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Tyr Beq looks ready to curl up and sleep on the spot. ※The difficulty of this quest will be synced to your current level.

Quest description

As the Heart Bids As the Heart Bids is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • Being on the receiving end of An Lad's spell has left Tyr Beq extremely drowsy, and only the ghastly thought of being sucked upon by Ezel is keeping them awake. The familiar suggests inspecting Lyhe Mheg for anomalies, and while there, taking the opportunity to check on the little girl in Slitherbough.

※You may enter Lyhe Mheg by speaking with Thon Sul in Lydha Lran. ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.

  • Arriving in Lyhe Mheg, you speak with the little girl, who is happier now that she has been freed from her fear of failure. She then reveals that she too met with An Lad in her dreams. Seeing the pale pixie's loneliness, she tried to reach out to them, only to end up being caught in the nightmare. Having learned all that you could, you and your companions reconvene.
  • Tyr Beq is more determined than ever to help An Lad and become their friend. To that end, you turn your attention to the task of reopening the fifth gate, which you deduce leads to Il Mheg, where the source of the nightmares is none other than An Lad themself. At that moment, Tyr Beq finally succumbs to sleep. While the pixie rests, Ezel suggests asking the fae folk about the previous Titania, the better to understand An Lad's heart.
  • Speaking with various fae folk, you learn not only about the faerie king, but their connection to Tyr Beq besides. Thus informed, you head back to Lydha Lran to share your findings with Ezel.
  • Tyr Beq awakens as you and Ezel trade notes on Titania. Though at first annoyed by your prying, the pixie is gladdened that their departed friend hasn't been forgotten. Tyr Beq explains that, in the past, when no one else wanted anything to do with them, their friend alone accepted them as they were. This reminiscence sparks an epiphany, and they believe that An Lad simply wants for someone to do the same for them. Thus it is decided that you will enter Lyhe Mheg, there to find and save the tormented pixie.
  • Even before Thon Sul speaks, it's clear from their expression that trouble is afoot. A terrible power is welling up within Lyhe Mheg, and An Lad is likely the cause. With nary a pause, Tyr Beq sallies forth to stop whatever is unfolding within, and Ezel hurriedly follows after them. Requiring no urging, you turn to Thon Sul to be transported to Lyhe Mheg.
  • Setting foot inside Lyhe Mheg, you are greeted with a dreadful sight. By questioning their own existence, An Lad is causing their very essence to unravel, the garden along with it. You fight your way through the chaos, and at length come face-to-face with An Lad's own nightmare. With your strength combined, you and yours succeed in vanquishing the creature, thereby delivering the dream realm from oblivion.

※In the event that you leave the instance, you may re-enter by speaking with Thon Sul in Lydha Lran.

  • Thanks to Tyr Beq's unconditional acceptance, An Lad finally finds a place to belong, and encouraged by new friends, they use their power to bring Lyhe Mheg into its full splendor.
  • Tyr Beq offers you their heartfelt thanks for your part in protecting Lyhe Mheg, and together you return to Lydha Lran to assure everyone that all is well again.
  • With Tyr Beq vouching for them, An Lad has found acceptance among their fellow pixies. And though Lyhe Mheg has been restored to its full splendor, the Dreamspinners' work is never done; more dream bubbles are always needed to ensure that the Garden of Dreams remains beautiful and full of fun. To that end, Tyr Beq bids you continue lending them your aid─for the happiness of pixies and mortals alike.


  • Speak with the Slitherbough girl in Lyhe Mheg.
  • Speak with Tyr Beq.
  • Gather information in Il Mheg.
  • Speak with Ezel II.
  • Speak with Thon Sul.
  • Speak with Thon Sul again.
  • Speak with Tyr Beq.
  • Speak with Tyr Beq In Lydha Lran.


