Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle page!
Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle, known to players as P12, is the fourth and final turn of anabaseios in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, and subsequently the final turn of pandaemonium.
The chief keyward of Pandæmonium's appetite for godhood has been made only more keen by twelve millennia of slumber, and even her own flesh and blood are naught but tools with which to feed her hunger. No sacrifice too great, no price too high, Athena would see all life extinguished if it brought her even one ilm closer to her ultimate goal. Her wicked ambitions can be suffered no longer, so you must journey into Pandæmonium's heart and cut out their source.
Duty Finder Description
While Nemjiji is plainly in awe at your bravery and relieved that the realm is saved once more, she seems almost disappointed in your descriptions of the chief keyward's prowess in battle. As you finish your recounting she lets out a despondent sigh before perking up and taking up her quill with aplomb, muttering to herself, “Nothing a little imagination cannot fix...”
Duty Finder Description
Phase 1[]
As is tradition by now, this fight starts with a raidwide, On the Soul. It causes heavy damage. Next comes the first version of Paradeigma. There are total of three Paradeigmas in this fight, each different than the previous, but with some same effects.
The first Paradeigma summons four angels to either northern or southern halves of the arena, two on the eastern edge, two to the western edge. Athena also casts Trinity of Souls. This functions like in normal mode, but with a twist: Athena makes 180-degree turn after the first cleave, and another after the second. During this, the angels will fire beams towards the closest players to them, that inflicts Magic Vulnerability Up. There are several ways to resolve this, here are some examples:
- Standard way: Have four players form a line to bait the beams. They need to be on the same half as the angels, and keep enough distance from each other. Swap players after the first beams.
- Lazy way: Have Tanks stack together on the same half as the angels and use their Invulnerabilities to soak all the beams. However, because of the Magic Vulnerability Up, Main Tank will be KO'd on the next auto-attack, unless he/she is buffed with enough mitigations to survive.
- Advanced Lazy Way: This way is almost the same as the previous, but in such a way that Main Tank can activate his/her Invulnerability later to survive the following auto-attack. Have Main Tank go just outside Athena's hitbox, one Healer or DPS in the very middle of Athena's hitbox and Off-Tank between them. Off-Tank activates his/her Invulnerability first, to be hit by two beams while the player in the middle and Main Tank are hit by a single beam. Then, Main Tank activates his/her Invulnerability. Player in the middle moves away, so that Tanks will then soak the second beams. This will make sure, that Main Tank has Invulnerability on for Athena's next auto-attack, while still having Magic Vulnerability Up.
After few auto-attacks Athena casts second Paradeigma, summoning two different types of angels. This is followed by Engravement of Souls, which inflicts two bebuffs unto four players: Light Tower and Dark Tower. When timer on these debuffs run out, they will spawn a tower to be soaked, but they cannot soak it themselves. The smaller angels determines the players, that will soak the towers. These angels tether to the four remaining players, two with a light tether, two with a dark tether. The players with light tethers will soak dark towers and vice versa. First, draw the tethers away from the angels, so that the tether line changes from arrows to a thin line. Keep the tethers straight. Then tower players need to go to intercardinals to drop their tower next to a player with a suitable tether: light tower players go next a dark tether player and vice versa. Be careful you don't drop the towers on top each other; that is the same as failing to soak them. When the timers on the debuffs run out, tethered players will be shot with a beam from the angels, and the towers will also appear. Immediately after getting shot, tether players soak the towers. Tower players can't be inside the tower at this point. Once that is done, there's still the other angels, that have spawned on the northern edge. These will blast the quarter line they are facing towards. Simply move to a quarter lines that are safe to evade this. Athena then casts another On The Soul and Glaukopis, a tankbuster that functions similarly to the Flameviper-tankbuster from Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage): Tank is hit twice with a tankbuster that inflicts Magic Vulnerability Up, causing an instant KO from the next hit, unless tanks do a quick tankswap. Off-Tank takes the second hit, then Main Tank retakes aggro to ensure Off-Tank doesn't get KO'd from the next auto-attack.
