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Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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Constaint has decided on a new course of action.

Quest description

All According to Plan All According to Plan is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • Rather than attempting to retrace Solkzagyl's steps, Constaint has decided that it would be better to simply pursue Death's Embrace, as they are the ones in possession of Oathkeeper. Before he embarks upon this venture, however, there is one matter he would like to discuss with Hundred Eyes, the man who buried his master...
  • Constaint begins to question Hundred Eyes about his master's death, but the craftsman brusquely refuses to answer, stating simply that he buried him, and that he needs not know anything else. The boy apologizes for asking and leaves to seek out someone who might know the whereabouts of Death's Embrace.
  • According to Emerissel, the assassins-turned-bandits have not been seen in western Coerthas for quite some time. Upon learning that the men you seek are Ul'dahn, the Ishgardian is inspired to regale you with a tale of southron idiocy, namely a gang of Ul'dahns who managed to sneak aboard the airships which travel regularly to Camp Cloudtop. The Ul'dahns then attempted to seize the Protector, despite the fact that the airship is not fit for travel. Suspecting this to be a serendipitous coincidence─and having no other leads whatsoever─Constaint suggests that you go and investigate the incident at Camp Cloudtop.
  • House Haillenarte is preparing to hunt down the bandits responsible for the attack, and your assistance with the operation is more than welcome. Join the assembled knights at the Rosehouse.
  • Having learned of House Haillenarte's plans, the Ul'dahns have fled to the east. The commanding officer bids everyone advance with caution, as these are dangerous men desperate to survive.
  • Though the knights manage some success against the former assassins, you must nevertheless come to their aid. One search party is no longer in danger, but the other is nowhere to be seen...
  • Constaint and his search party are able to defeat most of the remaining enemies, but they are unable to subdue the bandits' leader. You, however, have no such trouble. Afterwards, you are surprised to discover a pair of gallant gauntlets amongst the man's possessions...
  • The House Haillenarte knight thanks you for your contribution and leaves to inform Lady Laniaitte of your success. Constaint is beaming with pride, yet how will he react when you show him the gauntlets you found?
  • Constaint is at a loss. There is no possible explanation for how the gauntlets came to be in the assassin's possession. That they were cannot be denied, what could it possibly mean?
  • Given the manner in which they have been struggling to survive, Constaint is forced to conclude that Death's Embrace no longer has Oathkeeper. Surely they would have sold it rather than resort to banditry, he considers. Yet even more disconcerting are the gallant gauntlets, which fit Constaint perfectly─as he suspected they would...

※The next paladin quest will be available from Constaint upon reaching level 60.


  • Speak with Constaint.
  • Speak with Emerissel.
  • Speak with the House Haillenarte squire at Camp Cloudtop.
  • Speak with the House Haillenarte knight at the Rosehouse.
  • Search for the Death's Embrace assassins in the Wisent Herd.
  • Speak with the House Haillenarte knight.
  • Present the gallant gauntlets to Constaint.
  • Speak with Constaint in Falcon's Nest.


