Final Fantasy Wiki

The Bandit is an enemy exclusive to Final Fantasy IV Advance and The Complete Collection. They are of no threat to the party and can easily be dispatched.

This monster is only found during Cecil's Lunar Ruin trial by choosing to denounce theft, and has a chance to not appear. It cannot be missable as the player can repeat Cecil's Trial by using Grimoire LO in a battle, once used it, the Trial will reopen.



Banditry is the life and practice of bandits. The New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (NED) defined "bandit" in 1885 as "one who is proscribed or outlawed; hence, a lawless desperate marauder, a brigand: usually applied to members of the organized gangs which infest the mountainous districts of Italy, Sicily, Spain, Greece, Iran, and Turkey.

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
