Final Fantasy Wiki

Template:FFVI Enemies

Stops magic with Silencer and counter-attacks with L.3 Muddle.

Final Fantasy VI Playstation One Bestiary entry

The Apocrypha, also known as the Apokryphos, is an enemy in Final Fantasy VI.


It is not a major threat unless it is the only enemy on the battlefield. If it is, it counters most attacks by casting Lv 3 Muddle, Lv 4 Flare, or Lv 5 Death on the attacker, which is dangerous if the attacker is at the wrong levels.

A good strategy is to either kill the Apokryphos first, or to use Rasp to drain its MP, as it dies when it runs out. Instant Death attacks also work well, so Shadow should use the Assassin's Dagger. Locke can steal Angel Rings from them.

AI Script

If monster is by itself:

If attacked by anything:
Lv. 5 Death (33%) or Lv. 4 Flare (33%) or Lv. 3 Confuse (33%)

Attack Turns:
1st Turn: Attack (66%) or Silencing Touch (33%)



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