Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Aura is a status in Final Fantasy VIII. When bestowed onto a party member, their Crisis Level greatly escalates, allowing the player to easily access Limit Breaks and initiate the best results of Limit Breaks whose effect depends on current Crisis Level. Effectively, the player does not need to be on critical health to use Limit Breaks when under the effects of Aura; if a Limit Break does not initiate, the player can skip turns with Triangle until one pops up. When used on enemies, Aura increases their Strength, however, Aura is a rare effect and only couple enemies in the entire game will use it upon themselves.

The effect lasts approximately 6.6 seconds without Haste/Slow/Stop. The afflicted unit glows a yellow-gold hue. Its opposing status is Curse, which makes one unable to perform Limit Breaks.


Item Aura Stone
Limit Break Mighty Guard Crisis Level 3 (Blue Magic)
Spell Aura (Magic, Slot)

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Aura Increases Strength. Elite Soldier, Raijin (3rd)


Aura is removed with Dispel. Aura cannot be applied if the target has Invincible.


Aura is a highly beneficial status. There is only one enemy in the game that has Aura spells in their draw list and the enemy is late into the game and the battle is on a hidden timer if the player has recruited Odin, so the chance to draw the spell in large quantities is fleeting. If Aura appears in Selphie's Slot, it is worth using, and the player can refine Aura Stones by some means via Tool-RF.

The easiest way to get Aura for most of the game is likely Quistis on a high Crisis Level with her Mighty Guard, able to bestow it to the whole party at once.

Aura is best used in boss battles to then unleash Limit Breaks. After bestowing Aura, the player could even follow up by making the party invincible to retain the ability to do Limit Breaks while being immune to damage.

Aura wears off fast, but time "stands still" during animations.


In parapsychology and many forms of spiritual practice, an aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object (like a halo or aureola in religious art). The depiction of such an aura often connotes a person of particular power or holiness.
