The Aster Protoflorian is an enemy in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Its monster notes can be bought from Poltae between 6PM and 6AM. The Aster Protoflorian is an automaton created by Cocoon's technology, as mentioned by Lightning in Jagd Village. It was engaged as a boss in Final Fantasy XIII by Lightning and Hope. The model used is the same as the original game, but it has developed a green moss on its metallic carapace to highlight its age.
Aster Protoflorian uses Exoproofing to imbue itself with an element while becoming weak to its opposite. After the first stagger with elemental abilities, it is possible to stagger it a second time. During the first stagger it cannot retaliate.
Along with the Beggar's Beads, the elemental form Aster Protoflorian takes on can influence the type of abilities it drops.
One strategy is to rush into battle with the Windwalker Bracelet or similar "En-" accessory, and begin with a bout of Imperil and Deprotect and start attacking. Overclocking during this period will likely finish it, making for an easy source of AMP Chips to complete sidequests to obtain the useful Soldier of Peace garb.
Otherwise, it is always a good idea to engage with all level 2 elemental abilities to maximize the stagger potential after Aster Protoflorian uses Exoproofing.
Manadrive Missile.
Spin Jump.
Cranial Plant.
Bulb Smash.
[view·edit·purge]Aster is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae.
[view·edit·purge]Proto- is a Greek prefix that means "first".