The Bestiary is a sub-option of the Datalog that provides the player with detailed descriptions of enemy encounters throughout Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.
Stagger information replaces the notes seen in the prior two entries, while Debrave and Defaith immunities replace Pain, Fog, and Provoke. More drops are available, as well as distribution status.
Chaos Beast[]
Main article: Chaos Beast
Small-Scale Enemy[]
Mid-Scale Enemy[]
- Anubys
- Set
- Meonekton
- Meonekton Ω
- Skeleton
- Skeleton Ω
- Gaunt
- Gaunt Ω
- Dryad
- Dryad Ω
- Arcangeli
- Arcangeli Ω
Large-Scale Enemy[]
Feral Creature[]
Main article: Feral Creature
Small-Scale Enemy[]
- Gremlin
- Gremlin Ω
- Miniflan
- Miniflan Ω
- Rafflesia
- Rafflesia Ω
- Goblin
- Goblin Ω
- Vali
- Neela
- Wendigo
- Cactuar
- Cactair
- Cactuar Ω
Mid-Scale Enemy[]
- Gorgonopsid
- Gorgonopsid Ω
- Skata'ne
- Skata'ne Ω
- Schrodinger
- Schrodinger Ω
- Desert Sahagin
- Desert Sahagin Ω
- Ectopudding
- Ectopudding Ω
- Triffid
- Triffid Ω
- Hanuman
- Hanuman Ω
- Sugriva
- Sugriva Ω
Large-Scale Enemy[]
- Zaltys
- Zaltys Ω
- Zomok
- Zomok Ω
- Reaver
- Reaver Ω
- Gurangatch
- Gurangatch Ω
- Chocobo Eater
- Chocobo Eater Ω
- Earth Eater
- Earth Eater Ω
- Aeronite
Man-made Unit[]
Main article: Man-made Unit
Small-Scale Weapon[]
Mid-Scale Weapon[]
Large-Scale Weapon[]
Main article: Human (Lightning Returns enemy type)
Order Sentry[]
Goddess's Disciple[]
Main article: Special (Lightning Returns enemy type)