Bahamut is a boss in Final Fantasy X fought in the Remiem Temple, summoned by Belgemine, and also as part of the game's final battles.
Remiem Temple
Belgemine's Bahamut fights similarly to Isaaru's Spathi, counting down to Mega Flare for five turns, but will counter with physical attacks and counter every fifth attack with Impulse, which inflicts Delay (weak). Defeating Belgemine's Bahamut the first time awards the Flower Sceptre, and 8 Mana Spheres from then on.
Bahamut is fought before the final boss, while he searches for an aeon to possess. His stats are identical to the stats Bahamut had while used by the player, but he only uses his normal attack, Impulse, and Mega Flare. Bahamut's Overdrive gauge increases by 15~30% when targeted by Power Wave from a Yu Pagoda, and 0~10% when targeted by an attack or using an ability.
Other appearances[]
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Bahamut appears as an enemy.