Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Don't rock-a-bye this baby, or you'll be sorry when it counters. Those horns are plenty sharp! You probably have some theories about what this will turn into when it grows up. Those theories are quite correct.

Babyhemoth is an enemy in World of Final Fantasy.


Base stats[]

Mirage Board spaces[]

Active Ability SP Required
Horn 2
Revenge Blast 4
Passive Ability SP Required
Counter 4
Stat Boosts
Stat SP Required
HP+ 3
Strength+ 3
Strength+ 3
Defense+ 3
Critical+ 3
Miscellaneous Spaces
Blank Space SP Required
Blank Space 2
Prism SP Required
Babyhemoth Prism 1
Transfiguration SP Required
Behemoth 1
Mirage Board set SP Required
Kuza Kit 1
Miscellaneous Information
SP Total SP
Mirage Board 30
Mirage Board family 93 / 94 (with DLC)
Entire Mirage Board group 184 / 248 (with DLC)
Level Requirement Level
Fresh (No other transfiguration unlocked) Transf. Unlocked
Mirage Board completion 24 22
Mirage Board family Mastery 70 *(level requirement is also the same with DLC) 65 *(level requirement is also the same with DLC)
Mirage Board group Mastery 70 *(level requirement is also the same with DLC) 65 *(level requirement is also the same with DLC)

Encounter stats[]

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Location Formation
The Watchplains - Backroad 2 Babyhemoth, Bahamutian Soldier *(Before clearing dungeon)
Pyreglow Forest - Branch 2 Babyhemoth
Pyreglow Forest - Branch 2 Reaver Mu x2, Babyhemoth
Icicle Ridge - Slip 2 Babyhemoth x2
Icicle Ridge - Slip 2 Babyhemoth, Babyhemoth Stack (Baby Paleberry, Babyhemoth)
Icicle Ridge - Slip 4 Babyhemoth, Babyhemoth Stack (Quachacho, Babyhemoth)
Icicle Ridge - Slip 4 Babyhemoth Stack (White Nakk, Babyhemoth) x3 *(After clearing dungeon)
Icicle Ridge - Slip ? ? ? Baby Paleberry x2, Babyhemoth Stack (Baby Paleberry, Babyhemoth)
Icicle Ridge - Slip ? ? ? Babyhemoth Stack (White Nakk, Babyhemoth) x3
Icicle Ridge - Slip ? ? ? Babyhemoth Stack (Quachacho, Babyhemoth) x3
The Coliseum - Beastly Burden 1 Fenrir Stack (Reaver Mu, Babyhemoth, Fenrir) x2
The Coliseum - Beastly Burden 2 Fenrir Stack (Reaver Mu, Babyhemoth, Fenrir) x2
EX Dungeon A - Area 4 Right Claw Stack (Baby Paleberry, Babyhemoth, Right Claw), Left Claw Stack (Baby Paleberry, Babyhemoth, Left Claw)
EX Dungeon A - Area 4 Babyhemoth Stack (Baby Paleberry, Babyhemoth) x2, Ice Bat x2
EX Dungeon Z - Area 6 Mu x2, Behemoth Stack (Chocochick, Babyhemoth, Behemoth)



Babyhemoth is a portmanteau of "baby" and "behemoth."

Related enemies[]

Behemoth is a beast mentioned in Job 40:15–24. In addition to mythological creatures, it is likened to dinosaurs, especially sauropods, as well as elephants, hippos, rhinos, and bison. Metaphorically, the term behemoth denotes "an extremely large or powerful entity".
