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Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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The commissary officer has her hands full, and is in need of an extra pair.

Quest description

Best Delivered Cold Best Delivered Cold is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.


  • Speak with the commissary officer and have her accompany you.
  • Speak with the commissary officer at the designated locations.
  • Speak with the commissary officer at Tapper's Den.


Best Delivered Cold Best Delivered Cold script
Blondesupplymember04216 Well, well, now here's a sight that warms the heart. I never thought I'd have the honor to meet a hero of your pedigree, let alone beg for your aid.
Blondesupplymember04216 You see, I've got a shipment of supplies to send down to Tapper's Den, and having someone who knows the lay of the land by my side would go a long way to ensure its safe delivery.
Blondesupplymember04216 I'd defend it myself, but I have to carry the bloody thing! If you'd be so kind as to escort me, I assure you I'll make it worth your while.
Blondesupplymember04216 Well then, I'll be waiting outside the gates of the camp. Come meet me when you're ready, but don't take too long─monsters abound in these parts.
Blondesupplymember04216 There you are─I knew you'd have the heart to help a soul in need.
Blondesupplymember04216 It'll be some time yet before we've mapped the entirety of this vast expanse. It stretches north as far as the eye can see, unhospitable to even the hardiest of explorers.
Blondesupplymember04216 It's a wonder that the Garleans survived at all, let alone went on to form the Empire. Seeing the Magna Glacies with my own eyes, however, I've gained some understanding of their disposition.
Blondesupplymember04216 This is only hearsay, but I've been told those masses are formed when ceruleum bursts forth from the earth and comes into contact with the surrounding water, freezing instantly and capturing that moment of violence forevermore.
Blondesupplymember04216 The water mixed in it prevents the ceruleum from being set aflame, so we can't use it as fuel without refinement. The amount of ceruleum you get after all that work is barely worth the trouble.
Blondesupplymember04216 Pure ceruleum is wrested straight from the earth. That's what those rigs you see off in the distance are doing, or so I've heard.
Blondesupplymember04216 Oh, my friends aren't going to believe who's protecting me! I'll be telling this story when I'm in my cups for moons to come!
Blondesupplymember04216 Of course, I understand you must have many duties to attend to. Well, the supplies won't perish any time soon, so when you've finished with your business, you can find me at Camp Broken Glass.
Blondesupplymember04216 Welcome back. I trust you've finished your heroics? Shall we set forth for Tapper's Den?
Blondesupplymember04216 Here we are, safe and sound. I couldn't have done it without you, friend!
Blondesupplymember04216 Now all that's left is to deliver the goods. Let's enter those caves and get some shelter from these freezing winds, eh?
Jareck That trek couldn't have been an easy one, what with the monsters and the cold and everything else besides. It ain't worth much, but you have my thanks.
Blondesupplymember04216 Well, the goods have been safely delivered, but... I'm afraid I have one more task to beg of you.
Blondesupplymember04216 Of course, I'd do it myself if I could, but I'm afraid this calls for someone with skills that I lack.
Blondesupplymember04216 You're not obligated to help me again, but seeing as how you're already here, maybe you won't mind hearing me out.
Quest complete.