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Barret Wallace is a playable character in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Wielding gun-arms in battle, Barret is a ranged physical attacker with heavy durability, capable of providing a supporting role and tanking damage from enemies. He can quickly build up an enemy's stagger.
Barret is present in the party from the beginning of the game. He leads the party briefly during chapter 3, "Deeper Into Darkness", and is mandatory at multiple points in the story. Barret is one of five date options for the Gold Saucer in chapter 12, "A Golden Key".
If Barret is transformed into a toad, he becomes a dark brown toad with sunglasses and a metallic wristband.
Barret is largely unchanged from his Final Fantasy VII Remake gameplay, with new moves added and the removal of melee weapons. Barret's moves in both titles are based on his skillset in the original Final Fantasy VII appearance.
Barret is a ranged physical attacker, who is the most durable member of the party. His long-range attacks focus on single targets, allowing him to contribute damage while remaining at a safe distance, or draw enemies away from the melee fighters. His abilities include defensive abilities, stagger-building abilities, and damage-dealing abilities, where the latter two typically consume multiple ATB bars. Unlike in Remake, in Rebirth, Barret cannot equip melee weapons.
Holding the attack button has Barret spray bullets on his target for several seconds, finishing with a blast that deals greater damage and ATB build-up. His unique ability is Overcharge, which deals significantly more damage than his normal attacks and fills his ATB gauge faster as well. He starts every battle with Overcharge ready, but afterward, Overcharge takes a while to recharge. He can use his unique ability, Charge, to build it faster; if this is used immediately after the last hit from holding attack or performing a weapon ability, he can recharge Overcharge much faster. His Charging Uppercut also is great for building his Overcharge.
Barret's durability and his Lifesaver allow him to be built as a tank. With the right materia equipment setup, he can take advantage of this to play a key defensive supporting role. In this way, Barret's role is comparable to the similarly-durable Red XIII or Cloud Strife, both of who play defensive roles albeit ones more reliant on counterattacks than support abilities. Barret's physical damage is lower in comparison, but can still be played to take advantage of his range; along with Aerith Gainsborough, Barret is one of two exclusively ranged attackers.
Though Barret's spellcasting ability is limited, the right weapons can somewhat remedy this, particularly for supporting spells. Barret's main weakness lies in his low mobility.
Barret has the highest HP and Vitality, making him far and away the most durable party member. His
Strength is respectable, giving him decent physical damage capabilities.
Barret has the lowest magic stat which makes him not a great spellcaster as well as the second-lowest Spirit (ahead of only Cait Sith), making him more vulnerable to magic damage than most others. He also has the lowest speed out of any party member.
From the start, Barret has two weapon abilities available: Steelskin and Maximum Fury. Like all the other party members, Barret can acquire more abilities from new weapons gained over the course of the game, as well as from folios.
- Steelskin temporarily reduces damage taken from all sources, and makes it harder for Barret to flinch from enemy attacks. This effect is indicated by a glowing effect around his body during gameplay.
- Maximum Fury is his primary damage-dealing move, and consumes all available ATB for a greater effect. Barret unloads a hail of bullets on his target, and will automatically switch to a different target if the current one dies.
- Focused Shot, much like Cloud's Focused Thrust and Tifa's Focus Strike, is ideal for pressured targets. After a brief charge, Barret shoots a blast that significantly increases stagger against pressured foes. It is attained from Barret's initial weapon Gatling Gun
- Bonus Round gives Barret's basic attacks and Overcharge a boost to raising stagger, indicated by a blue aura by Barret and a 60-bullet counter next to his Attack command. Basic attacks consume several bullets over time when the attack button is held down, but Overcharge consumes a bullet for each shot in its animation. Bonus Round is the weapon ability of the HI-Caliber Rifle.
- Lifesaver improves Barret's tank potential by temporarily raising his max health, transferring damage taken by his teammates to him, and healing them for that damage. This effect is demonstrated by a glowing red effect by his health bar. This ability can save many tough battles, as long as the player keeps Barret's health topped off as they support the other teammates. It is tied to the Barrage Blaster.
- Charging Uppercut has Barret charge towards a target, and release an uppercut that may launch foes into the air. This ability also increases Charge, and can restore Overcharge quickly if used with Charge normally. It is the ability of the Vulcan Cannon.
- Point Blank consumes all available ATB for a close-range explosive blast, the recoil sending Barret back some. It can be useful for small targets bundled together. The ability is tied to Fafnir Rifle.
- Smackdown has Barret strike the ground, hitting everything grounded in fair radius (about the size of Arcane Ward). While ineffective against aerial targets, it will likely interrupt and launch small to medium-size targets. It is tied to the Calamitous Bazooka.
- Turbulent Spirit is Barret's penultimate ability, and drastically increases his ATB charge rate temporarily. While it can only be used once per battle, it can save the player from loss, as Barret can quickly gain the ATB to revive and heal his teammates, and he has the defensive capabilities to survive on his own if alone. The ability is gained from Barret's final weapon Battle Cry.
- Lifeblood Cannon is Barret's ultimate ability, gained from his Folio at Party Level 9. Barret consumes his remaining ATB and half of his remaining health to release a devastating shot. This ability can do a fair amount of damage without any buffs or debuffs applied. The main difference between this ability and Maximum Fury is the cost of Barret's health, which may be detrimental in intense battles. Overall, Maximum Fury is better for general use, while Lifeblood Cannon should be used with caution.
Barret performs various synergy abilities and synergy skills with his teammates. His "specialty" is Iron Defense which he can perform with any teammate.
Barret, just like in Remake, has a Lightning Materia for Thunder spells.
Limit breaks[]
Barret has three limit breaks. Fire In The Hole and Catastrophe return from Remake functioning the same as before. His third limit is Satellite Beam which can be unlocked from his folio. It summons laser beams from the heavens to deal heavy damage across a wide area.