Next mechanic is Superchain Theory I. This mechanic has several things happening in sequence. To put it simply, it has four steps. In order to understand everything, the mechanic is best to explain piece by piece.
Throughout the mechanic there are several chains with different effects. Here's the explanation for all of them:
- Ball: Causes a point-blank AoE.
- Donut: Causes a donut AoE, leaving the area inside it safe.
- 4-point star: Causes Protean waves, that must be taken in pairs. These can't overlap.
- 8-point star: Causes Protean waves to all players, that can't overlap.
Now, the mechanic itself, step-by-step:
- When the screen flashes, you'll get your first chain combo on one of the intercardinal positions. This is one out of four possibilities:
- Ball & 4-point: Pair up outside the AoE to bait the proteans.
- Donut and 4-point: Pair up inside the donut to bait the proteans.
- Ball & 8-point: Spread outside the AoE to bait the proteans.
- Donut & 8-point: Spread inside the donut t bait the proteans.
- The next chain is a donut, but you also need to deal with the first set of debuffs you'll receive.
- Two random players receive a laser-debuff, light and dark. These players are shot with a line AoE-laser, that needs to be taken by four players. The three other players all need to have an opposing light or dark-debuff: light for dark laser and vice versa.
- Go inside the donut, and have all light-debuffed players go behind the player with dark laser-debuff in a line. The same goes with light laser-and dark-debuffed players. Make sure the lines aren't on top of each other.
- From the previous, there is one last chain combo. This is ball and donut, the order of this varies. Deal with this accordingly, and immediately get ready to deal with the fourth step.
- Following the third step, you need to deal with the remaining debuffs.
- From the start of this mechanic, either all supports or all DPS receive a debuff that causes an AoE explosion around them, when the timer runs out. The timer will run out after the third step. Have these players spread away from each other. Tanks and Melee DPS spread inside Athena's hitbox, Healers and Ranged DPS can go far outside.
- Two players have a tower debuff, light and dark. Right after third step, these towers will need to be dropped away from each other, and the players who had the laser debuffs will soak these towers accordingly: light soaks dark tower and vice versa.
After the fourth step, Athena casts Trinity of Souls again. Be wary, as this can either be the standard version seen in normal mode, or the version, where she makes the 180-degree turns. To identify, which one, look at how the soul circles appear. If they appear from top to bottom, it is standard. If they appear from bottom to top, it will be the turning version.
Following the Trinity, Athena casts either Apodialogos or Peridialogos. Both of these casts are the same; the difference are the targets. With Apodialogos Athena jumps to the player farthest from her with a tankbuster that both tanks have to share and at the same time causes a blast to a player closest to her, that must be shared by at least six players. Peridialogos has the opposite targets but same effects; jump to the closest, blast to the farthest. If Athena uses Apodiaglos, have tanks pair up outside her hitbox and DPS and Healers stack inside her hitbox. Damage will be high, so remember to mitigate. If Athena uses Peridiaglos, Tanks go inside her hitbox and DPS and Healers outside. This is immediately followed by On The Soul.
Next comes the third Paradeigma. This is way more complex than the previous two. Here's the whole mechanic step by step.
- After the Paradeigma-cast, four angelic adds apear, two on the western edge and two on the eastern edge.
- Athena casts Engravement of Souls, inflicting following debuffs and tethers:
- Supports receive two tower debuffs, both either light or dark, and an x-shaped and +-shaped debuffs.
- x-shaped debuff drops two line AOEs that intersect at the players position, when timer runs out. The line AOEs form an X.
- +-shaped debuff also drops two line AOEs similarly, but intersecting with a +-shape.
- The adds tether to DPS. Two will receive light tether and two receive dark tether.
- Supports receive two tower debuffs, both either light or dark, and an x-shaped and +-shaped debuffs.
