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Slip up behind an enemy to finish them off in one fell swoop!


The Assassin is an Expert Job in Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin, available after unlocking the corresponding nodes in the Thief and Monk Job Trees. In addition, it is available to Jed after clearing the "Azure Memories: The Sacrifice" side mission.

Assassin is a glass cannon job that specializes in taking advantage of critical hits and keeping himself hidden. The job serves as the quintessential Agility job for dealing break damage to foes as it combines the Thief's evasion and the Monk's break damage and adds a surplus of Agility to dominate foes, even making use of the Monk's Lance and Mace capabilities to assail foes from a distance. However, if the Assassin fails attack discreetly or is overwhelmed, it can go down easily due to its poor health, strength, and defense. The passives remedy this by providing extended invulnerability frames while evading, increased break damage from critical hits, and increased break damage dealt via Soul Shielding.


Job Action[]

The Assassin's core ability is Assassinate, which deals slashing damage to enemies based on how many critical hits or "marks" have been landed on an enemy and even restoring MP when doing so, provided the player has unlocked the job's mastery ability. This action is good for dealing passive damage to immobilize enemies and finishing enemies by breaking them at anytime.


The Assassin employs the use of daggers, knuckles, lances, guns, and even maces. Each of these weapons can capitalize off of the Assassins high Agility bonuses and excellent break damage with the combo bonuses thereof focusing on cancelling abilities early and enhancing each critical bonus.


The Assassin receives the largest stat bonus in its Agility, providing even higher break damage upon a critical hit.

Job Stat Rating and Growth by Level
Stat Rating Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 55 Lvl 80 Lvl 99 Lvl 120 Lvl 135 Lvl 150+
HP D 1325 1756 1904 2010 2098 2221 2309 2397
Strength C 19 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
Agility S 23 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
Stamina C 19 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Intellect D 18 28 30 30 30 30 30 30
Spirit D 18 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
Luck C 19 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Job Tree[]

These abilities can be bought by using Job Points which are accumulated by earning EXP and leveling up the Job:

Ability Icon Type Job Points MP Cost Required Ability to Unlock Description
Assassinate Assassinate SOPFFO Job Action 200 [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Deal damage based on the number of marks on an enemy. Land a critical hit to mark an enemy.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Soul Shield Damage Dealt +4.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 1 Assassinate A successful soul shield grants an effect that increases damage dealt.
Assassin Affinity +15% Assassin Affinity SOPFFO Passive 2 Soul Shield Damage Dealt +4.0% Increases assassin job affinity.
Cloaked Fang Cloaked Fang SOPFFO Dagger Combo 4 200 Assassin Affinity +15% [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Disappear temporarily, then reappear to perform a slashing attack.

[Link 3 Ability]
Can be set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability].
Strike Cancel Knuckle Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 5 Cloaked Fang [Weapon Type: Knuckles]
[Charged Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Hold [Attack]>[Ability].

Enables earlier dodging.
Invisible Invisible SOPFFO Command 4 100 Assassin Affinity +15% Temporarily makes enemies less likely to attack you and boosts the effect of critical hits.
Extend Evade Invincibility +16.7% Passive SOPPFO Passive 5 Invisible Increases duration of invincibility when evading.
Lance Cancel Lance Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 6 Extend Evade Invincibility +16.7% [Weapon Type: Lance]
[Charged Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Hold [Attack]>[Ability].

Enables earlier dodging.
Falcon's Dive Falcon's Dive SOPFFO Knuckle Combo 7 200 Extend Evade Invincibility +16.7% [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Leap into the air and perform a series of heel drops, dealing heavy damage to the enemy.

[Link 3 Ability]
Can be set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability].
Critical Break Damage +8.4% Passive SOPPFO Passive 9 Falcon's Dive Increases critical break damage dealt.
Assassin Affinity +10% Assassin Affinity SOPFFO Passive 1 Assassinate Increases assassin job affinity.
Deadly Daggers Dagger Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 2 Assassin Affinity +10% [Weapon Type: Daggers]
[3rd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]

Enhances the critical bonus.
Soul Shield Damage Dealt +10.4% Passive SOPPFO Passive 4 Deadly Daggers A successful soul shield grants an effect that increases damage dealt.
Maim Maim SOPFFO Dagger Combo 3 200 Assassin Affinity +10% [Attack Type: Pierce SOPFFOPierce]
[Stat Bonus: Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength/Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Pierce an enemy with your daggers, then tear them out violently. Critical hits will deal more damage than usual.

[Link 1 Ability]
Can be set to [Attack]>[Ability].
Sharp Strike Knuckle Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 4 Maim [Weapon Type: Knuckles]
[3rd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]

Enhances the critical bonus.
Assassinate Mastery Assassinate Mastery SOPFFO Passive 5 Maim Restores MP based on damage dealt by assassinate.
Dagger Cancel Dagger Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 6 Assassinate Mastery [Weapon Type: Daggers]
[Charged Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Hold [Attack]>[Ability].

