Final Fantasy Wiki
FFX-2 Berserk Status
FFX-2 Berserk Icon

Berserk is a status in Final Fantasy X-2. Berserk increases damage dealt and HP restoration by 25%, but causes the afflicted to attack uncontrollably. It wears off on its own. Berserk granted via Assault ignores immunities.


Abilities Assault, Berserk, Berserk Knife, Berserk Missile Flare Sandals, Kogoro Shock, Mad Seeds Pesky Ghiki, Soul Swipe, Violent Wing
Accessories Fury Shock
Garment Grid Raging Giant
Spells Bad Breath, Berserk
Support abilities Berserktouch, Kijo's Soul

In addition, the Bloodlust puts the wearer under constant Berserk. The Cat Nip also puts the wearer under constant Berserk, but only in the International and HD versions of the game.

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Berserk Inflicts Berserk to one target. Balivarha (Oversoul), Black Elemental, Bully Cap (Oversoul), Duo, Mushroom Cloud (Oversoul), Mycotoxin (Oversoul), Nashorn (Oversoul), Protochimera (Oversoul), Quadricorn (Oversoul), Rhyos (Oversoul), Vegnagun (leg)
Maddening Meridian Inflicts 100 HP and Berserk to one target. Cactuar (Oversoul)
Pernicious Powder Inflicts Petrify, Sleep, Darkness, Silence, Poison, Confusion, Itchy (always), Berserk, and Stop as well as reducing Magic and Strength levels by 10 (both always) on the party. Mushroom Cloud
Really Bad Breath Inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence, Confusion, Berserk, Slow, and Curse to the party. Great Malboro
Touch-and-Go Inflicts non-elemental damage and Berserk to one target. Drowsy Ochu (Oversoul), Flailing Ochu (Oversoul), Ochu (Oversoul)
Wild Wing Inflicts non-elemental damage and Berserk to one target. Aquila (Oversoul)


Accessories Faerie Earrings, Potpourri, Ribbon, Shmooth Shailing
Garment Grid Abominable, Raging Giant, Scourgebane
Support abilities Berserkproof, Ribbon, Sanity Preserver


Abilities Final Elixir, Moogle Cure, Moogle Cureja, Panacea, Remedy (Mix), Remedy (Stash), Ultra Cure
Items Remedy
Spells Esuna, Full Cure, White Wind

