Final Fantasy Wiki

Template:FFXII Enemies The Babil is a construct/golem-type enemy from Final Fantasy XII. It can be found in the Necrohol of Nabudis.

Bestiary Entry

Genus: Construct
Class: Golem

Page 1: Observations

"Priests of high enough rank to speak directly to the gods are alone allowed to communicate with these executors of divine will. Their bodies are fashioned of a curious crystalline metal, the composition and nature of which is beyond modern metallurgical knowledge. When they descend to the earth from their home in the heavens, they strike swiftly, and with malice apparent. It is thought the babil's numbers are growing, and some scholars warn that a great reckoning may soon be at hand."

Page 2: Morgen's Research Notes

"The emissaries of the gods descend to us from the paradise far above the sky we know. Therefore must they travel between the land and the sky, for which they use the wondrous metal einherjarium, otherwise known as cloudstone. The babil, servants of the gods, have bodies rich in this substance. How many have tried to steal the cloudstone from them and thereby reach paradise? How many have the gods stricken down for that heresy?"


The Babil is named after the Tower of Babil from the book of Genesis, particularly how humans attempted to build it up to heaven and were punished with many languages that made its completion impossible. The fact that it is a Golem may indicate that it also draws inspiration from the Giant of Babil from Final Fantasy IV. The "cloudstone" they utilize is a reference to Vagrant Story.

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