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This fearsome monster has enormous hooves, a great furry mane, gigantic horns, and a thick muscular tail.


Behemoths are powerful quadruped monsters in Final Fantasy Tactics. They rank among the most difficult monsters due to their HP and physical attack stats. In addition to their melee strikes, each race of Behemoth can learn a destructive magickal attack via the Monster Skill support ability, so recruiting one of each can make for a powerful team. During the War of the Lions, Ramza saves Luso from a horde of Behemoths during a cutscene.


Rank I

Behemoths are the "weakest" of their genus, but they still pack the devastating horns and teeth that can take out weaker mages in one hit. Their hidden Gigaflare ability is also an excellent ranged attack with no charge time.

Rank II
Behemoth King

Behemoth Kings are basically Behemoths with even more HP. Their hidden Twister ability can certainly come in handy, being one of the few Wind-based attacks in the game the player can make use of.

Rank III
Dark Behemoth

If it is possible for Behemoth Kings to get any more difficult, the Dark Behemoth can reach nearly 900 HP at optimum levels, making for a tough unit that's hard to kill. Their hidden Almagest ability is a powerful magical attack that can used to great effect on the player's side. A Dark Behemoth is one of the few monsters powerful enough to be a worthy addition to Ramza's party.


Monster Move Jump Phy. Evasion Rate Innate Abilities Common Poach Rare Poach
Behemoth 4 3 13% Cannot enter water, Counter Guardian Bracelet Pantherskin Bag
Behemoth King 4 3 13% Cannot enter water, Counter Cherche Artemis Bow
Dark Behemoth 4 3 18% Cannot enter water, Counter Wizard's Rod Stoneshooter


The damage formula for physical attacks are as follows:

The damage formula for magick attacks are as follows:

The damage formula for Gore is as follows:

The formula for the success rate of Twister is as follows:

The damage formula for Almagest is as follows:

Ability Behemoth Behemoth King Dark Behemoth Range Effect Vertical
Gore Yes Yes Yes 1 1 2
Attack with piercing horns.
Heave Yes Yes Yes 1 1 0
Attack by goring and tossing the target.
Effect: KO
Gigaflare No* No No 4 3 0
Attack by bringing down a burst of white-hot energy.
Twister No No* No 4 3 2
Call forth a tornado to damage the surrounding area.
Element: Wind
Almagest No No No* 4 3 1
Inflict damage by bringing about a space-time warp set in place by stars twinkling in the firmament.

*Abilities can be learned by this race when a unit with the "Beastmaster" Support Ability is nearby.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Behemoth TCG

Behemoth from Final Fantasy Tactics appears with a lightning-elemental card.



Behemoth is a beast mentioned in Job 40:15–24. In addition to mythological creatures, it is likened to dinosaurs, especially sauropods, as well as elephants, hippos, rhinos, and bison. Metaphorically, the term behemoth denotes "an extremely large or powerful entity".