As the Heart Bids As the Heart Bids script
Tyr Beq <yawn> [Player Name], I feel so sleepy... Is this the effect of An Lad's spell...?
Ezel II Given that they tried to plant a nightmare in you, it's little wonder you should feel drowsy. If the urge is so strong, why don't you just sleep?
Tyr Beq N-Not on your life! If I have a nightmare, you'll come and suck on me!
Ezel II If you are not tormented by an unfulfilled need, you shouldn't be plagued by nightmares. But in the event that you were...yes, I would suck on you. <slurp>
Tyr Beq I'm never going to sleep again! Never, ever!
Ezel II If you say so. Now then, may I suggest we inspect Lyhe Mheg for anomalies? And while we're there, perhaps we can look in on the little girl in Slitherbough.
Slitherbough girl I had a feeling that we would meet again ere long!
Ezel II I take it you've not had nightmares since. All is well with you, little one?
Slitherbough girl Yes, thank you! Now that the fear of failure no longer consumes me, a pall has lifted from my heart. I feel happier than I have in a long time.
Tyr Beq That's wonderful to hear. Now tell me, did you meet An Lad─the pale pixie─in your dreams?
Slitherbough girl Only briefly. But that was enough for me to see their torment. Theirs is a lonely soul, one which draws powerful emotions to it.
Slitherbough girl And though I only caught fragments, in the deepest depths of their heart, I glimpsed this realm. And I glimpsed you, Tyr Beq.
Tyr Beq What? Me?
Slitherbough girl Feeling sorry for An Lad, I befriended them. But I ended up being caught in that nightmare.
Slitherbough girl Oh! I'm sorry, but I must go! My mother is calling!
Tyr Beq With her talent, this little girl should be able to tell us about her dreams in more detail. <yawn> Ugh, can barely keep my eyes open...
Ezel II What would Tyr Beq's nightmare taste like, I wonder... <slurp>
Tyr Beq An Lad might have spurned me, but I won't give up. I want to become their friend, I truly do.
Tyr Beq I feel their loneliness so very keenly. And I think it's because of all the mortal hearts I've glimpsed, together with you and Ezel.
Tyr Beq I don't know why, but when I think about An Lad, my chest tightens up. Am I being strange? And if I were, would you still stand by me? Or would you run for the hills?
Ezel II Hear, hear! We've come this far together! We're with you to the end!
Tyr Beq Thank you, [Player Name]. Ezel.
Ezel II With that settled, let's discuss our next course of action. Now, you said that the fifth gate didn't exist prior to the nightmares.
Tyr Beq Yes, we fashioned only four. Someone else must have created the fifth─someone as skilled in manipulating dreams as me.
Ezel II This is problematic indeed. Up till now, we lifted the seals by vanquishing the nightmares in the regions beyond the gates. This time, however, we do not know where the gate leads.
Tyr Beq Hold on, now. If An Lad was in Lyhe Mheg, does that mean...?
Ezel II Hm! The likelihood is passing high─the place is Il Mheg. And the fact that the gate is sealed means an individual already exists who is the source of the nightmares.
Ezel II Someone here in the faerie kingdom, who is constantly plagued by terrible dreams... I can't imagine anyone more likely than An Lad themself.
Tyr Beq So we help An Lad, like we helped the children. Free them from the nightmare that's...that's... <yawn> Can't fight it...any...more...
Ezel II It was only a question of when. Let's leave Tyr Beq to rest for now and do what we can in the meantime.
Ezel II So, if we are to help An Lad, it is essential that we understand them. To that end, I suggest that we learn all that we can of the previous Titania by speaking with the fae folk. Let's split up for this task and reconvene here afterwards.
Ezel II An Lad was as an empty vessel, highly susceptible to outside influence. And it's difficult to imagine a stronger influence than that of the faerie king.
Ose Sigun You wish to know about our previous monarch? As I recall, before their ascension, they were exceptional at wielding the power of nature. Oh, and they were seldom seen without their bosom friend─a pixie of pink.
Ose Sigun The tragic manner of their downfall is a source of immeasurable pain for us. Never will we forget their sacrifice.
Ose Sigun ...Hm? Payment for the information? No, no, that will not be necessary. If anything, we are the ones who owe you thanks for setting our monarch free.
