Final Fantasy Wiki

Balivarha is an enemy from Final Fantasy X-2. It uses Grendel's model from Final Fantasy X.




Fiend Arena

Fiend Arena Oversoul


FFX-2 Stampede


Balivarha has relatively good all-round stats and the ability to absorb Fire, however, any non-Fire magic will serve well here. Armor Break drastically reduces its high Defense, and equipping Fire-absorbing equipment, or using a Lunar Curtain/Light Curtain, casting Shell/Protect, and using high Defense dresspheres, will help mitigate the damage it can deal. It is generally not too tough of an enemy.

Creature Creator[]

After completing the Spine Drake's fiend tale, Balivarha becomes available for capture with a Trap pod M in the Moonflow and Thunder Plains.

Fiend Tale[]

In the Fiend Tale endings, a notable Balivarha was a good-for-nothing who was selected to represent the Ruminants attending a peace conference between his kind and the Drakes represented by Spine Drake. It turns out to be a trap by Yevon monks to pit the two fiend-types against one another. Divebeak, Vertigo, and Barbuta reveal the treachery, and Balivarha and Spine Drake join forces against their common enemy. Viewing this and the Spine Drake's fiend tale endings unlocks the Calm Avengers team in the Fiend Arena.


The monster's name is possibly a combination of "valley"[1] , and Varaha, from Sanskrit (वराह, Varāha) for "boar", one of the avatars of the Hindu deity Vishnu.

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy X[]

Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission[]

  • Balivarha
  • Nashorn
  • Quadricorn

