The Amdusias is a flying demon enemy in Final Fantasy IX. It can be fought as a challenge in Treno's weapon shop, and in the Pandemonium.
Amdusias can use LV4 Holy, which will affect characters of levels divisible by four. Quina can learn this spell from it.
An Amdusias is fought as a minor boss during the "You're Not Alone" segment in Pandemonium. Zidane begins the fight alone but is soon joined by Freya and Amarant. This version is no stronger than the version fought later on, and the only notable problem is the possibility of it poisoning the player before the next fight in the segment.
Amdusias can counter attacks with Bio when he is on the ground, and Horn while he is airborne, essentially allowing him to attack twice in one round if lucky.
An efficient way of dealing with the enemy is to equip Demon Killer or Bird Killer to increase damage it, and simply attack.
AI script[]
Treno battle[]
Function Amdusias_ATB
if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[STAND_ANIMATION] == 0 )
if ( ( GetRandom & 1 ) && ( SV_FunctionEnemy[MP] >= 25 ) )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | DEATH | JUMP| POISON) )
if ( #SV_Target )
Attack( Bio )
if ( !lvl4holyflag && !( GetRandom & 1 ) && ( SV_FunctionEnemy[MP] >= 22 ) )
set SV_Target = SV_PlayerTeam
set lvl4holyflag = TRUE
Attack( LV4 Holy )
set SV_Target = SV_FunctionEnemy
Attack( Continue1 )
if ( GetRandom & 1 )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
Attack( Horn )
set SV_Target = SV_FunctionEnemy
Attack( Continue2 )
Function Amdusias_Counter
if ( ( GetAttackCommandId == Skill ) && ( GetAttackId == What's That?! ) )
if ( !( GetRandom % 3 ) )
set SV_Target = GetAttacker
if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[STAND_ANIMATION] == 0 )
if ( ( SV_FunctionEnemy[MP] >= 25 ) && #SV_Target && !( #Matching(SV_Target[STATUS_CURRENT], POISON) ) )
Attack( Bio )
Attack( Horn )
Pandemonium battle[]
Using global variable zidane
Using global variable freya
Using global variable amarant
Using global variable freyaavailable
Using global variable amarantavailable
Using global variable callfreya
Using global variable callamarant
Using global variable amdusiasadjusthp
Using global variable amdusiasenablehplimit
Function Main_Init
InitObject( Amdusias )
set zidane = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 0 )
set zidane |= ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 1 )
set freya = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 12 )
set amarant = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 13 )
while ( GetBattleState != 1 )
Wait( 1 )
if ( #freya )
set freyaavailable = TRUE
set freya[PRESENCE_OFF] = 1
if ( #amarant )
set amarantavailable = TRUE
set amarant[PRESENCE_OFF] = 1
Wait( 1 )
RunBattleCode( Enable ATB )
Function Main_Loop
if ( callfreya && !freyashownup )
set freyashownup = TRUE
while ( IsAttacking != 0 )
Wait( 1 )
RunBattleCode( Disable ATB )
while ( GetBattleState != 1 )
Wait( 1 )
set amdusiasenablehplimit = TRUE
set zidane[MODEL_OFF] = 65535L
set freya[PRESENCE_ON] = 1
if ( !( #Matching(freya[STATUS_AUTO], FLOAT) ) )
RunBattleCode( Run Camera, 9 )
RunBattleCode( Run Camera, 11 )
BattleDialog( "Looks like you need some help." )
Wait( 45 )
set zidane[MODEL_ON] = 65535L
Wait( 30 )
RunBattleCode( Enable ATB )
while ( GetBattleState != 4 )
Wait( 1 )
elseif ( callamarant && !amarantshownup )
set amarantshownup = TRUE
while ( IsAttacking != 0 )
Wait( 1 )
RunBattleCode( Disable ATB )
while ( GetBattleState != 1 )
Wait( 1 )
set amdusiasadjusthp = 1
set freya[MODEL_OFF] = 65535L
set amarant[PRESENCE_ON] = 1
if ( !( #Matching(amarant[STATUS_AUTO_A], FLOAT) ) )
RunBattleCode( Run Camera, 10 )
RunBattleCode( Run Camera, 12 )
BattleDialog( "Can’t you even take care of yourself?" )