Oul Sigun The old Titania? Of course, how could we forget? They protected us from sin eaters, and we're forever grateful.
Oul Sigun I even remember them before they became king. They weren't so different from the rest of us.
Oul Sigun Aye, they liked making mischief, drinking milk, rollicking in dreams─all the usual pixie pleasures. It must have been hard for them, alone inside that castle.
Oul Sigun But enough about that! Play with me, play with me! It isn't fair that Tyr Beq gets to spend all that time with you!
Iala Jul Curious about the previous Titania, you say? Of course, I should be glad to tell you what I know.
Iala Jul When they became a sin eater, it was with great sorrow that we resolved to seal them away inside Lyhe Ghiah. Tyr Beq opposed the decision to the last.
Iala Jul I cannot claim to know the heart of a pixie, but if I were Titania, I would have liked nothing more than to be praised. To be remembered.
Iala Jul Now then, if I may ask, are you not being subjected to mischief? For your own good, I advise against getting too intimate with the pixies.
Ose Sigun The tragic manner of our king's downfall is a source of immeasurable pain for us. Never will we forget their sacrifice.
Oul Sigun The old Titania protected us from sin eaters, and we're forever grateful. If they were still here, we'd invite them to play with us.
Iala Jul Titania gave their all for us. Were I them, I would have liked nothing more than to be praised. To be remembered.
Tyr Beq Zzzzzz...
Ezel II There you are, [Player Name]. What were you able to learn about Titania?
Tyr Beq Ahhh! You went around prying while I slept!? Hmph, and people complain that pixies have no propriety!
Ezel II T-Tyr Beq! You're awake!
Tyr Beq know that everyone still remembers my friend─still remembers their sacrifice... It makes me happier than I can say.
Ezel II 'Tis plain that the two of you were the closest of friends. All the fae folk with whom I spoke attested to that.
Tyr Beq With my obsession for dreams, I was considered strange even among pixiekind. No one wanted anything to do with me, but they accepted me as I was. Without them, I would have been all alone, like An Lad.
Tyr Beq <gasp> I see now... An Lad─they're the pixie I used to be!
Tyr Beq Like me, all they need is for someone to accept them as they are!
Ezel II I see! Self-actualization, I believe my master called this need, and I daresay it will provide us with a clue to unsealing the final gate!
Tyr Beq It doesn't matter whose soul An Lad was born from. Doesn't matter whose aether they inherited. They're a pixie like the rest of us.
Tyr Beq As a fellow pixie, I can't let them suffer anymore. I can't let them stay in that dark, lonely place.
Tyr Beq What's more, I can't help but feel that my friend was the one who guided them to me.
Tyr Beq They loved everyone, they did. “No one should be alone,” I can almost hear them say...
Tyr Beq They reached their hand out to me once upon a time. Now it's my turn to reach mine out to An Lad.
Tyr Beq Come, let's go to Lyhe Mheg and find An Lad! If we have to, we'll pound on the gate until they come out!
Thon Sul Tyr Beq, thank heavens you're here! There's trouble in Lyhe Mheg! Terrible trouble!
Tyr Beq What is it!?
Thon Sul I can't say for certain, but there's a power welling up within! A terrible power!
Ezel II What!? Could it be An Lad!?
Tyr Beq I'm going inside. If it's An Lad, I'm the only one who can stop them.
Ezel II Now, wait just a─ Confound it! I'm going with you!
Thon Sul If you go too, there's no guarantee you'll come out alive...but please go anyway! Go and help Tyr Beq!
Tyr Beq Something's not right...
Ezel II What is happening?
Tyr Beq No... My precious Lyhe Mheg...
Ezel II An Lad's power is running rampant. By questioning their own existence, they are causing their essence to unravel...Lyhe Mheg along with it!
Ezel II If this realm collapses, there's no telling how the minds of those whose dreams are connected to it will be affected.
Ezel II Yet one thing is all but certain: An Lad themself will disappear.
Tyr Beq No! They're my friend! I can't let that happen!
Tyr Beq Please! Please help me help An Lad!
An Lad When I was thirsty, no one gave me anything to drink... When I wanted to play, they drove me away...
An Lad I just wanted a friend. Wanted someone to tell me that I did well. But everyone treats me like a plague...
An Lad I shouldn't have been born.
