Atomos is a boss in Final Fantasy V fought at the top of the Barrier Tower outside Castle Exdeath, where it guards it from intruders. In the Finest Fantasy for Advance and the now discontinued Matrix Software versions, Atomos is also fought in the Sealed Temple's Cloister of the Dead. Atomos is a tough boss, becoming a summon in later games.
Atomos's main attack is Comet, which it keeps using until at least one of the team members is knocked out. Very often, it will cast Comet twice in one turn. Once someone is KO'd, Atomos stops using Comet and starts gradually pulling the KO'd characters closer to itself. Once a character is close enough, Atomos will use Wormhole, removing the character from the battle. After this, Atomos will start using Comet again until another member is KO'd.
Rarely, Atomos casts Gravity, Graviga (Final Fantasy V enemy ability), Slow, Slowga and Old while pulling in KO'd characters.
A basic strategy is to allow one character to get knocked out. If two become knocked out, the player may safely resurrect one without risking an additional Comet barrage. So long as one character is fainted on the field, Atomos will not use Comet, and its remaining attacks cannot kill. The remaining three party members must defeat Atomos before their fallen comrade is removed by Wormhole, or Atomos will begin to spam Comet again. If the party will not make it in time before the Wormhole triggers, they can buy more time by resurrecting the knocked out character and have someone else further away be downed instead. The party should be fully hasted and strike with their strongest attacks.
Atomos is not immune to sleep. One strategy is to let one character be defeated, put Atomos to sleep, revive the fallen character, and then attack with only magic, as physical attacks will wake Atomos. Possible sleep options include:
- Black Magic spell Sleep
- Blue Magic spell Time Slip
- Mystic Knights charging Sleep Spellblade
- Attacking with Sleep Blade or Dream Harp.
Both Sleep Spellblade and the sleep-inducing weapons only have a chance of causing Sleep. Atomos will wake up with the initial physical attack, and then only have a chance of falling back asleep. It would be best to have at least two attackers using these sleeping moves.
Strong magic attacks include:
- Black Magic spell Bio. The party can also break Poison Rods to cast this, or break other elemental rods.
- Summon magic spell Titan.
- Time Magic spell Comet.
- Blue Magic spells Aqua Breath, Flame Thrower, or Aera. Goblin Punch can also be used as a replacement attack command, as it deals magic damage but costs 0 MP.
- Ninjas throwing any elemental scrolls
For all versions other than the 2013 mobile/Steam remake, the Samurai's Mineuchi, Zeninage and Ninjas throwing shurikens can be used to physically attack without ending sleep.
The battle can be ended instantly by using the Blue Magic spells Dark Spark followed by Level 5 Death.
The party may have used the Beastmaster's Catch on the Yellow Dragons in the two monster-in-a-box chests earlier in the tower. They can be released to cast Lightning to deal a quarter of Atomos's HP. If four Yellow Dragons were captured, releasing all of them can end the battle. In the 2013 port only, the Yellow Dragons' Lightning attack may miss, but these are still good attacks to use as they can still deal heavy damage immediately.
Other appearances[]
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Atomos is the Greek word meaning "indivisible" and is the the origin of the word "atom" which means "that which cannot be cut".