- After the Engravement of Souls, Athena casts Unnatural Enchainment unto four sections of the platform. These sections will fall off after a time, killing anyone on them. Towers will also appear on the four platforms that will remain. The platforms that remain form a zigzag-pattern between them, and since Athena inflicts everyone with a debuff that prevents jumping, these platforms will become uncrossable.
As soon as Athena casts chains on the platforms, everyone will need to move to a specific place, depending what debuffs and tethers they get. Tank or Healer with x-shaped debuff moves to the southern-most safe platform and soaks a tower that spawns there. Tank or Healer with +-shaped debuff does the same at the northern-most safe platform. DPS have to stretch their tethers to western and eastern-most platforms, and form a cross with them. Supports with tower-debuffs join the DPS on these platforms, since only they can soak them after they are hit by the angels tether-lasers. These supports will first soak a tower on the western and eastern platforms. After the first towers are soaked, the adds will shoot lasers at the DPS. Make sure only the respective DPS is hit with the laser blast. This will give the DPS a debuff needed to soak the light/dark towers. Supports will then drop their towers; for example, if the towers are light, only the DPS that were shot with a dark tether-laser can soak them. Because one of the supports is on a platform that only had light-tether DPS, this means those DPS can't soak the tower. And since the platforms aren't crossable, that support needs to go to the middle of the arena, and drop the tower, so that a dark-tethered DPS on the other platform can soak it. Supports have to make sure they don't drop the tower on top of the DPS; that will kill them prematurely and prevents the soaking. Meanwhile, Supports at north and south will need to drop their line AOEs, so that they don't hamper the others. Move the +-shaped lines, to the outer-most corner of the platform, and x-shaped lines to the center-outercorner of the southern platform. One last thing; two more adds also drop next to the northern and southern platforms as the towers are dealt. These adds will fire two lasers to the players closest to them. Players that bait these adds are the ones who don't deal with light/dark towers in any way. Move close to them, and make sure their lasers hit only their respective baiter. Athena ends this mechanic with On the Soul.
Athena casts Glaukopis again along with some auto-attacks, before teleporting to the center. She will then prepare for a limit-cut mechanic. First, she casts Ultima Blade raidwide (has no castbar), that shrinks the arena into an octagon. Twelve adds will leap up, and Athena after them. She will then appear in one of the corners of the octagon and each player receives dots from 1 to 8. These dots indicates the order Athena will charge at a player. Each charge damages the player and leaves a puddle, that inflicts heavy DoT-bleed if standing on it for too long. The damage of the charge must be taken in pairs, but since it also inflicts Magic Vulnerability Up, the charges need to dealt in a specific way. At the same time, the adds appear on the center, either doing small point-blank AOEs or shooting two lasers to two closest players to them. The lasers are shot four times, which means each player has to bait one laser.
To resolve this mechanic, do the following:
- Form up following pairs according to dots: 1&3, 2&4, 5&7, 6&8.
- 1&3-pair will go to directly opposite corner from Athena's starting corner, 2&4-pair will go close to Athena's starting corner. 5&7-pair goes to the other side of Athena's starting corner and position themselves to bait the first lasers from the adds. 6&8-pair go to the opposite side from 5&7.
- Athena will charge to the players in order and leaves the bleed puddle with every charge. Move out from the puddle clockwise to the next corner and wait for the next charge. When 1&3-pair has been hit twice, they exchange places with 5&7. 2&4 will do the same with 6&8.
- Lasers will be baited in the following order: 5&7, 6&8, 1&3, 2&4. Each pair needs to move closer to the adds to ensure they target the right players and ensure the lasers hit only the intended targets, since they cause damage in a line.
Once Athena has done 8 charges and each pair has baited the lasers, have the entire party group up in the north to heal up and deal with Theos's Ultima, a massive raidwide. Athena first destroys four center sections, leaving the northern and southern sections, then she begins casting the raidwide. Use at least one of every party mitigation you have available to mitigate the damage. If too many players are KO'd before this, it is likely this will KO the rest, as the damage from the raidwide is shared by the whole party.
