Apanda, also known as Apprehendr, is a boss and one of the Demons of the Rift in Final Fantasy V, appearing at the library of the final dungeon after opening the book on the table.
In the Anthology version, Apanda's name is Apprehendr, but when Ifrit is summoned and Apanda talks, what is displayed is "Apanda: Ifrit, I'm scared!".
In the Finest Fantasy for Advance and the now discontinued 2013 Matrix Software versions, Apanda is also fought in the Sealed Temple's Cloister of the Dead.
Apanda is vulnerable to Fire-elemental attacks. It is also susceptible to darkness, slow, berserk and silence.
Apanda's attack pattern is similar to that of the Byblos. It uses physical attacks; Web, which attempts to inflict Slow status on one party member; the Blue Magic Magic Hammer, which halves one target's MP; Wind Slash, which deals Wind-elemental damage to the whole party; Dischord, which halves one target's level; and Confuse, which attempts to inflict confuse status on one target. It usually counters physical attacks with Protect on itself to reduce physical damage or Drain against one target to steal their HP. It also counters magical attacks with Drain or Toad to attempt to inflict toad on one target.
Just like Byblos in the First World, Apanda fears Ifrit. If Ifrit is summoned, Byblos will say "Gah, Ifrit! Scary!" and turn around. While turned around, none of its counters will trigger. Apanda's next turn will always be to tremble and use Panacea on itself to face the party once again. It may use a delayed counter to Ifrit and cast Drain or Toad immediately afterwards.
The Blue Magic Magic Hammer can be learned if not yet acquired.
The party can equip either Hermes Sandals to nullify Apanda's slowing attempts with Web and/or block his confusion and toad attempts with Ribbon, Genji Gloves, or Reflect Ring.
Fire attacks work best, especially Ifrit. Other options include Flame Thrower Blue Magic spell, Firaga with Black Magic or Spellblade, breaking Flame Rods, and throwing Fire Scrolls.
The White Magic Berserk can be used to remove all of Apanda's actions except his physical attacks and counter reactions. Berserk also stops his Panacea to remove his fear of Ifrit, rendering him unable to face the party after summoning and thereby stopping his counters. Combined with darkness from Flash and/or summoning Golem, Apanda will have great difficulty inflicting any damage.
The Silence spell or charging Silence Spellblade is very effective and removes all of his counter reactions once the effect triggers. If silence is used, it must be combined berserk or Ifrit must not be summoned, as otherwise Apanda's Panacea will remove Silence.
Releasing Great Dragons (found in the cave just outside of the room) deals considerable damage. On versions other than the defunct 2013 port, four Great Dragon releases is enough to end the fight almost instantly. In the 2013 port, they deal less damage, but will still reduce Apanda's HP by a large amount.
Other appearances[]
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]
Apanda appears as an enemy.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Since japanese katakana "パ" can also be translated into English as "per" and "ダ" as "der", the meaning of the name is probably "Apprehendr" or "Apprehended" considering that the monster was trapped inside a book.
As it appears in the Great Library as a swap palette of Byblos, the name is also close to the Greek άπαντα apanta, which means "complete works".