Final Fantasy Wiki

Deals wind damage.


Aero is a Blue Magic spell in Final Fantasy V. It deals basic wind-elemental damage to one target or an entire party. The spell is similar to the Black Magic spells Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder (with a slightly higher spell power). Aero is useful against enemies weak to wind.


The earliest Aero can be obtained is from Moldwynd in the Wind Shrine. After the Blue Mage job is obtained, Moldwynds can be fought there and the spell can be learned.

It can later also be learned from Gigas, Magissa, Mykale, Azulmagia, and Defeater. Defeater will not use the ability normally, meaning Control must be used.


As a spell, Aero's damage is calculated as follows:

If the target absorbs wind, it is healed instead of damaged; if it is immune to wind, the attack misses. If the target resists wind, the Attack modifier in the formula is halved, but if it is weak to wind, the modifier is doubled and the attack ignores the target's Magic Defense. Aero is affected by Reflect.


Blue Mages can use Aero as a basic offensive spell similar to Black Mages using Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder, as a substitute for similar Black Magic spells of the same level. The main differences are that Aero cannot be used with Spellblade or Dualcast. The spell is most useful against enemies weak to wind, and will deal considerable damage. As it costs little MP to cast, there is little harm in using it often; however, Blue Mages can use Goblin Punch instead for free.

Aero is outclassed by Aera once acquired, and later by Aeroga.



Aero is a Greek prefix relating to air and flight. Common usages in modern times include the words "aeroplane" and "aerospace".