Wait( 45 )
set freya[MODEL_ON] = 65535L
Wait( 30 )
RunBattleCode( Enable ATB )
while ( GetBattleState != 4 )
Wait( 1 )
Wait( 1 )
Function Amdusias_Init
set attacklist = [ Bio ; Continue1 ; Thundara ]
Function Amdusias_Loop
if ( !initflag )
set initflag = TRUE
if ( freyaavailable && amarantavailable && #( SV_PlayerTeam & zidane ) )
if ( !amdusiasenablehplimit )
set SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] = SV_FunctionEnemy[MAX_HP]
elseif ( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] < ( SV_FunctionEnemy[MAX_HP] - 10000 ) / 2 + 10000 )
set reachedhplimit = TRUE
if ( amdusiasadjusthp )
set amdusiasadjusthp = FALSE
set reachedhplimit = FALSE
set adjustedhp = 1
set SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] = ( SV_FunctionEnemy[MAX_HP] - 10000 ) / 2
set SV_FunctionEnemy[MAX_HP] = ( SV_FunctionEnemy[MAX_HP] - 10000 ) / 2
if ( reachedhplimit && !adjustedhp )
if ( #Matching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], JUMP) )
set SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] = SV_FunctionEnemy[MAX_HP]
set callamarant = TRUE
Wait( 1 )
Function Amdusias_ATB
if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[STAND_ANIMATION] == 0 )
if ( !callfreya )
if ( continue1counter < 255 )
set continue1counter++
if ( continue1counter == 1 )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | DEATH | JUMP | POISON) )
Attack( Bio )
if ( continue1counter == 2 )
set SV_Target = SV_FunctionEnemy
Attack( Continue1 )
set selectedattack = RandomAttack( attacklist )
if ( selectedattack == Bio )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | DEATH | JUMP | POISON) )
elseif ( selectedattack == Continue1 )
set SV_Target = SV_FunctionEnemy
elseif ( selectedattack == Thundara )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
Attack( selectedattack )
if ( GetRandom & 1 )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
Attack( Horn )
set SV_Target = SV_FunctionEnemy
Attack( Continue2 )
Function Amdusias_CounterEx
if ( ( GetAttackId == Continue1 ) && !callfreya )
set callfreya = TRUE
Function Amdusias_Counter
if ( ( GetAttackCommandId == Skill ) && ( GetAttackId == What's That?! ) )
if ( !( GetRandom % 3 ) )
set SV_Target = GetAttacker
if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[STAND_ANIMATION] == 0 )
if ( ( SV_FunctionEnemy[MP] >= 25 ) && #SV_Target && !( #Matching(SV_Target[STATUS_CURRENT], POISON) ) )
Attack( Bio )
Attack( Horn )
Other appearances[]
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Amdusias changes its behavior depending on whether its on the ground or in the sky, kupo. On the ground it uses magic attacks like Bio and Thundara, and in the air it uses the physical attack Horn! It also uses either Bio or Horn to counterattack, depending on where it is, kupo. Amdusias is vulnerable to wind damage, so abilities like Aero Strike hit hard! It's immune to earth damage, though, so don't even bother! It's also resistant to Power Break, so use Protect to raise your party's Defense if the damage gets too heavy, kupo!
Dr. Mog's Advice
The Amdusias appears as an enemy in late Final Fantasy IX dungeons, and as a boss in the Pandemonium, Part 1 Core Dungeon. It can cast Bio and Thundara when grounded and uses physical blows when in the air. It is weak to wind and nullifies earth.
Amdusias is a Grand Duke of Hell. His appearance is said to be that of a man with claws instead of feet and hands, the head of a unicorn, and a trumpet, or either just a unicorn that can change into a man at request. He is associated with thunder, has a boisterous voice. Some sources say he can give concerts when commanded, and although they will be heard, instruments are never seen. He can also make trees bend at will.
In Goetic demonology,