Himself cower in fear.
Curious Gorge
The elders often told tales of legendary warriors to inspire the youths. Are you sure there is no truth in yours?
Broken Mountain
Quite. There are descriptions of the techniques used by the hero Mythril Heart, but the details are difficult to swallow. No warrior─alive or dead─can rip off a behemoth's arm with his bare hands.
Broken Mountain
The tales are filled with similar outrageous accounts, Brother. It would be a waste of time to investigate their veracity when we know so little of how to tame the inner beast. Besides, you know as well as I that Mythril Heart is naught more than a faerie-tale hero.
Curious Gorge
What if I could prove that Mythril Heart was flesh and blood!? Would you be willing to continue your studies, then?
Curious Gorge
...Never did he stray from the path of the warrior, even as the years took their toll. Axe in hand, to Silvertear Falls he would go, never to return...which means that if he truly lived, then there may be something there which proves it!
Keep your axe sheathed, Gorge. You'd be better served by time spent swinging your axe at a practice dummy than searching for ghosts!
Well met, [Player Name]. My thanks for ensuring that my old friend here lived to learn from his mistakes, although it seems the lesson didn't stick for long.
Broken Mountain
Wheiskaet here has been kind enough to keep my brother busy with work and assist me during my recovery.
Anything to keep a former comrade out of trouble. As for these stories─far-fetched as they may seem, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss them. Lest we forget, [Player Name] has more than a few legendary accomplishments to her/his name.
Broken Mountain
Well...if by chance s/he found proof of Mythril Heart's existence, I would reconsider. But leave my brother out of it.
Curious Gorge
I may not be ready to accompany you, but I can give you advice on where to start. Seek out the Sons of Saint Coinach. I'm certain they know something of Mythril Heart's final journey.
Curious Gorge
I know he was real, [Player Name], and I'm counting on you to prove it!
Broken Mountain
Bring me evidence of Mythril Heart's existence and I will reconsider my stance on the stories' veracity.
If there is truth to the tales, then I pray you find proof. Nothing would please me more than to see techniques once lost rediscovered.
Relics belonging to an ancient Hellsguard warrior? While we are up to our necks in Allagan artifacts, I cannot say that I have come across any that could be what you seek.
The other researchers may have information that could be of use to you. Artifacts spanning all eras come up in our digs from time to time.
Hmm... Well, when the waters of Silvertear Falls receded fifteen years ago, they revealed a treasure trove of artifacts spanning eras, many of which have yet to be recovered.
I do not know if any of those artifacts have any relation to this Mythril Heart, but it might serve you well to begin your search in those previously submerged areas.
We have been meaning to examine the artifacts in that area for some time, but our present work keeps us busy.
Added to the fact that most of the uncovered artifacts don't seem to be of Allagan origin, it may be some time before that area is given a more thorough excavation.
We focus our research on artifacts from the Allagan Empire. As such, there may be more recent discoveries which were ignored by a single-minded researcher.
As interesting as artifacts from other eras might be, distractions would only impede the progress of our research into the Allagan Empire.
Curious Gorge
Is that the axe of Mythril Heart!? By the Twelve, the tales were true! Quickly now, you must show it to my brother!
If anyone can prove the existence of Mythril Heart, you can.
Broken Mountain
Well? Have you uncovered any proof of Mythril Heart's existence?
Broken Mountain
This axe... The engraving and the curvature of the blade are exactly as described. To think of the beasts who tasted this steel...
Curious Gorge
Surely this proves that Mythril Heart is more than a mere campfire story! With a steel heart and his legendary techniques, we'll have the strength to slay even the strongest of beasts by the dozen!
Broken Mountain
If Mythril Heart's feats are indeed possible, then the knowledge of how he performed them would prove invaluable in restoring the warriors' reputation...
You could show the people of Eorzea the true potential of the warrior. Surely, no small number of them would feel compelled to take up the axe.
Broken Mountain
Indeed, it could prove a great boon for our cause. Very well. I will return to my tomes and scour them for any passages relating to Mythril Heart.
Curious Gorge
Mind you, ancient techniques may rouse the inner beast like none before...
Broken Mountain
Of that I have no doubt, which is why you must not take your training lightly. When I uncover more information, you must needs be ready.
Quest complete.