All According to Plan All According to Plan script
Constaint I'm beginning to think I've been going about this the wrong way, [Player Name].
Constaint I've been trying to determine the whereabouts of Oathkeeper by retracing Solkzagyl's steps, but honestly, how he came to pursue and die at the hands of Death's Embrace isn't nearly as important as the simple fact that he did.
Constaint Death's Embrace has the sword. It's the only logical conclusion. So if we find them, we find Oathkeeper.
Constaint And even if I'm mistaken, we'd be doing the world a favor by bringing them to justice.
Constaint I wouldn't presume to speak for Solkzagyl, but I'd like to think that he'd agree. Don't you?
Constaint Yes, well...I suppose if we're going to find them, we had best start asking around.
Constaint Though there is one thing which still troubles me. I think I need to speak with Hundred Eyes...
Hundred Eyes Whatever it is, it can wait. I've work to do and no time to do it.
Constaint A moment of your time, if it please...
Hundred Eyes For you, Constaint? Sure, sure.
Constaint It's about Solkzagyl. He... You never told me, exactly did he die?
Hundred Eyes You want me to paint you a bloody picture? He was murdered. I found him, and I buried him. That's all you need to know.
Constaint It's just that, the other day, I could have sworn that I...
Constaint ...Forgive me. I don't know what I was thinking. Don't let me keep you from your labors.
Constaint Let us resume our hunt for Death's Embrace.
Constaint Maybe Emerissel can tell us something of value?
Emerissel Death's Embrace? Those bandits who used to raid caravans bound for Tailfeather? No one's seen neither hide nor hair of them recently. Why do you ask?
Emerissel Ul'dahns, eh? Maybe they ran back to warmer climes!
Emerissel Never understood southrons myself. Queer folk, prone to inexplicable and irrational behavior. Like those buffoons who attempted to seize the Protector, of all things!
Emerissel Apparently they snuck aboard some of the airships ferrying supplies to Camp Cloudtop. Of course, the knights drove them off. Last I heard, they had fled into the wilds screaming “Thal's balls” this and “swivin' whoresons” that.
Constaint ...Are you thinking what I'm thinking, [Player Name]?
Constaint Admittedly, we've no reason to believe these men are the ones we seek, but we've been blessed with serendipity before. There's no harm in investigating, at least.
Constaint This fellow looks rather well-informed. Let's see what he knows.
Emerissel You don't suppose those Ul'dahns who tried to seize the Protector are the selfsame ones you seek, do you? Be awfully convenient if that were the case, but stranger things have been known to happen.
Haillenarteknighta The Ul'dahns who tried to seize the Protector? Aye, I remember them. Baffling, really.
Haillenarteknighta Signed their own death warrants with their ill-conceived attack. You can be sure that House Haillenarte won't allow them to leave these isles alive.
Haillenarteknighta Death's Embrace, eh? I suppose it's possible they're the bandits you seek. You're welcome to help us hunt them down, if you like.
Haillenarteknighta The boy too, yes? He can join my unit. Given your reputation, I think you better suited to the van.
Constaint I won't let you down!
Haillenarteknighta We gather at the Rosehouse. Come─let us delay no further!
Constaint I'll see you there!
Haillenarteknighta I'll look after him, Mistress/Master [Player Name].
Constaint How exciting!
Haillenarteknightb Glad to have you with us, Mistress/Master [Player Name]. Would that we could speak at length, but the Ul'dahns are aware of our plans and have already fled to the east.
Haillenarteknightb Remember that these are desperate, dangerous men! Advance with caution and wait for reinforcements if necessary. With me!
Haillenarteknighta Forgive me, Mistress/Master [Player Name], but we can go no further!
Balloon Not here! Not like this!
Haillenarteknightb We...we have them trapped!
Constaint Be careful, [Player Name]! He's bound a voidsent to his will!
Constaint We did what we could, but we simply haven't the strength...
Haillenarteknightb Well fought, Mistress/Master [Player Name]! Their leader was surely the toughest of the lot.
Haillenarteknightb Lady Laniaitte will be pleased to learn of our success. I shall inform her at once!
Constaint That was amazing, [Player Name]!
Constaint Hm? What have you got there?
Constaint Gallant gauntlets!? Why would a member of Death's Embrace be carrying these?
Constaint ...There's no way he could have possibly planned this. It's too elaborate─nay, impossible! But what other explanation could there be?
Constaint We should return to Falcon's Nest...
Constaint Before we cornered the leader, we came across their camp.
Constaint It was plain to see that they had fallen on hard times, hence why they resorted to common banditry to survive.
Constaint But isn't it strange when you think about it? I mean, if they had Oathkeeper, why not simply sell it? Surely someone would have been willing to pay for it.
Constaint I'm beginning to wonder if Solkzagyl succeeded in reclaiming the sword─or if Death's Embrace ever had it at all...
Constaint And by the Fury, what to make of these pieces of armor...
Constaint Just as I suspected─it fits perfectly.
Constaint Whatever remnants of Death's Embrace there may be will stay in hiding for some time, I should think. But should they dare to reveal themselves, we will finish what we Solkzagyl intended.
Quest complete.