After the cast, the arena returns to normal. You now have only two major mechanics left before Athena enrages: Superchain Theory IIA and Superchain Theory IIB.
- IIA: Athena spawns a number of chains seen on the first Superchain Theory. Their resolve positions are in a vertical line in the center. At the same time as these chains are dealt with, Athena casts the turning version of the Trinity of Souls. The first chain is the pair-chain in north or south (the one with the shortest chain), the second is donut in the middle, and the third one is pair- or spread-chain either at north or south. Resolve these chains according to the Trinity. After this, Athena casts either Apodialogos or Peridialogos, and finally On the Soul.
- IIB: In this mechanic, the chains appear in sequence. First two chains are donut and ball. Start from the donut. Next, a pair-chain or a spread-chain appears either left or right from the donut, and Athena also casts Parthenos, a line AOE that goes through her. Move to the Pair-/Spread-chain and evade Parthenos, then resolve the chain. After the chain, two adds on the north will fire blasts to evade. Finally, a combo chain of ball and either pairs or spread must be resolved. Athena casts Unnatural Enchainment to destroy the platform save for one section close to the final chain. Move there immediately after resolving the chains.
After all the previous have been resolved, Athena casts two more On the Souls and auto-attacks before enraging. If you manage to drop her HP to 0 before this, you have made it to phase two. Otherwise, it is a wipe.
Phase 2[]
This phase starts with Ultima-raidwide and a tankbuster, Palladian's Grasp: Athena targets the player with highest aggro and smashes the half of the arena where that player is. This also inflicts Physical Vulnerability Up. There will be two hits, which means that either Tanks need to swap during the cast and the rest of the party must be on a different half than Tanks, or use Invulnerability.
Next, Athena casts Gaiaochos. This leaves a small circle safe in the middle and also causes raidwide damage. When the screen flashes, the party will be shrunk and only a half sphere of the arena remains. In this state you need to deal with two other mechanics:
- Summon Darkness: Athena spawns three adds, that will fire lasers. Before they fire, every support will get chained to a DPS. You need to cut these chains by moving away from each other. Note that you'll receive the chains and then a debuff. Wait until you get the debuff before moving. Find the add that is furthest away from the other adds, and have supports move to the left of it, and DPS to the right of it. Once far enough, the chains will cut, and the adds fire.
- Demi-Parhelion & Geocentrism: Nine small AOEs appear that are easy to avoid, but they are not the main issue here. Athena will wrap her tentacles to the arena with one out of three ways: horizontally, vertically or around it. All three has the same effect, but in a different form. The arena will burst into flames, but safe areas are also generated. Each player is also targeted by a personal AOE.
- Horizontal: Two narrow safe lanes are generated horizontally between the AOEs. Commonly, Tanks and Melees spread in the upper lane, Healers and Ranged on the lower lane.
- Vertical: Two narrow safe lanes are generated vertically between the AOEs. Commonly, light party 1 spreads on the left lane, light party 2 on the right lane.
- Around: A circle-safe area is generated around the middle AOE. Have the whole party spread inside it.
Athena casts Ultima, that restores the arena to normal.
After a few auto-attacks comes the next mechanic: The Classical Concepts. Twelve geometric forms appear: four red pyramids, four yellow cubes and four blue icosahedrons. The goal here is to intercept the pyramids and cubes so that they don't reach the icosahedrons. If this happens, it is a wipe. The party also receives debuffs marked with either alpha or beta. Finally, pairs will be formed by PlayStation markers. This forces the players within pairs to stay close to each other by a green tether Here's the mechanic step-by-step:
- The forms appear in four vertical columns. Each column has one icosahedron. Have each pair meet at one of the icosahedrons, for example in the following order from left to right: X, square, circle, triangle.
- Position yourself to a cardinal line from the icosahedrons, so that alpha-debuffs intercept a pyramid, and beta-debuffs intercept a cube. The forms move cardinally to the nearest icosahedron. Note, that there may be two possible pyramids/cubes in this way, but only one is the correct one. You need to look at the other pairs, how they position to identify, which form is the correct one.
