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Aerial Slash is a pet spell from Final Fantasy XIV used by the Summoner Summoner's Garuda-Egi when summoned by Summon Garuda Summon Garuda, dealing area of effect damage.


Base mechanics
  • Executed by Garuda-Egi when summoned by Summon Garuda Summon Garuda
  • Deals magic wind damage with a potency of 100 to target and nearby enemies
  • Garuda-Egi is dismissed upon execution
Formulae Base damage formula:

The exact value of the hidden trait reduction is yet unknown as of Endwalker, but a reduction of 10-20% is present.


Compared to its counterparts, Burning Strike Burning Strike and Rock Buster Rock Buster, Aerial Slash is extremely underpowered, requiring 5 targets just to match their potencies. It is underwhelming even compared to Glittering Emerald, the action it is "upgraded" from. However, this only applies for 5 levels before Aerial Slash is upgraded to Aerial Blast, where it achieves parity with its counterparts.

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Patch history[]

Version Changes
A Realm Reborn
  • Added with 90 potency, a 3 second cast time and 30 second recast
  • Required only level 20 due to the unique mechanics behind Summon Summon, despite Garuda-Egi not being acquired until level 45
  • Would be used automatically by the pet in combat unless set to Obey or Steady
  • Level 24 trait Enhanced Pet Actions Enhanced Pet Actions gave a Aerial Slash a 20% of granting Spell Speed Up Spell Speed Up whenever it dealt critical damage, increasing spell speed by 20% for 8 seconds
Patch 2.3
  • Cast time reduced to instant
  • Enhanced Pet Actions removed
  • Level 62 trait Ruin Mastery Ruin Mastery added, which gave Aerial Slash a 15% chance to grant Further Ruin Further Ruin, upgrading Ruin Ruin and Ruin III Ruin III to Ruin IV Ruin IV
  • Summon no longer available in PvP, and by extension Garuda-Egi and Aerial Slash
Patch 4.1
  • Ruin Mastery effect changed, no longer interacts with Aerial Slash
  • Potency reduced to 60
  • Now only executed when the player used Egi Assault Egi Assault; required level reduced to 10
  • Enhanced Ruin II effect now always activated from Aerial Slash
Patch 5.1
  • Potency increased to 150
  • Potency reduced to 100
  • Now executed when Garuda-Egi is summoned by Summon Garuda; Garuda-Egi is dismissed upon use
  • Upgraded from Emerald Carbuncle's Glittering Emerald via the Emerald Summoning Mastery trait; now requires level 45
  • Level 50 trait Enkindle upgrades Aerial Slash to Aerial Blast
  • No longer appears in the Actions & Traits window, and no longer has a unique icon, instead using the default Cure Cure icon

