Final Fantasy Wiki

The Adventure Log is a menu section in World of Final Fantasy that allows the player to view the progress of their adventure in the storyline, as well as any sidequests the player has accepted.

The Story So Far[]

This sub-menu lists summaries of Lann and Reynn's adventure in the main storyline, and are divided by the chapters in the game. As the player progresses through a chapter, more information is added to the chapter's summary.


This sub-menu lists the progress of Miniventures and Intervention quests the player has accepted. A synopsis for each miniventure and intervention quest is shown, as well as a listing of rewards for each (which are initially displayed as unknown). When the player has fulfilled the miniventure or intervention quest, more information is added to the synopses of its completion, and the name of the rewards are shown.

When the player has successfully fulfilled a miniventure sidequest from an NPC, the player can collect the rewards from this menu without having to collect them directly from the NPC that offered it.