- Purple tethers appear from the forms, if you positioned yourself correctly. Hold still, until the tethers disappear, including the green tether.
- Once the tethers are gone, find safe spot, because the forms will explode with an AOE. You had better spread out at this point because of the final step.
- Once the forms have exploded, Athena casts Palladian Ray. Two tentacles drop to the platform, that fires a rays at each player, four from each. As soon as the tentacles fire, move away from the ray. Be careful you don't accidentally clip anyone with your ray.
After another Ultima, Athena casts a second tankbuster, Crush Helm. This targets two highest players on the aggro table for five hits. The first four hits inflict a stacking Physical Vulnerability Up-debuff, and the fifth hit is a bigger hit with massive damage. To survive this, Healers (or a Bard) need to use Esuna on the tanks to cleanse the debuff before the fifth hit, but it has to be timed, so that Tanks have no stacks of the debuff, when the fifth hit comes. Tanks also need to mitigate as well. Alternatively, Paladins can Cover their co-tank, ensuring that only they get the vulnerability stacks and only requiring one Esuna cast.
Next comes one of the more confusing mechanics: Caloric Theory. Here will be explained a strategy mostly used in EU. During the cast, a grid will appear to help with resolving this mechanic. Have the party spread out in specific spots, that are located on the grid's intersections, with a certain distance away from adjacent's spots, either two lines away vertically, or one diagonal line between spots. Make six spots in this way in circular manner, and one spot at the middle of the circle. This is because of a certain stacking debuff each player receives.
During the cast, two players will get a mark above their heads. These two players will need to be at the center spot, everyone else need to be on the circle spots. When the cast ends, each player receives two out of three debuffs:
- A stacking fire debuff, that will increase in stacks when moving, and when they receive fire damage. If this debuff gets five stacks, it will blow up, wiping the party. So don't let this debuff get five stacks. It also blows up, if a player dies. Half of the party receives this debuff with 1 stack, the other half with 2 stacks.
- A yellow fire debuff with 10 second timer. Causes a small AOE explosion to be taken in pairs. Half of the party receives this debuff. These player will have 1 stack of the stacking debuff.
- A green wind debuff with 20 second timer. Causes a wider AOE, that can damage only the respective player. The other half of the party receives this debuff. The players with the marker above them during the cast will always receive this debuff. These players will have 2 stacks of the stacking debuff.
Once you get the debuffs, wind debuff-players will need to form pairs with the fire debuff-players. Fire debuff players stay still, while the wind debuff players come to them. You can only move either two vertical gridlines or one line diagonally to make sure your stacking debuff receives max of four stacks as this mechanic is resolved. Prioritize moving clockwise, only move counter-clockwise if you can't move clockwise. Once the wind-debuff players have reached their pair, wait for the fire debuffs to solve. If done correctly, the first fire debuffs explode safely and wind debuff-players will have four stacks of the stacking debuff. From this point onward, wind debuff players don't move at all.
Two players will then receive another yellow fire debuff. These players will need a pair to resolve this. Since the wind debuff players can't take part with this, it is up to the four players that received the first yellow fire debuffs. Identify your pair, and move to a position that is either two vertical gridlines or one diagonal line away from wind debuff-players. If you find the correct spot, the wind debuffs and the fire debuffs explode safely, and the stacking debuffs will also disappear.
Next mechanic is Ekpyrosis. This is actually simple compared to previous mechanic. Two proximity AOEs appear and four moving explosion AOE- markers, that will travel either horizontally or diagonally. If horizontally, have light party 1 move to a safe location on the western edge and light party 2 similarly to the eastern edge. If diagonally, have Tanks and Melees find safety at the northern adge and Healers and Ranged at the southern edge, in order to maintain uptime. Try to find the safest location according to the proxomity AOEs. Once you've found the safe spot, the proximities explode and the explosions begin to move. As soon as they move, spread out, as every player is about to be hit with a personal AOE. This doesn't hurt much on its own, but if two or more AOEs stack, it will KO you. Dodge the remaining explosions and then mitigate another Ultima.
