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The Behemoth King is a powerful enemy in Final Fantasy XIII. It is first found in the Archylte Steppe.



Behemoth King starts in a quadrupedal state and attacks by swiping with its big claws. Hurl inflicts a large amount of physical damage against one target and launches them in the air.

When near death, Behemoth King transforms into a more powerful form as soon as it gets a chance (it cannot transform when launched or if interrupted). It will recover all of its HP and remove any status ailments, and gain higher max HP. It now stands on two legs and uses more powerful attacks, including Thundara and Thundaga, as well as Sunder instead of Hurl.


The player can wait for the Behemoth to turn its back and attack it to get a preemptive strike. Relentless Assault and Tri-disaster paradigms can be used to stagger it quickly. If the Behemoth is kept airborne with launch, it cannot transform until it lands.

Without a preemptive attack, the party can deploy a Sentinel until the Behemoth is staggered to draw its attacks. The party can also apply Curse on the Behemoth and Vigilance on the party and then interrupt the Behemoth King with a fully offensive party so that it never gets a chance to transform even without being launched. If the Behemoth King is at low HP, it will spam Sunder relentlessly, so interrupting it can be vital.


FFXIII battle event 02

Behemoth fighting a Megistotherian.

There is a Behemoth King to the right as the party enters Archylte Steppe on the south end, just after the Base Camp (the Archylte Steppe Northernlands is also an easier location for battling multiple Behemoth Kings). After killing this Behemoth, the party can run just past the save station. The player can hop back up to where the Behemoth was, and it should have respawned. One can earn about 2,000 to 4,000 CP a minute this way.

A good place for endgame grinding is in the Archylte Steppe Northernlands near the entrance to the Mah'habara Subterra caves. The battle is a three-way between a Behemoth King and a Megistotherian, and is always a preemptive strike. The player should first take out the Behemoth King before it transforms.

With a good party, the battle takes around 10 seconds with a reward of 6,600 CP, or 13,200 CP with the Growth Egg. After the battle, running up the hill a few steps past the save station respawns the pair.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Behemoth is a beast mentioned in Job 40:15–24. In addition to mythological creatures, it is likened to dinosaurs, especially sauropods, as well as elephants, hippos, rhinos, and bison. Metaphorically, the term behemoth denotes "an extremely large or powerful entity".

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy XIII-2[]