Enables earlier dodging.
Critical Break Damage +4.6% Passive SOPPFO Passive 7 Dagger Cancel Increases critical break damage dealt.
Assassin Affinity +25% Assassin Affinity SOPFFO Passive 7 Assassinate Mastery Increases assassin job affinity.
Tactical Thrust Lance Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 8 Assassin Affinity +25% [Weapon Type: Lance]
[3rd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]

Enhances the critical bonus.
Extend Evade Invincibility +16.7% Passive SOPPFO Passive 10 Tactical Thrust Increases duration of invincibility when evading.
New Class: Ravager Assassin Evocation SOPFFO Class Unlock All Assassin Tree abilities Unlocks the Evocation Class for Assassin, Ravager. Only available in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC
New Class: Phantom Assassin Ultima SOPFFO Class Unlock All Assassin Tree abilities Unlocks the Ultima Class for Assassin, Phantom. Only available in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC

Class Trees[]

Introduced in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC, These classes are unlocked after visiting Bahamut's Cave and completing the "A Token of Courage and Strength" conversation with Bahamut and the abilities thereof can be bought by using Rat Tails which are accumulated by completing missions on the Bahamut difficulty onward and purchasing them from the Bahamut Exchange Shop via Dragon Treasures:

Assassin Evocation SOPFFO
Ability Icon Type Rat Tails Required Ability to Unlock Description
Requiem Assassinate SOPFFO Job Action All Assassin tree abilities Assassinate
[Class Change Effect: Evocation]
When chain cancelling, automatically casts requiem without consuming MP.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Luck +6 Luck Up SOPFFO Passive 2 Requiem Increases luck.
Strength +5 Strength Up SOPFFO Passive 4 Luck +6 Increases strength.
Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 6 Strength +5 Increases magic vulnerability resistances.
Assassin Master Points +3 Master Points Up SOPFFO Passive 11 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases assassin master points acquired.
Intellect +6 Intellect Up SOPFFO Passive 6 Strength +5 Increases intellect.
Stamina +6 Stamina Up SOPFFO Passive 8 Agility +9 Increases stamina.
Agility +9 Agility Up SOPFFO Passive 2 Requiem Increases agility.
Break +160 Passive SOPPFO Passive 6 Agility +9 Increases break by 160.
Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 8 Break +160 Increases resistance to status ailments.
Spirit +5 Spirit Up SOPFFO Passive 10 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases spirit.
Swift Swipes Dagger Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 16 Spirit +5 [Weapon Type: Daggers]
[Side Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Side] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability].

Increases attack speed.
HP +192 Passive SOPPFO Passive 12 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases HP by 192.
Assassin Master Points +3 Master Points Up SOPFFO Passive 17 HP +192 Increases assassin master points acquired.
Assassin Ultima SOPFFO
Ability Icon Type Rat Tails Required Ability to Unlock Description
Exterminate Assassinate SOPFFO Job Action All Assassin tree abilities Assassinate
[Class Change Effect: Ultima]
When triggered with no marks present, unleash a shockwave in the surrounding area that marks any enemies it touches.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Luck +6 Luck Up SOPFFO Passive 2 Exterminate Increases luck.
Strength +5 Strength Up SOPFFO Passive 4 Luck +6 Increases strength.
Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 6 Strength +5 Increases magic vulnerability resistances.
Assassin Master Points +3 Master Points Up SOPFFO Passive 11 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases assassin master points acquired.
Intellect +6 Intellect Up SOPFFO Passive 6 Strength +5 Increases intellect.
Stamina +6 Stamina Up SOPFFO Passive 8 Agility +9 Increases stamina.
Agility +9 Agility Up SOPFFO Passive 2 Exterminate Increases agility.
Break +160 Passive SOPPFO Passive 6 Agility +9 Increases break by 160.
Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 8 Break +160 Increases resistance to status ailments.
Spirit +5 Spirit Up SOPFFO Passive 10 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases spirit.
Enlightened Fighting Spirit Knuckle Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 16 Spirit +5 [Weapon Type: Knuckles]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Forward] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability].

Staggers nearby enemies.
HP +192 Passive SOPPFO Passive 12 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases HP by 192.
Assassin Master Points +3 Master Points Up SOPFFO Passive 17 HP +192 Increases assassin master points acquired.

Job Affinity bonuses[]

Most weapons and items of clothing have a certain percentage of Job Affinity for a certain job. By combining them together and raising this percentage, the character may not only gain extra EXP to that Job, but also unlock abilities and bonuses to their stats. The bonuses for the Assassin Job Affinity are:

Name Job Ability Percentages Description
Assassin's Wisdom I 20% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Assassin's Wisdom II 30% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Soul Shield Cost Bonus I 50% Reduces break gauge cost of a successful soul shield by 5.3%.
Assassin's Wisdom III 80% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Soul Shield Cost Bonus II 120% Reduces break gauge cost of a successful soul shield by 8.6%.
Assassin's Wisdom IV 160% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Ephemeral Thoughts 250% Applies an additional agility bonus to all abilities that grant stat bonuses.
Final Moments 400% Increases break damage dealt the longer you avoid taking damage.
Memories of a Shadowy Mercenary 600% A successful soul shield increases your agility. This effect can stack up to twenty times.
Also enhances the effects of Assassin's Wisdom.
Assassin's Essence 800% Enhances the effects of Assassin's Wisdom, and also boosts stats based on your affinity.



The word assassin is often believed to derive from the word hashshashin (Arabic: حشّاشين, ħashshāshīyīn), and shares its etymological roots with hashish (/hæˈʃiːʃ/ or /ˈhæʃiːʃ/; from Arabic: حشيش ḥashīsh).

The meaning of the word Assassins is a secret order of Nizari Ismailis, particularly those of Persia and Syria, that formed in the late 11th century. Mentions of Assassins were preserved within European sources where they are depicted as trained killers, responsible for the systematic elimination of opposing figures.