Next comes another more complex mechanic: Pangenesis and Pantheos. Pangenesis inflicts a number of DNA-debuffs, which will determine how to resolve Pantheos:
- No DNA: All players receive this, but only the two players that receive only this debuff will need pay attention to this.
- 1-stack DNA: Two players will receive this.
- 2-stack DNA: The remaining four players receive this, alongside light and dark debuffs with 16- or 20-second debuffs.
After the debuffs are received, Athena casts Pantheos, which will bring down a sequence of light- and dark towers to be soaked. Each tower must be taken in pairs, but there's a specific pattern on how to soak the towers. You will get two sets of five towers.
- The first towers are soaked by the no DNA-players and the 2-stack DNA players, that have the 16-second light/dark debuffs. Remember, light debuff soaks a dark tower, and dark debuff soaks light tower.
- The second set of towers has a light and dark towers. The northern tower will be soaked by the players, who soaked the first towers, while southern tower is soaked by the 1-stack DNA players, and the 2-stack DNA players with 20-second light/dark debuffs.
- The last set of towers are soaked according to the light/dark debuffs the players have received after soaking the second towers. Those players, that didn't receive any light/dark debuffs after the second set of towers will soak the tower in front of them.
As you soak the towers, you also form up combinations due to the DNA debuffs. These combinations spawn slimes that must be dealt with after the towers are done. After a while, these slimes tether to nearby players. The players, who had only the no DNA-debuff at the start will need to gather these tethers and move to a location, where the slimes won't harm anyone else. The slimes jump to the tethered players, causing a very wide AOE. While this is happening, Athena casts Palladian's Grasp-tankbuster. Make sure the party is not on the same half as the Tank who is being targeted. It may be wiser for Tank to use Invulnerability for this.
Following the previous. Athena's next mechanics are enhanced versions of The Classical Concepts, Caloric Theory and Gaiaochos, in that order. The second Classical Concepts starts the same as the first, but in the middle of it, Athena casts Panta Rhei. This will cause the shapes to flip both horizontally and vertically after the cast. What this means, is that after you find your correct spot, you need to move to the spot that is mirrored from your correct spot. An easy way to do this is to turn your camera directly to the middle spot, and then just move directly forward until you reach your actual spot. You must be in the actual spot before the forms flip. Be mindful that you are still tethered to a pair, and you can't be too far from each other. Also, Palladian Ray is cast like in the first concepts, but here the rays are shot before the forms explode. What this means is that you need to bait the rays and then move into safe location from the explosions.
Another Crush Helm is cast and it is followed by the second Caloric Theory. For this, you will need to use the same circular waymarks used during the first Caloric Theory, but you will need one more waymark, so that the waymarks form a Q-shape. Have every player take their own spot during the cast like in the first Caloric. Seven players will a get a green mark, and one will receive a red mark. Red marked player moves to the middle, and anyone there goes to to that player's starting position. Once the cast ends, every player receives the same wind debuff and the stacking debuff from the first Caloric. Again, the stacking debuff must not reach five stacks. One player receives a new debuff with eight stacks. Each stack drops an AOE on your feet, and you need to move away from it, but due to the move limit, you need to be precise. With this 8-stack debuff you will need to play "Hot Potato": pass the debuff to the next player after you have dropped your AOE. Below step-by-step:
- The first player drops his/her AOE, and then moves to the player, who is clockwise from his/her position, and passes the debuff to that player.
- After passing the debuff, move to safe position acccording to the move restrictions, so that you don't clip anyone with the wind-debuff, which will blow up at the end.
- The passing debuff is then passed to the next player always moving clockwise. Never pass it to the middle player. The player in the middle stays still the whole mechanic.
