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A mysterious dancer. Uses an alluring WaistShake to Muddle opponents.

Final Fantasy VI PlayStation Bestiary entry

The Amduscias, otherwise known as the Tap Dancer or TapDancr, is an enemy in Final Fantasy VI.



Amduscias always uses Booty Shake on its first turn, which confuses one party member. They are not particularly dangerous on their own, but the Amduscias is always flanked by two Coverts, which will throw items and prevent the party from fleeing.

The Ragnarok summon can rarely turn them into Miracle Shoes, a rare and useful relic.


The Amduscias should be saved for last, as the Coverts are more formidable. To defeat the Amduscias, a single Rasp spell with a decent Magic stat can damage all its MP with one casting and kill it instantly, but normal attacks will also work.

Coliseum setup[]

Amduscias cannot use her counterattack because Throw is disabled within the Coliseum, so the player only has to contend with physical attacks and a few status spells. A Ribbon or Peace Ring will make the wearer immune to Amduscias's Booty Shake.


Number Enemies Encounter flags Introduction flag Musical theme Magic AP
Normal Back Surrounded Side
350 Amduscias, Covert x2 Y Y Y Y Sides, individual Battle 3
351 Amduscias, Baalzephon Y Y Y Y Sides, individual Battle 2

AI script[]

Normal script[]

Attack Turns:
1st Turn: Attack (66%) or Booty Shake (33%)

If attacked by "Throw": Throw: Enhancer or Crystal Sword

Coliseum script[]

Attack Turns:
1st Turn: Attack (25%) or Booty Shake (25%) or Slowga (25%) or Hastega (25%)

If attacked by "Throw": Throw: Enhancer or Crystal Sword

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

PFF Amduscias FFVI
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In Goetic demonology, Amdusias is a Grand Duke of Hell. His appearance is said to be that of a man with claws instead of feet and hands, the head of a unicorn, and a trumpet, or either just a unicorn that can change into a man at request. He is associated with thunder, has a boisterous voice. Some sources say he can give concerts when commanded, and although they will be heard, instruments are never seen. He can also make trees bend at will.

Amduscias' older name was Tap Dancer. Tap dance is a form of dance characterized by using the sounds of tap shoes striking the floor as a form of percussion.

Related enemies[]
