Final Fantasy Wiki

Is it a tank? A robot? Nope, it's just a whole lot of bull. ...Hmm? Why does it transfig into a "bull"? Hey, don't have a cow just because we don't have a cow. And try not to get skewered on those massive horns when it charges, okay?

Asterius is a boss in World of Final Fantasy. It serves as one of the four guardians of the keys to the quadrelemence barrier in The Crystal Tower, and is fought alongside Tiamat in the tower's Chamber of Wind and Earth. It can be fought again at The Coliseum and also appears very rarely as a regular enemy in the post-game dungeons.


Base stats[]

Mirage Board spaces[]

Active Ability SP Required
Shell 4
Focus 4
Bulldozer 5
Passive Ability SP Required
Entropy 4
Stat Boosts
Stat SP Required
HP+ 3
HP++ 3
Strength+ 3
Strength+ 3
Defense+ 3
Critical+ 3
Critical++ 3
Miscellaneous Spaces
Support Ability SP Required
Smash 1
Blank Space SP Required
Blank Space 2
Mirajewel SP Required
Cura Mirajewel 3
Transfiguration SP Required
Sistertaur 1
Mirage Board set SP Required
Minotaur 1
Miscellaneous Information
SP Total SP
Mirage Board 46
Mirage Board family 89
Entire Mirage Board group 177
Level Requirement Level
Fresh (No other transfiguration unlocked) Transf. Unlocked
Mirage Board completion 35 35
Mirage Board family Mastery 66 64
Mirage Board group Mastery 66 64

Encounter stats[]

Baknamy FFTA2This section about an enemy in World of Final Fantasy is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

The Crystal Tower[]

The Coliseum[]

EX Dungeons[]


Location Formation
The Crystal Tower - Chamber of Wind and Earth Asterius, Tiamat
The Coliseum - Guardians of Earth and Wind Asterius, Tiamat
EX Dungeon A - Area 4 Mordskull, Copper Gnome, Sandicore, Memecoleous, Asterius
EX Dungeon B - Area 2 Mordskull, Copper Gnome, Sandicore, Memecoleous, Asterius
EX Dungeon Z - Area 2 Mordskull, Copper Gnome, Sandicore, Memecoleous, Asterius
EX Dungeon Z - Area 3 Mordskull, Copper Gnome, Sandicore, Memecoleous, Asterius
EX Dungeon Z - Area 4 Mordskull, Copper Gnome, Sandicore, Memecoleous, Asterius
EX Dungeon Z - Area 5 Mordskull, Copper Gnome, Sandicore, Memecoleous, Asterius


Related enemies[]


Asterion was the name of a Minotaur in Greek mythology.

The Minotaur was a creature from Greek mythology with the head of a bull and the body of a man. He is descended from the union of the Queen of Crete and a white bull. He roamed the Labyrinth, where he hunted and killed a tribute of young men and women until he was slain by Theseus.
