Final Fantasy Wiki

Allows an ally to automatically use weapon abilities when not actively controlled during battle. Applies to weapon abilities assigned to command shortcuts.


Auto-weapon ability materia is a Complete Materia Complete Materia in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. It allows a non-controlled ally to use the weapon abilities mapped to a shortcut without player input. These abilities use ATB, meaning the party members will consume ATB charges on their own.

A counterpart for weapon abilities, Auto-Unique Ability Materia Auto-Unique Ability Materia, exists.


Auto-weapon ability materia is bought from Chadley's Materia Development for 15 Corel Region data points.


Level AP required Effect
1 0 Activate auto-weapon ability
2 200 Increase auto-weapon ability strength by 2%


Auto-weapon ability materia allows party members to use their currently shortcut-assigned weapon abilities when appropriate in battle. There is some level of player control over the ability that will be used, and it can make the party member more useful if the player expects they will only act for this purpose. If the player expects them to instead have a supportive role where they use multiple abilities or spells, they should not rely on this materia.

If the enemy's Enemy Intel is known (via Assess or otherwise), and the character has elemental abilities in their shortcuts, they will automatically use the element the target is weak to.

Auto-weapon ability materia is a good way to reduce players' need to micromanage their party. However, when materia slots are scarce, it is rarely better to equip it over another materia that boosts the party member's damage or supportive output in other ways.

Auto-weapon ability can be good on characters the player does not use much to have them build synergy charges independently and perhaps use weapon skills the player wants to master.

Auto-weapon ability materia can be paired with HP Absorption Materia HP Absorption Materia or MP Absorption Materia MP Absorption Materia to get HP or MP back when the character uses the skills automatically.