- After the last AOE is dropped, the wind-debuffs blow up. If everyone are far enough from each other, they blow up harmlessly.
Another Ekpyrosis is cast, which is same as the first. Following it comes the final set of mechanics: the second Gaiaochos.
- Gaiaochos starts like the first: shrinking the party and reducing the arena to a circle.
- Summon Darkness is cast, but this time there is only one add. Chains will be cast like in the first Gaiaochos. Don't cut the chains right away.
- Demi-Parhelion and Geocentrism are cast. Look, whether the tentacles are horizontal or vertical. Once you know which one, cut the chains by moving to the far end of the safe lines. The add will fire wide line AOE just as the arena bursts into flames. Immediately after the add fires, spread quickly in the safe lanes so that your AOE blast doesn't clip anyone.
- Next, either all supports or DPS will be tethered to a new add. The blast from these adds must be taken in pairs, so that the untethered player is in front. Form pairs as follows: Tanks with Melee DPS, Healers with Ranged DPS. These tethers will happen twice, and on different sides and different targets. Draw these tethers as far as possible and keep them straight. Athena also casts Ultima between the tethers.
After all the previous have been done, Athena casts Ignorabimus as her enrage: she crushes the arena at the end of the cast, wiping the party if she is not defeated before that.
Enemy | Pic | HP | Abilities |
Athena | 24,721,700 | Attack, On the Soul, Trinity of Souls, Paradeigma, Glaukopis, Superchain Theory, Parthenos, Unnatural Enchainment, Ultima Blades, Palladion, Theos's Ultima, Dialogos | |
Anthropos | 534,916 | Attack, Clear Cut, Ray of Light |
Enemy | Pic | HP | Abilities |
Athena | |||
Anthropos | |||
Pallas Athena |
Each party member is guaranteed to receive an Unsung Blade of Anabaseios, in addition to any other items received from treasure chests. Additionally, all party members have a chance to obtain an Athena card.
Each party member is guaranteed to receive a copy of the Anabaseios Mythos IV. Additionally, all party members have the chance to obtain an Athena card.
Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle is unlocked during the quest A Mother's Touch, with clearing the raid being the quest's first objective. The Savage variation can be unlocked after completing Guided by the Past by speaking with Nemjiji and choosing the option "Recount tales of Anabaseios".
Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle script | |
Ascencion | |
Athena | You have done well to reach the seat of godhood. Now, bare your souls to me! |
Athena (on engaging) |
Show me your all, that I might become divinity manifest! |
Athena (while casting Trinity of Souls) |
You cannot escape my eternal gaze! |
Athena (while casting Paradeigma) |
From nothing, I mold life! |
Athena (while casting Superchain Theory) |
These chains are forged from the fabric of creation! |
Athena (while casting Parthenos) |
Shine brilliant for me! |
Athena (while casting Unnatural Enchainment) |
To silent vessels, I give voice! |
Athena (before casting Ultima Blade) |
This is but a glimpse of a god's strength! |
Athena (while casting Palladion) |
Behold such power as you will never wield! |
Athena (while casting Theos's Ultima) |
From the deepest pit of the seven hells to the pinnacle of the heavens, the world shall tremble! |
Athena (after casting Theos's Ultima) |
Such a singularly resolute soul... |
Athena (while casting Dialogos) |
Today, my theory shall be proven as fact! |
Phase 1[]
Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle script | |
Ascencion | |
Athena | You have done well to reach the seat of godhood. Now, bare your souls to me! |
Athena (on engaging) |
Show me your all, that I might become divinity manifest! |
Athena (while casting Paradeigma) |
From nothing, I mold life! |
Athena (while casting Trinity of Souls) |
You cannot escape my eternal gaze! |
Athena (while casting Superchain Theory) |
These chains are forged from the fabric of creation! |
Athena (while casting Peridialogos or Apodialogos) |
Today, my theory shall be proven as fact! |
Athena (while casting Unnatural Enchainment) |
To silent vessels, I give voice! |
Athena (before casting Ultima Blade) |
This is but a glimpse of a god's strength! |
