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Louisoix Leveilleur: Eorzea was destroyed by a force of unimaginable power raining down from the sky. It is the dawn of a new age!
The following article covers a subject from a previous version of Alchemist Quests that has since been removed.

The following is a list of Alchemist Quests from Final Fantasy XIV version 1.0.

Sleep, Cousin of Death[]


  • Nogeloix of Frondale's Phrontistery has shared with you some of the basic teachings of the alchemical trade. Within the halls of the Phrontistery are patients suffering from a variety of ailments, and the alchemists busy themselves with their treatment and the development of new medicines. He also tells you of the affliction of the guildmaster's son, Damielliot, who has slipped into unconsciousness. Making his care the guild's top priority, Nogeloix has asked you to travel to Camp Black Brush to procure curative reagents from a merchant named Nomomo.
  • You were able to obtain a mummified mole from Nomomo. Use it together with a bottle of eye drops to create a dose of potent medication.
  • You have successfully concocted a dose of potent medication. Return with it to Frondale's Phrontistery and deliver it to Nogeloix.
  • Nogeloix has directed you to take the dose of potent medication directly to Damielliot's sickroom, hoping that your presence may evoke some physical response. Seek out Healer S'lyhhia and take the corridor to the ward where Damielliot's room is located.
  • After Healer S'lyhhia administered the medicine you brought and attempted to speak to Damielliot, there was an immediate change in his condition. It seems that either the medicine or your presence had some effect after all... Go and see Nogeloix for your reward.

The Boy and the Dragon Gay[]


  • Given the previous effect your presence seemed to have on Damielliot, Nogeloix has asked you to once again visit the guildmaster's son in his sickroom. Head to Frondale's Phrontistery to see young Damielliot.
  • You attempt to speak to Damielliot, only to be answered with feverish and dreamy murmurs of dragons. See if the children around you can make any sense of these near-death ramblings.
  • The children seem to believe that Damielliot must be dreaming of dragons. They claim he was in the midst of telling them a faerie tale involving a dragon just before he took ill. Report what you have learned to Nogeloix.
  • Nogeloix has charged you with the task of traveling to Gridania to purchase a curative herb that may work to alleviate Damielliot's symptoms. The Phrontistery will even cover the cost of any of the reagent you are able to find. Travel north to Gridania—the Adventurers' Guild there may be an ideal place to learn more...
  • At the Adventurers' Guild in Gridania, you find a traveling bard by the name of Penelope who is in possession of the starfall grass you seek, though she has no desire to part with it. You will have to parley with her to change her mind, but first you will need some more information about exactly who she is. Try to find someone else in the Adventurers' Guild who may be able to tell you something.
  • You succeeded in parleying with the bard Penelope. Now speak with her again to negotiate a deal for her starfall grass.
  • Penelope tells you that she is acquainted with Damielliot from her travels to Ul'dah. She then regales you with the epic tale of the Boy and the Dragon Gay, the selfsame tale Damielliot was telling to the children of the Phrontistery. Take the starfall grass she has given you and return to Ul'dah to speak with Nogeloix.
  • You deliver the starfall grass to Nogeloix at the Phrontistery. Next, he asks that you aid Healer S'lyhhia in her hardships with dealing with the children.

Dream On, Dream Away[]


  • Healer S'lyhhia has expressed the Phrontistery's desire for the children not to bear witness to the next phase of Damielliot's treatment. Given your rapport with the young ones, she asks that you come and aid in dealing with them. Travel to the Phrontistery and visit Damielliot's sickroom.
  • Mumbling frantically in the midst of what appears to be a nightmare, you use the Echo to gaze into Damielliot's past. Where is this strange place it has brought you? Is there not a single soul to be found here?
  • You find Damielliot, injured grievously from a fall and unable to move. You must do what you can to help him.
  • Damielliot has given you Frondale's all-purpose poultice together with an alchemical recipe. Use them to create a salve with powerful restorative properties.
  • You successfully created a jar of Faustigeant's salve. Deliver it to Damielliot with all haste.
  • Damielliot tells you that he was kidnapped by a band of brigands from the mountains, but fell from a cliff when the group was attacked by an enormous dragon. Upon coming to his rescue, you find that the feverish, bedridden, nightmare-stricken Damielliot in the Phrontistery miraculously wakes from his coma. Go and report the good tidings to Nogeloix.
