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Louisoix Leveilleur: Eorzea was destroyed by a force of unimaginable power raining down from the sky. It is the dawn of a new age!
The following article covers a subject from a previous version of Archer Quests that has since been removed.

The following is a list of Archer Quests from Final Fantasy XIV version 1.0.

Filling the Quiver[]

  • Nonolato has described to you the duties of the Archers' Guild, which entail battling against outside evils, such as the Ixal and Garleans, that devise to steal into the Twelveswood. The Gridanian war against the Ixal in particular has been waged for many years—generations, even. As a man/woman of the Gods' Quiver, you first require a partner. Seek out Keelty, to whom you have been paired.
  • Keelty tells you of a report from the leatherworkers at Atelier Fen-Yll expressing concern over the rising number of Ixal hunting animals in the Twelveswood. If this trend continues, it stands to threaten the stability of the leather trade. You and Keelty are to patrol the wood for any Ixali huntsmen. Make whatever preparations you must and travel to Camp Emerald Moss to meet your partner.
  • After meeting Keelty at Camp Emerald Moss, she informs you that the two of you will be splitting up to cover more ground on your ranging. Patrol the area around Fallgourd Lake, and keep a sharp eye out for any Ixal.
  • You come across a lone Ixal battling a horde of yarzons. Sensing itself overmatched, it seizes upon the opportunity of your arrival to escape, leaving the agitated yarzons to turn on you... You have no choice but to fight.
  • After defeating the yarzons and continuing on your ranging, you come across Keelty, fallen in the wood. She suspiciously claims only to have tripped over some roots... You tell her of your encounter and battle, and learn that it was the Ixal's breach of the Hedge some time ago which originally enabled the foul yarzons to migrate into the Twelveswood. Return to the Quiver's Hold and report your successful ranging to Nonolato.

The Foreboding Forest[]

  • Nonolato has explained that the threats the Twelveswood faces are not limited to the Ixal and Garleans. Taking steps to rediscover the peace and tranquility of the forest, he has ordered you to deliver a letter to the Knights of Ishgard. Seek out Keelty and speak to her first.
  • Telling Keelty of the task entrusted to you, she tells you to meet her at Owl's Nest, claiming the injuries she suffered on your last ranging will only serve to slow you. Make whatever preparations you must and set out for the Ishgardian hamlet in the Coerthas region.
  • You arrive at Owl's Nest to find a number of knights have been dispatched to the hamlet. Has Keelty not yet arrived? See to your task, and seek out a high-ranking knight to whom the message you bear can be delivered.
  • You deliver the message from Nonolato to Ser Vairemont. Upon reading its contents, he immediately gives the order for the Knights of Ishgard to set out for the Black Shroud. What tidings could the letter have contained...? Speak to Keelty, who has arrived at long last.
  • You learn that Keelty has been searching for an individual named Siward, a man who seems to have been involved in some heinous crimes. Speak to Keelty to learn more of this person she seeks.
  • Keelty avoids your queries and insists that you depart while she remains behind to seek her answers. She assures you she will rendezvous with you back at the Twelveswood near the Coerthas border.
  • As you are traveling back to Gridania, you pass the Knights of Ishgard who were dispatched from Owl's Nest. They have captured a number of outlaw heretics who had escaped into the forest and are taking them back north. Speak to Keelty to discover what has happened.
  • The Echo reveals to you that the man named Siward whom Keelty seeks is another archer she has known since they were both children. She has been searching for him ever since he renounced the forest and left the Archers' Guild some time ago. Follow behind Keelty, and return to the Quiver's Hold.

There Can Be Only One[]

  • Nonolato is worried that Keelty has not yet reported back to the Quiver's Hold. He confides in you that many among the archers believe her numerous injuries to be evidence that someone or something is hunting her. He has asked that as her partner, you search for her and lend whatever aid you can. Speak to the other archers to see if any have chanced to see Keelty or know where she might have gone.
  • You are able to track down Keelty in the vicinity of Sorrel Haven. As Nonolato suspected, she is being chased by something in the forest which seeks to take her life. She orders you to escape back to Gridania and not to speak of what you have seen. What is a partner to do...?
  • While fleeing back to Gridania, you come upon a pack of feral beasts. You manage to make your way past them, but did Keelty escape safely from her unnamed assassin? Return to see if your partner is out of danger.
  • You come upon Keelty, cornered by her pursuer. Come to your partner's aid and defeat her would-be assassin.
  • You defeat the man pursuing Keelty only to discover that it is the very same Siward that she has been seeking all this time. You leave Keelty in the care of a patrolling conjurer. Return to the Quiver's Hold and report what has happened.
  • You learn that Keelty will be fine thanks to the healing arts of the conjurers. She confesses everything to you about Siward, including that he joined an infamous band of assassins after leaving the forest and the archers. Since then she has been fighting to preserve the forest as he might have remembered it, in the hopes that someday he would return... Speak to Nonolato to receive your reward.