Athena (while casting Palladion) |
Behold such power as you will never wield! |
Athena (while casting Theos's Ultima) |
From the deepest pit of the seven hells to the pinnacle of the heavens, the world shall tremble! |
Athena (after casting Theos's Ultima) |
Such a singularly resolute soul... |
Athena (before casting Superchain Theory IIB) |
Miscalculations are inveitable...but vexing! |
Athena (while casting Parthenos) |
Shine brilliant for me! |
Athena (while casting On the Soul for the last time) |
What arrogance to defy a god! |
Phase 2[]
Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage) script | |
Ascencion | |
Athena (during phase transition) |
Could my theories have been flawed...? Although I wished so ardently... But perhaps...with the Heart of Sabik! Yes... the flaws are not mine... This misbegotten world is to blame... Only the hands of god can fix it—my hands! |
Athena (on engaging) |
I can create worlds—or unmake them! |
Athena (while casting Palladian's Grasp) |
I will not be denied! |
Athena (while casting Gaiaochos) |
Only I can guide this star to its rightful place! |
Athena (while casting Summon Darkness) |
Denizens of the abyss! From ink of blackest night, I summon you! |
Athena (when unleashing Geocentrism) |
Death happens to bend to my will! |
Athena (when casting Palladian Ray) |
A god's will cannot be disobeyed! |
Athena (while casting Crush Helm) |
Misfortune hangs heavy on the prideful. Poor cover for when the heavens fall. |
Athena (while casting Caloric Theory) |
The elements flow according to my design. |
Athena (while casting Ekpyrosis) |
This world must be made anew! |
Athena (while casting Pangenesis) |
Creation's course is mine to set! |
Athena (while casting The Classical Concepts) |
From base elements is greatness forged! |
Athena (while casting Panta Rhei) |
The wheel of life turns by my hand! |
Athena (while casting Ultima for the last time) |
Why do you suffer this pathetic existence!? |
Athena (when starting to cast Ignorabimus) |
I... I am infallible... |
Athena (while casting Ignorabimus) |
Why...does this world persist? Why... do I persist? |
Musical themes[]
"Athena, the Tireless One" is the theme that plays during Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle, and its orchestrion roll is potential a drop from one of the treasure chests. In Savage, "Ultima's Perfection (Endwalker)" plays during the battle against Pallas Athena and is a guaranteed drop from the chest.
Behind the scenes[]
Many of Athena's mechanics are named after disproven or untestable scientific theories.
- Superchain theory is a synonym for superstring theory, which in itself is shorthand for supersymmetric string theory. This attempts to explain all the particles and fundamental forces of nature into one theory by modeling them as vibrations of extremely small supersymmetric strings. There is currently no experimental evidence in favor of it.
- Gaiaochos, or geocentrism, is the idea that the Earth is at the center of the solar system and not the sun, disproved in favor of the heliocentric model, the modern incarnation of which places the sun at the center of a given solar system.
- Caloric theory is the idea that a weightless gas makes heat and cold flow, disproved by modern thermodynamics.
- Classical concepts, also known as the classical theory of concepts and definitionism, is a school of thought that believes that proper explanations of a given theory consists of all the concepts used by that theory being well-defined. This approach has been widely criticized for its dismissal of the importance of ostensive definitions.
- Ekpyrosis is the idea that there was never a beginning or end of the universe, leading to a cyclical rebirth. This theory is currently unproven.
- Pangenesis is the disproven hypothetical mechanism of heredity in which cells can be manipulated into inheriting properties from their parents, proposed by Charles Darwin in 1868. This was disproved by Darwin's half-cousin Francis Galton, who performed a blood transfusion between rabbits and found no noticeable changes in their offspring.
Athena's Savage enrage, Ignorabimus, comes from the Latin phrase ignoramus et ignorabimus, which means "we don't know and will not know", representing the idea that scientific knowledge is limited.