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Bane is a PvP-exclusive Summoner Summoner ability from Final Fantasy XIV. It spreads a target's Bio III status effect to nearby enemies.


Bane PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon Bane
PvPSummoner Summoner 30
Job action
  • Spreads a target's Bio III Bio III effect to nearby enemies
  • Duration of applied effects is equal to the time remaining on the original effect
  • Has no effect if target is not suffering from a Bio III effect inflicted by you
  • Bio III Bio III: Inflicts Bio III
  • Tri-disaster Tri-disaster: Inflicts Bio III
  • Fester Fester: Deals increased damage to targets suffering from Bio III
  • Phantom Dart Phantom Dart: Increases target's damage taken by 20% for duration

Bio III can be spread even it was inflicted by Tri-disaster Tri-disaster or Bane itself. However, the status must have been inflicted by the same player using Bane—it will not benefit from statuses inflicted by other players.

Damage over time effects deal damage every server tick, or 3 seconds, independent of the effect's duration. This means that the effects may deal damage anywhere between 0 and 3 seconds after it is applied, and in 3 second intervals afterwards.


Bane spreads the target's Bio III status to nearby enemies, with a duration equal to the remaining on the original. It has no effect on the target it is used on, and is useless in single-target encounters.

Bane is an instant cast ability that is off the global cooldown (oGCD). This allows players to weave it between GCDs after using instant cast spells such as the Bio III Bio III it is dependent on. As Bane's recast timer is longer than Bio III's maximum duration, using it during Bio III's GCD is essential to getting the most out of the ability.

Bane costs 1 Aetherflow Gauge unit to use, and must compete with Fester Fester, Painflare Painflare, Dreadwyrm Trance Dreadwyrm Trance, and Firebird Trance Firebird Trance for Aetherflow Gauge. Aetherflow can be gathered fairly quickly with Energy Drain Energy Drain.

Patch history[]

PvE version
Version Changes
A Realm Reborn Added as a level 30 Arcanist Arcanist, Summoner, and Scholar Scholar ability, learned from the quest Sinking Doesmaga Sinking Doesmaga.
Spread Bio Bio, Bio II Bio II, and Miasma Miasma in a 5y radius, with a 25y range. Bio and Bio II were not mutually exclusive statuses at the time.
Could only spread statuses to a maximum 3 targets, despite the ability description stating all nearby enemies.
Status were applied with a duration equal to the time remaining on the original effect.
Had a 15% chance to reset the duration on the spread statuses.
Could only be used under the effect of the Aetherflow Aetherflow status granted by the Aetherflow Aetherflow ability. Using Bane consumed the status.
Patch 2.1. Radius increased to 8y.
Ability description corrected to state it only spreads to a maximum of three targets.
Heavensward Could now affect more than three targets, but potency was halved for the fourth target and beyond.
Granted Aethertrail Attunement Aethertrail Attunement stacks to Summoners, needed to use Dreadwyrm Trance Dreadwyrm Trance.
Stormblood Potency reduction changed to 20% for the second enemy, 40% for the third, 60% for the fourth, and 80% for all remaining enemies.
Bio and Bio II statuses became mutually exclusive.
Aetherflow Gauge added, serving the same purpose as the Aetherflow status, though the status remained as a separate visual indicator.
Now increased Faerie Gauge by 10 for Scholars.
No longer available in PvP.
Shadowbringers Potency reduction changed to 60% for all affected enemies.
No longer required Aetherflow.
Level 78 trait Enhanced Bane Enhanced Bane added. Allowed Bane to spread the Ruination Ruination status inflicted by Tri-disaster Tri-disaster.
No longer available to Scholars. Associated Faerie Gauge effect removed.
Patch 5.1 No longer spread Ruination.
Enhanced Bane effect changed to always apply the spread statuses at their full duration.
New PvP exclusive version added. See below for its patch history.
Endwalker Removed.
PvP version
Version Changes
Patch 5.1 Added.