Tyr Beq An Lad! It's all right! We're fighting with you!
An Lad <sob> It's no use... I'm no use...
Eyeball03687 Yes, yes, embrace your self-doubt. Your fear, your hatred.
Eyeball03687 The wretched world has given you naught but torment. You will reward them in kind. Give them their deepest, darkest nightmares.
Eventarea Proceed with the story?
Ezel II The nightmare is fading! We did it!
Tyr Beq Silly pixie! Don't lose control like that ever again! That nightmare of yours was no joke!
An Lad My...nightmare?
Tyr Beq Yes, yours! And it caused a great deal of trouble!
An Lad I'm sorry...
Tyr Beq All well and good to apologize, but don't you think you have something else to say to [Player Name]? She/He's the one who vanquished your nightmare.
An Lad I was dreaming. Dreaming that I was imprisoned alone inside a great castle.
An Lad I was so lonely and scared... It was so terribly silent, I felt as though I was losing myself...
An Lad But you came, [Player Name]. You came and freed me. Thank you.
Tyr Beq So, An Lad. Now that your nightmare is gone, we can make lots and lots of fun dreams together!
An Lad But I don't know how to make fun dreams. I'm afraid I'll only make more nightmares.
Tyr Beq Look, it's true that you're a little different from the rest of us. It's true you have a few things to learn.
Tyr Beq But there's no need to rush. Just do what you think feels right, and all will be well.
Tyr Beq Even if you do end up creating a nightmare, there's no need to fret. Ezel here will make short work of it.
Ezel II Just so! I only ask that you don't keep the dreamer for yourself! <snort>
Tyr Beq And if that happens, we'll just fix up the nightmare, add a pinch of pixie magic to make it fun again!
Tyr Beq Did you know, An Lad? Like a rainbow that appears after the storm, no dream is more beautiful than the one you see after conquering a nightmare.
Tyr Beq So I want you to fly tall. Because you're one of us, a proud pixie of Il Mheg.
Ezel II That's right! Rain, hail, or shine, the Kingdom of Rainbows is your home!
Ezel II Here, you can always be yourself!
An Lad I can be myself...
An Lad Ahhh, my heart swells with song! I...I can't help but want to dance!
Tyr Beq Yes! Yes, that's the way!
Tyr Beq Do as your heart bids you, and dance! Dance with me!
Ezel II Good heavens... It's beautiful...
Tyr Beq Haha! See, An Lad?
Tyr Beq I knew you had it in you!
An Lad This is what it means to have fun! I never imagined it would feel so amazing!
An Lad Come, [Player Name]! Come and play with us!
Tyr Beq Do you see all of this, [Player Name]? This is our precious Lyhe Mheg, and if it weren't for you, it wouldn't still be here.
Tyr Beq And neither would this hopelessly silly pixie!
An Lad Am I silly?
Tyr Beq Oh, yes! You're the silliest...and dearest of all!
Ezel II I must say, when they behave thus, pixies can be quite adorable.
Tyr Beq From here on, [Player Name], I'll continue watching over Lyhe Mheg with my friends. We'll revel and rollick and make sure that the garden is always filled with fun.
Tyr Beq And different though our kinds may be, I count you among the very best of friends.
Tyr Beq So please, come and visit us often and play with us!
An Lad Why don't we turn her/him into a leafman? That way s/he can stay with us forever.
Tyr Beq ...An Lad. If there's one thing you must never do, it's lay a hand on [Player Name].
An Lad All right, if you say so...
Tyr Beq Right, I should assure everyone outside that all is well again. Let's return to Lydha Lran for now.
Ezel II In An Lad's marvelous creations, I can fairly sense Titania's hand. And though it was for but a moment, I thought I saw not two, but three pixies dancing.
An Lad Ahhh, such fun! This is all new to me, but it somehow feels nostalgic. As if I've found a missing part of myself.
Tyr Beq I've told the other pixies about everything. They understand now that An Lad isn't a danger, and welcome them as one of us. It's simple like that with our kind.
Tyr Beq And though we've restored Lyhe Mheg to its full splendor, it doesn't mean our work is done. We need to ensure that the realm is always beautiful and filled with fun, and for this we need to keep on collecting dream bubbles.
Tyr Beq I hope that you'll continue to lend the Dreamspinners a helping hand, [Player Name]─for the fun and happiness of pixies and mortals alike!
An Lad Tyr Beq and the others are happy...and that makes me happy!
Quest complete.